Chapter 444 Careful Choice
The monarch saw his intention, patted his forehead, and said with a smile: "You are very good, but... I warn you, if you dare to make a move, I will kill hundreds of people."

This sentence was obviously very effective. Zhao Yufan really didn't dare to do anything. He wanted to save people, not kill them.

The monarch stared indifferently at the two teams who were still thinking, and suddenly shouted: "Kill! Otherwise I will kill you."

Maybe it was because his voice was magical, maybe it was because everyone was frightened, maybe it was because the voice broke everyone's psychological defenses, and the two teams finally rushed to the front, with swords and swords slashing across their haggard faces. The fierce fighting was staged along with the roar.

The blood burst open in front of the fighting people, and the blood on the ground gradually turned from spots to flakes. Although many people were numb to death and blood at this moment, they still couldn't help vomiting when they saw the sharp weapons cutting their bodies.

Zhao Yufan jumped into the fighting crowd to stop him. His two swords were like two iron bars, knocking all the people around him to the ground. However, this did not stop the crazy people from continuing to attack, and some even took the opportunity to kill Zhao Yufan. Injured personnel killed.

Feng Changle, the monarch and the others did not stop Zhao Yufan from doing it. They watched with cold eyes, as if they were watching a big show.

Hongling and Yurou held weapons and were about to step forward to help, but they were stopped by Qian Zhuang, "Don't go, didn't you see it? The appearance of Zhao Yufan has already made the killing faster. If you are going, it is estimated that this fight will soon be over." Finish."

Just like Qian Zhuang said, with Zhao Yufan joining, the casualties of this group of people have increased significantly.

Zhao Yufan was also aware of the situation and had no choice but to withdraw.He walked up to Feng Changle slowly, and said solemnly: "Can I go?"

Feng Changle looked at Luo Xiang and saw that Luo Xiang didn't respond, so he pursed his lips and said, "Yes."

"Farewell!" After saying this, Zhao Yufan left.

Looking at his leaving back, Feng Changle suddenly laughed: "Only Zhao Yufan, Sword God, and Sword Demon can come and go freely from here."

The corner of Luo Xiang's mouth twitched, and he said viciously: "Hey, getting his weapon refining technique is worth the money. Even if this operation fails, we will not lose money. Besides, judging from the current situation, we can be regarded as a success."

Feng Changle nodded, and suddenly looked at Luo Song who rarely spoke: "Senior Luo Song, you have to be careful. If my guess is correct, the sword demon should come back. You also saw the strength of the sword god just now. I guess the sword god The demon's alchemy is also very strong, so be careful."

Luo Song nodded solemnly, looked at the sky, really hoped to fight that sword demon, if this sword demon's level of alchemy was the same as that of the sword god, then it would not be in vain for him to come to Bailao City.

When the sword god left, everyone's hearts seemed to leave with him.

Zhao Yufan left Bailaocheng, and after observing the surroundings for a long time, he took off the silver mask and put on the black mask.Because he has been competing with Luo Xiang, he is very tired now and needs to rest.

After resting for a full day and night, Zhao Yufan finally regained his energy. Looking into the distance, he shook his head slightly, "Hey, I don't know when the reinforcements will arrive. I hope they will arrive as soon as possible, otherwise I have no other choice."

Dressed in black, he sprinted through the jungle and quickly approached Bailaocheng again.

The soldiers on the wall of Bailaocheng saw another masked person coming and immediately reported to Feng Changle.Feng Changle asked the soldiers to bring people in, and there was a little excitement between his brows. This sword demon really came, and he didn't know who was more powerful in alchemy than Luo Song.

Luo Song was also slightly excited. If this sword demon was like that sword god, maybe he would have a lot of gains, could he lose?

Hearing the appearance of the Sword Demon, many people became excited, because many people have heard of the name of the Sword Demon, and the most important thing is that they are also very optimistic about the Sword Demon because of what the Sword God did just now. Like the sword god, he will save a group of people.

Master Yunlong, who has been silent for a long time, has come to the spirit at this moment. He is the person who knows the sword demon best in the scene. He has competed with the sword demon at the beginning. With the alchemy technique of the sword demon, he may really be able to pass Luo Song, but the chances of winning are very small, or even non-existent.

The thin figure of the sword demon slowly appeared in front of everyone. He was full of murderous aura, his eyes were like beasts, which made people shudder. This is the difference between him and the sword god. The sword god gives people the feeling of peace and tranquility , but the sword demon is just the opposite, the whole person is full of tyrannical breath.

"Are you a sword demon?" Feng Changle asked.

Zhao Yufan nodded, looking directly at Luo Song, "Senior Luo, we can start now."

Luo Song nodded slightly, walked towards the alchemy furnace that had been prepared earlier, and asked calmly, "How do you compare?"

Zhao Yufan raised his head and pretended to be thinking. After a while, he said slowly, "For the same batch of medicinal materials, we can refine more, better, and faster pills than anyone else."

"Yes!" Luo Song nodded, and asked with some interest, "How about winning or losing?"

How about winning or losing?That's the point.

Everyone's eyes brightened at this moment, even Feng Changle and the others looked at Zhao Yufan attentively.

Zhao Yufan's fierce eyes slowly swept over everyone, and said domineeringly: "If I win, you will let half of them go!"

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd finally boiled over. This was related to whether they could be freed. Everyone was looking forward to looking at Feng Changle, wishing that Feng Changle would become a fool directly and agree to the request of the sword demon.

Feng Changle is obviously not a fool, even if he is really a fool, the black and white ghosts and the monarch are not fools. For such an important matter, we must be cautious, cautious, and cautious.

"We need to discuss." Feng Changle said.

"Hey..." Zhao Yufan laughed mockingly and nodded slightly.

After discussing for a minute, Feng Changle and the others had an answer.

"Your request can be agreed." Feng Changle said calmly. As soon as these words came out, more than a hundred thousand people went completely crazy.

However, just as more than [-] people cheered excitedly, the dense rain of arrows rushed down from the roof one by one.

Soon, the cheers turned to wailing.

"Idiots, have you forgotten what I said?" Luo Xiang roared darkly.

The rain of arrows this time was longer than the previous ones, and it seemed that they wanted to kill more people on purpose.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of Qian Zhuang's mouth. He is a shrewd businessman, and he can understand the other party's mentality from some clues. Now he feels that the enemy is a little scared. They are afraid that the sword demon can defeat Luo Song, so they just Shoot everyone in advance, and a large number of them.

(End of this chapter)

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