Chapter 441 Goodbye Uncle
Hong Ling looked at Yurou worriedly, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Yurou, can he refine a sixth-grade weapon?"

Yurou nodded earnestly, and comforted, "Don't worry, since he can agree, he should be somewhat sure." She said so, but she was also extremely worried in her heart.

At this time, Zhao Yufan and Luo Xiang looked at each other for a moment, and they each walked to the refining furnace and started a new round of competition.

Soon, the competition between the two was coming to an end, and the speed this time was almost the same as the last time.

Luo Xiang didn't dare to be careless, and completed the last step seriously, and Zhao Yufan had just refined the sixth-grade weapon.

"Bang!" Putting the sword on the furnace, Zhao Yufan stepped back immediately, "It's done!"

This scene probably left countless people jaw-dropping in amazement. They never expected that at this critical moment, Zhao Yufan would actually complete it.

Luo Xiang frowned slightly, glanced at the sword on the refining furnace, his heart paled in horror, he actually forged a sixth-grade weapon, and it was faster than him, although it was only a little faster.

Luo Song also opened his mouth slightly, with a shocked expression on his face. He knew his brother's level of refining. In the Five Kingdoms, there are only a handful of people who can compete with his brother. In the list of master refining masters in the Five Kingdoms, Luo Xiang was ranked fifth, but today he lost to a young man, which is hard to believe.

Feng Changle looked at the shocked expressions of the black and white ghosts, and a mocking look appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Before coming, the two ghosts, black and white, gave him a lot of embarrassment, as if no one in the world was my opponent, and they didn't pay attention to the other people in Yu Luocha. Today, someone finally made them embarrassing, and Still a young boy.

Thinking of this, Feng Changle felt a burst of joy in his heart, but after all, they were also companions, and the status of the two of them was indeed very high, so he could only be happy in his heart, and he didn't dare to say that, not only did he dare not say that, but he also wanted to Helping the two, "Zhao Yufan's friend is really good, you won this round. But, in terms of real skills, you are still not as good as Senior Luo."

Zhao Yufan smiled brightly and nodded slightly. In terms of real ability, he is indeed not as good as Luo Xiang, but a competition is a competition after all. Since he won one, it is equivalent to saving 100 people. "Senior Luo is indeed very strong." He said casually After saying a word, he continued: "However, shouldn't you let him go?"

Luo Xiang's face was blue and red, and his whole body was trembling with anger. He hadn't been defeated for many years, but today he was defeated by a brat, which made him very uncomfortable. He waved his hands weakly, and roared with ferocious eyes : "Let people go!"

Zhao Yufan did not choose the old man this time, but the child.This time, the selection was very quiet. Even if someone was dissatisfied, no one dared to speak, because they could tell that Luo Xiang was in a bad mood now. As long as they did not deviate, the demon would definitely order to shoot arrows. It is not yet known how many people will die.

One hundred children were let go, and the children didn't understand anything, apart from being frightened by what happened before them, they were at a loss.

"Thank you uncle."

"Goodbye uncle."

"Uncle take care."

The children waved their little hands to say goodbye to Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan laughed happily, like the morning glory placed in front of the windowsill of the house in front, full of vitality.

Feng Changle is also smiling, he still prefers innocent children, but this kind of smile didn't last for a few seconds on his face before it turned into indifference.His voice resounded throughout Bailaocheng, and there was still a trace of anger mixed in his voice: "I have been warning you not to flee! But there are still people who dare to disobey the order, so...they will be punished!"

His words were so sudden that many people were caught off guard. Zhao Yufan was also taken aback, not knowing what happened.

At the moment when everyone was stunned, more than a dozen men in black with scimitars jumped out from the roof in the southeast. This group of men in black was like wild wolves hunting sheep, killing anyone they saw.

Not long after, the people within a hundred meters nearby were completely slaughtered, and the pungent blood became more intense, as if there was an invisible blood mist in the air he was breathing.

Zhao Yufan's expression was cold, his shoulders trembled slightly, and he was ready to make a move. At this moment, Feng Changle warned sharply: "Who dares to move, more people will die!"

In a word, Zhao Yufan didn't dare to move anymore, and neither did the others.

A dozen men in black with scimitars gathered together after killing people, staring indifferently at the people around them.

"Why kill people?" Zhao Yufan stared at Feng Changle, very angry.

Feng Changle said coldly: "I said, as long as you stay here obediently, I will not kill people easily. But just now, someone dared to take advantage of the chaos to kill soldiers, and changed their clothes, trying to sneak away Walk."

Everyone looked timidly at the corpses all over the place. Their bodies seemed to be frozen, and their whole bodies were extremely stiff. There were civilians, warriors, and soldiers in those corpses.

After this incident happened, everyone's thoughts of running away were completely dispelled. They could see that although they were numerous and powerful, they were too heavy and poisonous to resist.

Zhao Yufan is also very helpless, looking around, he knows that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at this place, if someone in the crowd dares to move around, then Feng Changle and others will definitely kill not just one person, but all the people around this person. people.

Murderous aura filled the surroundings, and the breath of death surrounded the surroundings.

The people at the scene really didn't dare to move now, they didn't even dare to talk, they didn't dare to turn their heads, they could only silently look ahead, hoping that all this would end soon.


In the palace of the Shuiyue Empire, the great emperor Cai Dingtian frowned tightly, and the civil and military officials below stood in two rows on the left and right, each of them solemn and solemn.

At this time, any power disputes must be put aside and concentrate on studying the matter of Bailaocheng. This is an extremely important event, which is beyond the expectations of the five countries. This event is the biggest event that has happened in the past hundred years. , the consequences of the matter are unbearable for the five countries.

"Has the statistics come out?" Cai Dingtian asked.

A minister immediately replied: "Report to the emperor, the statistics are complete."

"Read!" Cai Dingtian said.

"Bailaocheng has a permanent population of 200 million. Because of the Alchemy Fair, the recent population has reached more than [-]. Among them, there are as many as [-] Alchemists and Artifact Refiners."

There are more than 6 alchemists and tool refiners, which is an extremely terrifying number. The occupations of alchemists and tool refiners are very rare. In the five countries, there are only more than 200 million alchemists in total.The alchemists and weapon refiners in Bailaocheng are the elite among the 200 million people. If they all die, all countries will be seriously affected.

(End of this chapter)

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