Chapter 451 The Sovereign's Apology

Throwing away his job as an elder, Zhao Yufan immediately felt a lot more relaxed.Han Bingyue and the others followed behind, also smiling.

"Your uncle, you were so arrogant just now." Mo Qi grinned enviously.

The smile on Zhao Yufan's face suddenly froze, and he replied seriously: "It's all about clearing your identity."

When Han Bingyue and the others heard his words, their expressions became a little weird.

"You want to leave Qinglanzong?" Han Bingyue asked coldly.

Pausing in his footsteps, Zhao Yufan thought about it: "Sooner or later."

Several people returned to the ghost tower and sat down one after another.

Zhao Yufan stared at a few people, his eyes wandering between Han Bingyue and Canyue, "Who do you want to be the suzerain?"

Hearing this, several people looked at him at the same time.

Zhao Yufan realized instantly, and immediately waved his hands: "I don't want to be some suzerain. Bingyue, do you think Mu Tianzuo can continue to be the suzerain?"

Han Bingyue frowned slightly, her beautiful eyes looked at Wanyue.Others also looked at Wan Yue, as if they were waiting for her answer.

Wan Yue said coldly: "Whatever."

"Then let Wang Youshi be the suzerain." Zhao Yufan said flatly, peeking at Wanyue out of the corner of his eye, and saw a faint disappointment flashing across Wanyue's face, "Wang Youshi's character is not very good, let him be the suzerain. The disciples of the Qinglan Sect don't do any good."

Hearing what Zhao Yufan said later, Can Yue nodded involuntarily, and continued, "But if Mu Tianzuo can abdicate, you should be much more relaxed in Qinglanzong in the future."

Looking at Canyue's worried eyes, Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and chuckled, "It doesn't make any difference, some things will happen eventually."

Can Yue stared at Zhao Yufan without saying a word.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan said in a deep voice, "If he wants to continue to be suzerain, let him come here to apologize."

Can Yue's delicate body shook, and she nodded slightly. Zhao Yufan was referring to Mu Tianzuo.

In the moonlight, Shuanglong Peak looked extraordinarily quiet and bright.

Above the ghost tower, Zhao Yufan quietly stared at the night sky, he was waiting for Mu Tianzuo.

Mu Tianzuo is arguing with Wanyue in the black bamboo house, and the content of the dispute between the two is the issue of apology.Mu Tianzuo was furious and didn't want to apologize, but hoped that Canyue could persuade Zhao Yufan to help him, and Canyue asked Mu Tianzuo to apologize, only to apologize.

"My majestic suzerain, apologize to him? Are you crazy?" Mu Tianzuo glared at Wanyue, his eyes were almost red.

Can Yue did not show any weakness, and said in a cold voice: "You can do whatever you want, if you don't apologize to him, let him let you take the position of suzerain!"

"Are you just watching me being killed?" Mu Tianzuo roared.

Suddenly, Wan Yue's eyes became sharp, "What does it matter to me whether you die or not?"

As soon as the words came out, Mu Tianzuo glared, and slapped Can Yue with his hands, his eyes glowed red, and he roared angrily, "I am your father!"

"You too?"

Can Yue covered her cheeks under the black veil and laughed unexpectedly.

"You..." Hearing Wan Yue's words, Mu Tianzuo's anger dissipated immediately, his whole body was like a deflated ball, and he immediately stopped saying a word.After a long time, his eyeballs rolled slightly, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, "Yue'er, I am your father. You and Zhao Yufan have such a good relationship. As long as you talk, he will definitely help me."

"As long as Wang Youshi and the others are dealt with, I will let you marry him as the suzerain."

Wan Yue stared in astonishment at the man who claimed to be her father, and slowly turned and walked out. Before leaving, her tone suddenly became calm, and she said calmly, "If I have the chance, I will kill you myself!"

The cold wind was piercing, and the stars shone coldly.

Under the night, the suzerain Mu Tianzuo slowly retreated to open the door and looked in the direction of Shuanglong Peak.

On the ghost tower of Shuanglong Peak, Zhao Yufan was silently staring at the invisible black bamboo house. Tonight he was waiting for Mu Tianzuo, and only for one night. If Mu Tianzuo didn’t come after one night, then he didn’t need to apologize, because later An apology he won't accept.

Gradually, a figure appeared in front of Zhao Yufan's eyes, and he could tell who it was at a glance, "Finally here."

Just as Mu Tianzuo gritted his teeth and walked towards Shuanglong Peak, a howl suddenly came from above the ghost tower.

It was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and the members of the Qinglan Sect had long since fallen asleep, but Zhao Yufan's sudden thud, like thunder, woke everyone up.

Many disciples immediately put on their clothes after waking up from the bed, and rushed towards Shuanglong Peak.

Hearing the voice just now, Mu Tianzuo's face changed suddenly, and his footsteps stopped suddenly. He stared at the blurred figure above the ghost tower, and said in a low voice, "It's ruthless!"

To wake up everyone in the Qinglan Sect in the middle of the night, Zhao Yufan naturally had his own purpose.

At this moment, Elder Yunhai was drinking tea with Elder Ji Bing. Hearing Zhao Yufan's voice, the two of them stopped drinking tea at the same time.

Elder Yunhai put down his teacup, and spoke first: "Excellent, a hero is a boy, he wants Mu Tianzuo to apologize to him in front of all his disciples."

Elder Ji Bing smiled slightly, with deep eyes, "Hey... I don't know if Mu Tianzuo has that kind of mind."

Mu Tianzuo's heart is small, and now he has to stop twice when he takes a step, stopping to think about whether he should apologize. He would rather kill Zhao Yufan than apologize, but now he has no choice.Even if he killed Zhao Yufan, he would be retaliated by Zhao Yufan's group of friends. At that time, not only could he lose his position as suzerain, but he would even be murdered.

For the present plan, he could only apologize to Zhao Yufan, but how could he bear this kind of humiliation and apologize to Zhao Yufan in front of all his disciples?While he was hesitating, countless disciples had gathered around Shuanglong Peak.

Ascending to the top of Shuanglong Peak, Mu Tianzuo stared at Zhao Yufan on the ghost tower, and jumped up.

Looking at Mu Tianzuo who had just stepped onto the Ghost Tower, Zhao Yufan sternly said, "Go down!"

"What do you mean?" Mu Tianzuo asked with a frown, his face livid.

"Sorry, just go down!" Zhao Yufan continued, his tone unquestionable.

Slightly frowning, Mu Tianzuo jumped down from the Ghost Tower. Since he was able to come here, he was well prepared, but this kind of humiliation still made him very angry.

"The previous thing was my mistake."

Mu Tianzuo looked up at Zhao Yufan and spoke in a low voice.

"volume is too low."

Hearing this, Mu Tianzuo was stunned, looking sideways at the countless disciples under Shuanglong Peak, he was speechless for a moment.After a long time, he said indifferently: "Zhao Yufan, don't go too far, I can stand here and apologize to you, it's already a face for you."

"You don't need to give me face." Zhao Yufan quietly looked down at Mu Tianzuo, and said leisurely, "You can choose to leave, or follow my arrangement."

"Arrogance!" Mu Tianzuo said in a deep voice, with a strong killing intent in his tone: "If you are making progress, I will kill you!"

"You can try!" Zhao Yufan pursed his lips, his face full of disdain: "If you dare to do something here, I can guarantee that your life will be worse than death."

(End of this chapter)

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