Chapter 700 Accelerating Cultivation

"Why did you kill him?" Liu Zhan was fidgeting and complaining about this all the time.

Zhao Yufan remained silent, while General Fengyun tried his best to express his dissatisfaction, thinking that the overbearing dragon deserved to die long ago.The two insisted on their own opinions and quarreled constantly, while Zhao Yufan drank tea calmly and turned a deaf ear to their quarrel.

After a long time, Liu Zhan suddenly asked, "Where's his body?"

"No." General Fengyun replied, as if he hadn't woken up from the quarrel just now, his tone still had a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Then it won't be easy to explain to the city lord." Liu Zhan put his hands together, frowned, and looked at the dark door worriedly.

Stars dotted the earth, and there were patches of light on the ground. The two willow trees swayed at the door, and the reflections reflected on the ground were like the arms of a devil, which was terrifying.

Zhao Yufan walked to the door and looked up at the sky, exuding a faint domineering air: "It's okay to let him know, Little Bright Moon City can't stop me yet."

General Fengyun and Liu Zhan didn't understand why he had such confidence. Although he didn't say anything, he was still worried in his heart.

"Liu Zhan, you should stay in Fengyun Mansion for three days. Within three days, I will improve my strength as soon as possible. As long as I reach the Emperor Wudi, the city lord can't do anything to me!"

Hearing this, Liu Zhan looked at Zhao Yufan in astonishment: "You said you want to be promoted to Emperor Wudi within three days? That's impossible."

"Yeah, let's think of another way." General Fengyun also said immediately.

Zhao Yufan shook his head, his gaze was very firm: "Wait for me!"


The mountains near Mingyue City are connected, and the place where a large number of monsters gather is the Eight Immortals Mountain. In the Eight Immortals Mountain, king-level monsters are rampant, emperor-level monsters occupy one side, and even higher-level monsters hide in it.

Between the mountains and forests, the roads are rugged, and the cliffs and cliffs stand like blades and scabbards. In the dense forest, flying insects and animals keep chirping, and exotic flowers and grasses are everywhere.

Zhao Yufan held the knife and stepped on the dead branch, making a creaking sound. The lush [-]-meter-old tree rushed into the sky, blocking most of the sunlight, and only a few sunlight fell on the ground along the gaps between the branches and leaves.


A roar suddenly exploded, shaking the ground and shaking the ancient trees.

A three-meter-tall black giant tiger slowly moved in front of Zhao Yufan with steady steps. His bowl-sized eyes were full of disdain, and with a slight force on its four claws, the ground suddenly sank.

Black Wind Giant Tiger!

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth. The Black Wind Giant Tiger is one of the strongest monsters in the Wangyu class. Its skin is like steel, and its four claws are like knives. It can sweep away ancient trees several meters thick with one grasp.

With a flash of the sword light, Zhao Yufan rose into the air, and the cold blade slashed fiercely on the head of the giant black wind tiger from top to bottom.


The sixth-grade sword was broken in two, and Zhao Yufan's mouth was bleeding from the shock, rolled several times in the air, and landed smoothly.When he landed, a cold light suddenly appeared in his hand, and a new Lei Guang Heavy Saber suddenly appeared in his hand.

The grade of the outside world is different from that of the holy world. The thunder and lightning heavy saber in Zhao Yufan's hand is a first-grade sword in the holy world. Although it is a first-grade sword, it is stronger than the tenth-grade sword from the outside world.

The cold light on the edge of the blade is too threatening to look directly at, Zhao Yufan strode forward, every step brought infinite pressure to the Black Wind Giant Tiger in front of him, the terrifying aura impacted the spirit of the Black Wind Giant Tiger, making it unable to bear it Shouting loudly, he took the lead in attacking.

Zhao Yufan took a step forward, raised the heavy thunder knife above his head, and immediately slashed down fiercely.

The thunder and lightning intelligence was permeated on the thunder and lightning heavy saber, and it was cut down without hesitation.


The body of the Black Wind Giant Tiger was split into two halves, and blood was sprinkled in the air. At this moment, Zhao Yufan leaped into the air, performed the star-absorbing technique, grabbed the body of the Black Wind Giant Tiger, and crazily absorbed the energy that was dissipating from his body. It didn't take a moment , the energy of the black wind giant tiger was absorbed, and the two halves of the body were also shattered and turned into dust.

Along the way, Zhao Yufan didn't know how many monsters were hunted and killed by Zhao Yufan, absorbing the energy in his body. Wherever he passed, there was no armor left, the corpses of monsters were shattered, and the smell of blood permeated the entire mountain forest, attracting other monsters to come out crazily.

On this day, Zhao Yufan came to a mountain peak, the mountain peak was filled with smoke, birds were singing, and a purple halo radiated from the edge of the mountain peak.

There should be treasures here!
Zhao Yufan's face was ecstatic, his figure flashed, and he climbed up the mountain nimbly.On the opposite side of Zhao Yufan, there was also a group of people climbing this mountain. There were about a dozen of them, each of whom was a strong man in the king's realm.

Zhao Yufan climbed the mountain. There was no one on the mountain, and it was eerily quiet. Wisps of purple halos overflowed from the cracks in the ground and illuminated the surroundings. If it weren't for the white mist to block them, these purple halos would have been discovered long ago.

Bending down to explore the purple halo, Zhao Yufan felt that the halo was mixed with a faint fragrance, which was refreshing and intoxicating. "What can emit this fragrance? Could it be some kind of genius?" Looking around, he couldn't find it. Any entrance, can't help frowning.

At this moment, the sound of rocks rolling down from the mountain peak, Zhao Yufan frowned slightly, knowing that someone was coming, and immediately jumped to hide on the edge of the mountain peak.

After a short time, 13 people climbed to the summit one after another. The 13 people were divided into two groups. There were ten people in one group and three people in the other side. They held each other for a while, their eyes full of vigilance.

The head of the ten people was a handsome young man, holding a white folding fan, he glanced around, his eyebrows trembled, and suddenly shouted: "Who is it? Come out!"

Zhao Yufan's heart trembled. He never expected that someone else would find out like this. It seems that it is definitely not easy to find out about his own youth. His strength should be stronger than his own.In desperation, he slowly walked out of the white mist, and said with a sneer: "I have no malicious intentions, please don't get me wrong."

"Why are you hiding without malice?" The girl on the side of the handsome boy frowned and asked, looking at Zhao Yufan with somewhat disgust: "Leave quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude, do you want to spy on the treasures here with your energy? ?”

"Hmph! Treasures are obtained by those who are destined, why do you let people leave?"

The person who spoke was the young man among the three. He was holding a sword, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and he was full of righteousness.

Zhao Yufan naturally walked towards the three of them. Anyway, the ten of them would definitely not want to stay by himself, so he could only choose the camp of three.

"Welcome to join, my name is Mu Sen, he is my younger brother Mu Lin, and this is my younger sister Mu Xin."

Zhao Yufan also said his name politely. During the conversation with the three brothers and sisters, he knew that the handsome young man was named Zhou Fan, the girl next to him was named Rong Rong, and all ten of them were the second most powerful Yue in Mingyue City. Disciple of Shenmen.

(End of this chapter)

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