Chapter 452 Let You Go

Both of them talked with anger and arrogance, and even a hint of murderous intent. They are all famous people, and they all have a certain kind of arrogance. This kind of arrogance may be the aura of looking down on the world, or it may be the ability to control life and death. The momentum, or the kind of mentality that despises all things.

Now Zhao Yufan is full of domineering, and although Mu Tianzuo is still domineering, compared with Zhao Yufan, he is at a disadvantage.

"I heard that the suzerain's ten-fold curse is infinitely powerful, so you should use the ten-fold curse to apologize." Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and smiled lightly: "Hehe..."

Time passed slowly, and everyone under the Shuanglong Peak was watching. They didn't know what Zhao Yufan and the suzerain were doing, but judging from the postures of the two people, it seemed that the suzerain was talking to Zhao Yufan, not Zhao Yufan and the suzerain. It is dialogue, but the two meanings are diametrically opposed.

As soon as it came, Mu Tianzuo took a deep breath of the chilly air, stared at Zhao Yufan fiercely, and roared angrily, "Zhao Yufan, it was my fault before!"

The sound of the power of the ten-layer cursed killing shook the gravel on the Shuanglong Peak, and everyone felt their ears buzzing, even the tabletops in front of Elder Yunhai and Elder Ji Bing trembled.

"His strength has become stronger again." Elder Yunhai frowned and looked at Elder Ji Bing.

Elder Ji Bing chuckled lightly, "Yes, his strength has greatly increased, which is very troublesome for us."

The conversation between the two old people seemed to be gossip, but only they knew the hidden meaning, but when they heard Mu Tianzuo's apology, they couldn't help smiling.

Mu Tianzuo's apology shocked the entire Qinglan Sect. Countless disciples stood under the Shuangfenglong with their heads up and their mouths open, their faces full of disbelief.

What did they hear just now?Could it be that the suzerain is really apologizing to Zhao Yufan?How is this possible?He is a majestic suzerain, how could he apologize to Zhao Yufan.

"Maybe you heard it wrong?" A disciple asked his companion suspiciously.

His companion nodded slightly, and said very seriously: "I must have misheard."

Like them, many people thought they heard it wrong, and at this moment, Mu Tianzuo's apology sounded from above the Shuangfenglong.

"Sorry, it's my Mu Tianzuo's fault!"

Everyone heard it clearly this time. If the apology was wrong last time, could it be that they heard it wrong now?This is absolutely impossible!

In an instant, everyone suddenly realized that they saw the suzerain apologizing to Zhao Yufan with their own eyes.

However, everything in front of us is not over yet.

Zhao Yufan on top of the ghost tower was still dissatisfied, not satisfied with Mu Tianzuo's apology, in fact, Mu Tianzuo's ability to do so was already commendable.

"Is that enough?" Mu Tianzuo asked gloomyly.

Zhao Yufan stared at him, shook his head slightly, and said coldly: "Not enough, you should say: I'm sorry, and you have to bow, so that you can be sincere."

Mu Tianzuo stared, gritted his teeth and roared, "Don't go too far!"

With his neck raised, Zhao Yufan was not looking at Mu Tianzuo, but turned his eyes to the distant sky, exuding a terrifying aura.

Mu Tianzuo's pupils contracted, and after staring quietly at Zhao Yufan for a few seconds, he finally nodded fiercely and shouted sharply, "I'm sorry." Gently bend.

At this moment, Mu Tianzuo feels like an old man who is begging for others.

The disciples under the Shuanglong Peak saw his curving body and the words "I'm sorry", and they fell silent for a moment.

At this moment, everyone had to think about how powerful Zhao Yufan was?Even making the suzerain bow down, what did the suzerain do to Zhao Yufan?Only then will there be such a shameful ending today.

The disciples talked a lot, and the old things were dug up at this moment. Countless people not only sighed: If I knew this before, why bother.

After apologizing, Mu Tianzuo stared at Zhao Yufan, and instead of leaving, he asked coldly, "Should you help me?"

Zhao Yufan nodded, with a hint of disdain flashing on the corner of his mouth, he asked with a little interest, "Is this position so important to you?"

"Yes!" Mu Tianzuo nodded, staring at Zhao Yufan fiercely, and said in a deep voice, "As long as we unite together, Master Wang Youshi will definitely be defeated." After a moment of pause, he continued, "Even if you make Master Wang You the suzerain, He'll kill you too, and I...would consider letting you go."

"Let me go?" Zhao Yufan snorted a little when he heard this sentence. He raised his finger and pointed to the stars in the sky, and said calmly: "The Qinglan Sect is a star, and I am the stars around me. As long as the Qinglan Sect dares to touch me , you will be attacked by other stars. Mu Tianzuo, I am not what I used to be, if you dare to touch me, not only you will suffer, but the entire Qinglan Sect will also be wiped out."

Hearing Zhao Yufan's threat, Mu Tianzuo's face was gloomy, and he changed the topic to the fight for the suzerain position, "Since you are willing to help me, then tell me what you think?"

"I'm not your military officer, and I'm not willing to help you find a way. I can only support you, and I won't interfere with other things."

The corner of Mu Tianzuo's eyes twitched, he shook his sleeves and left, "Farewell!"

Looking at the figure galloping away, Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and smiled cunningly. He was still standing on the ghost tower, and had no intention of leaving.

Seeing that Zhao Yufan hadn't left, the disciples were reluctant to leave, and still stared at the ghost tower.But Mu Tianzuo had already left Shuanglong Peak by another way. Today was the most humiliating day for him. After living for so many years, it was the first time he was humiliated like this, and he was humiliated by a disciple of Qinglanzong.

As soon as Mu Tianzuo left, Wang Youshi's figure suddenly appeared under the ghost tower of Shuanglongfeng. Perhaps he had learned from Mu Tianzuo's past, so instead of climbing up the ghost tower, he stared at Zhao Yufan from below, and asked faintly: "How did the suzerain talk to you?"

"Not bad." Zhao Yufan said with a smile.

"Are you going to help him?" Wang Youshi's face was gloomy, his eyes interpreting Zhao Yufan's calm face.

"I intend to support him, not to help him." Zhao Yufan hesitated for a moment, and said seriously.

Hearing what he said, a smile appeared on Wang Youshi's face, and he said, "Aren't you going to help me? You should understand Mu Tianzuo's character. Today you made him feel extremely humiliated, and he will definitely not let go."

"I'm not afraid of Mu Tianzuo." Zhao Yufan looked at Wang Youshi with a sly smile, and asked with a smile, "Hehe, what I need is sincerity and interests. Whether it's you or Mu Tianzuo, if you want me to come forward, you need to come up with something that can impress you." my stuff."

Wang Youshi was stunned, is there anything in the world that can impress Zhao Yufan?He has two friends in terms of refining equipment and alchemy, and Zhao Yufan hardly needs help from others in terms of strength, so what can I give him?

(End of this chapter)

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