Chapter 443 The Monarch's Game

Feng Changle didn't care much about Zhao Yufan's trick of delaying time, because they were not afraid of the supporters coming, more precisely, they were waiting for the supporters to come, so the length of time was irrelevant to them.

If Zhao Yufan knew Feng Changle's true thoughts, he would probably vomit blood in anger, but unfortunately he didn't know, and he was still trying to delay time.

"Look carefully. If you think there is something wrong, you can ask me directly." Zhao Yufan said casually. When he handed Luo Xiang the crafting technique, his face was calm, as if he was given a blank sheet of paper.

At this time, some people would call Zhao Yufan an idiot.

"Is he stupid? Why doesn't he show any expression after giving such an important thing to someone else?"

The person who said this sentence ended badly. He died under someone's hidden weapon, and many people didn't know all this. After all, there are more than 10 people here. Breathing also blocks out a lot of sound.

However, Zhao Yufan accidentally discovered this scene. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the person who made the shot, and his expression suddenly became serious. He had a little impression of this person. He was framed and murdered by someone when he returned from the snowy area. Elder, at that time, in order to find out the truth, he went to Prime Minister Zuo's mansion. On the day at Prime Minister Zuo's mansion, all the masters from the Eleven Sects of the Zimang Empire's Demon Dao appeared, and a master from the Tianhuo Sect also came. The master is Elder Iron King, one of the Eight Kings.

And the person who just shot was Elder Tie Wang.

What surprised Zhao Yufan was not that Elder Tie Wang would make a move, but that Elder Tie Wang was not poisoned. Everyone present also had Emperor Wu, but Emperor Wu was also poisoned, but how could this elder Tie Wang not be poisoned?Could it be that...he is also from Jade Rakshasa?
As if aware of Zhao Yufan's gaze, Elder Tie Wang disappeared into the crowd in a blink of an eye, as if he had never appeared before, but this made Zhao Yufan even more certain that he was also a member of Yu Luocha.

However, how could the people from Tianhuo Sacred Gate get in touch with the people from Jade Rakshasa?

At this time, Feng Changle said coldly: "Don't know too much, otherwise you will die."

Hearing this, Zhao Yufan couldn't help but chuckled: " seems I guessed it right."

Feng Changle didn't continue talking, but looked at Elder Tie Wang in the crowd, his expression suddenly became fierce, and he nodded silently.

The moment he nodded, Elder Tie Wang disappeared, this time he did not disappear into the crowd, but left the crowd.

Zhao Yufan stared at Elder Tie Wang leaving, and suddenly felt a tremor in his heart, feeling that something bad was about to happen.While he was meditating, nine people suddenly appeared on an attic in the northwest, one of them stood at the top of the attic, and the remaining eight were behind him.

If they don't talk, absolutely no one will notice them.

Among the nine people, the person at the front spoke slowly. His voice was soft and weak, but it was unusually loud.

"Hello everyone."

Hearing the sound, everyone was startled and turned their heads to look. They saw nine veiled men in black standing on the top of the attic.

"We're meeting for the first time. Let's introduce ourselves." The leader of the man in black patted his forehead, as if he was remembering his name. After a while, he said, "You can call me 'Master'. The person behind me is The eight princes, referred to as the eight kings."

"Eight Kings, Eight Kings... This name is really funny." A martial artist with a martial arts cultivation base whispered.

As soon as his words fell, the lord patted his forehead and said softly: "I don't like anyone insulting others." As he spoke, he pointed at the Martial Lord who mocked the eight kings just now, and suddenly, his fingers shone a bright light.

Before Wu Jun even understood what the monarch said, the man had already flown out.

Everyone looked at the body that had fallen to the ground, with troubled faces on their faces. They had seen too many dead people these days, and now they didn't feel much about the death of one person.

At this moment, everyone is really numb.As long as they are not threatened, they will not move around.

The monarch was very satisfied with this effect, patted his forehead, thought for a moment, and said slowly: "I'm idle and bored, now let's play a game, this game can let you leave this ghost place, hehe..."

"What game?" Qian Zhuang asked with his neck raised.

The monarch's eyes fell on Qian Zhuang, and he smiled softly: " turns out to be Boss Qian. The game is very simple. Each game can have 200 participants. The 200 people are divided into two teams, one team has 100 people, and the two A team fights, and the person who fights to the end can leave here."

Hearing this, everyone's faces were dull. Didn't this make them kill each other?Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and they all seem to say: If you want to go, I won’t go anyway.

However, the monarch didn't care if they went or not, he patted his forehead, raised his thin finger, and swiped lightly: "You guys all come out, if you don't come out, you will die now."

In the face of life and death, no one dared to defy, and immediately stood up one after another.Soon two teams were formed.

Seeing that none of them did anything, the monarch patted his forehead and said with a sneer, "Hehe, I'll give you a minute to think about it. If no one does anything after one minute, you can all die."

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes became fierce. Although the matter was cruel, they might be able to escape.

At this time, Zhao Yufan frowned. The monarch in the attic was obviously using a knife to kill people. If everyone did it, then this kind of tragic fight would continue to be!It must be stopped.

The twin swords on the back were pulled out suddenly, Zhao Yufan stepped hard, and the twin swords thrust forward, approaching the monarch.

The monarch looked at Zhao Yufan, his eyebrows flashed with disdain, he stretched out two fingers, and lightly reprimanded: "Get lost!"

Two bright lights shot out from the middle of the two fingers, and the two bright lights collided with Zhao Yufan's double swords in the blink of an eye.

"Crack! Kick!"

The two fifth-grade swords snapped at the sound, and Zhao Yufan flew out as well.

Seeing this scene, Qian Zhuang and the others turned pale with shock, their faces were full of worry, the sword god was not the opponent's one-stroke enemy, how strong is this group leader?

Zhao Yufan sat on the ground for a few seconds, his face under the mask was full of shock, the strength of this monarch is too terrifying, even Emperor Wu's arrow rain did not make him so embarrassed, and the monarch just raised two fingers, It has already made him like this, what kind of strength is this?
Although he was defeated, he was not discouraged. According to his observation, one of the eight kings behind the monarch is the elder Iron King. For a guy of the same generation, it is only natural that he loses.

Patting the dust off his body, he stared at the monarch, wanting to attack again.

(End of this chapter)

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