Chapter 442
Even if there are no alchemists and weapon refiners, countries will not ignore this matter, because Bailaocheng claims to have one hundred families, and there were even one hundred Martial Emperors back then, and these hundred Martial Emperors were not all Shuiyue People from the empire, as well as people from other four countries, plus businessmen, and other people who rushed to Bailaocheng, the entire Bailaocheng gathered almost everyone in the five countries. The important thing is that there are many people in this group Their identities are not ordinary, or they are more or less related to people from certain forces.

Anyway, all countries will send experts to support this time. Even the Qinglan Sect, which has the deepest grievances with Zhao Yufan, has also sent experts, and it is forbidden to kill Zhao Yufan in this operation.

Cai Dingtian has been suffering a lot lately. The incident happened in the Shuiyue Empire, so he suffered the heaviest loss. The main reason is that he still can't solve this matter.

At this time, Jiuyin asked: "Great Emperor, who should we send to Bailaocheng? In my opinion, we can only let people from Shuiyuemen come forward."

The emperor had no choice but to nod and said: "That's the only way. Let's send ten Emperor Wu, let the city army near Bailao City immediately surround Bailaocheng."


As the night fell, the sky was full of stars, and the sky above Bailaocheng was still fiery red.

Zhao Yufan and Luo Xiang have already competed ten times, what is exciting is that Zhao Yufan won ten times and saved 1000 people.

At this time, everyone was excited. Maybe as long as Zhao Yufan kept competing with Luo Xiang, all of them would be rescued, but this kind of thinking was obviously impossible, because there were too many people, and Zhao Yufan was probably exhausted to death. It is not possible to save everyone.

At this time, Luo Xiang's eye circles were a little black, his pupils were a little listless, and his whole body seemed to be suffering from a serious illness, and his spirits were low.

At the beginning of the competition with Zhao Yufan, he was just shocked. Later, in order to find the secret of Zhao Yufan's crafting, he competed with Zhao Yufan eight times, but after eight times, he didn't gain anything. This is what made him annoyed and disappointed. The place.

The black and white ghosts have lived for hundreds of years. Winning or losing can only affect their moods, but they can't really hurt them. However, at this moment, Luo Xiang has been hit hard. He has lived for hundreds of years, and his cultivation base is so high. Even more outstanding, but he couldn't see through a young man's weapon refining technique, which almost made him collapse.

The smile on Feng Changle's face disappeared. The horror of this sword god is almost no lower than that of Zhao Yufan. Zhao Yufan's cultivation made Emperor Wu feel horrified, but his friend Sword God can still make all the weapons terrified. If we say that kind of horror It was even more frightening, it was undoubtedly a refiner, because a refiner with the Emperor Wu's cultivation level could definitely shake the Emperor Wu.

Hongling and Yurou blushed in surprise, almost jumped up in excitement, no one knew better than them the horror of the Sword God, what was important was that they knew who the Sword God was, because they knew who the Sword God was, so at this moment They are so excited, excited and shocked at the same time is inevitable.

Qian Zhuang laughed. He was shocked by the horror of the Sword God, but he was obviously more excited at this time. Anyway, the strength of the Sword God is his own strength. Who made him Zhao Yufan's friend? With Zhao Yufan, many refiners All things can be solved easily.

Everyone's emotions were different, but whether they were excited or disappointed, they were undoubtedly shocked, shocked by the horror of the Sword God.

The ten battles between Zhao Yufan and Luo Xiang made his sword god name spread throughout the Five Kingdoms. If he does not die, then his name must be on the list of masters of the Five Kingdoms. If he dies, Then he will cause a sensation in the Five Kingdoms, because his death will reveal a shocking secret, which is enough for countless people to mourn him in silence.

At this time, Zhao Yufan was a little tired, and he was extremely mentally exhausted after ten consecutive refining.Not to mention him, even Luo Xiang was a little exhausted.

Luo Xiang was very angry, and looked at Zhao Yufan fiercely, and finally put his eyes on the crowd, "I'm very angry, so you are going to die!"

He slowly raised his hand, ready to give an order.

"Wait!" Zhao Yufan stopped immediately, Luo Xiang's arms rose and fell, representing thousands of lives. "I know that you are observing my refining technique, and I also know that you are better than me in refining."

Luo Xiang frowned, still raising his arms: "Are you mocking me? I lost to you, how can I be better than you!"

"I'm just faster than you, and you'll be watching me in the next competition." Zhao Yufan said frankly.He still knows who is strong and who is weak. Now in order to prevent Luo Xiang from continuing to slaughter, he can only tell the weapon refining technique, "If I tell the weapon refining technique, will you let them go?"

"If you tell me, from now on, I will no longer order killing!"

Hearing what Luo Xiang said, everyone cheered up and looked at Zhao Yufan expectantly.

The weapon refining technique is the reason for Zhao Yufan's fast speed. If the weapon refining technique is leaked, then his speed will no longer exist.

Countless people began to think at this moment, if it was them, would they tell the enemy about the crafting technique?Shouldn't it?This kind of crafting method is the same as the sect's unique knowledge, unless the entire sect is extinct, otherwise this unique knowledge will not be leaked.

On the mainland, countless people were wiped out because of a unique knowledge, countless people were killed because of a unique knowledge, and countless people died in a unique knowledge. Would Zhao Yufan really say such an important thing?

No one is sure.

Even Hongling and Yurou are not sure that Zhao Yufan will hand over the refining technique, let alone others, because this kind of thing is too important. If you hand him over, you will lose not only the refining technique, but also Countless things.

A pair of expectant eyes looked at Zhao Yufan. They really hoped that Zhao Yufan would be benevolent and righteous, sacrifice himself for others, and hand over the art of refining for them.


A faint voice sounded.

After Luo Xiang finished asking, Zhao Yufan paused for a few seconds, and then said these two words, two words that countless people were looking forward to.

Zhao Yufan didn't care about the refining technique, and even if he got the refining technique, he might not be able to use it, which required continuous hard work and talent.

"Give me a pen and paper, and I'll write it out for you," Zhao Yufan said.

Luo Xiang frowned slightly, but finally agreed.

Zhao Yufan could dictate the refining techniques, but he didn't do that, not because he was afraid that the refining techniques would be heard by others, but because he wanted to delay the time.

It is impossible for him to save everyone by himself, so he can only wait for people from the five countries to come to rescue, and waiting for rescue will naturally take time.

Zhao Yufan's crafting technique lasted until the next morning, and the warm sun in the morning still couldn't make people feel warm, and everyone could feel the deep meaning.

Finally, the refining technique was finished.

(End of this chapter)

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