Chapter 701

The Moon God Sect is the second largest force in Mingyue City, and there are countless masters among them, and the three Mu Sen brothers and sisters are the children of a big family in Mingyue City, otherwise they would not dare to be enemies with the people of the Moon God Sect.The four of Zhao Yufan are tied together now, and something that can release a purple halo is definitely a treasure, even if it is a person from the City Lord's Mansion, they cannot leave just like that.

The two sides confronted each other for a while, and Zhou Fan said impatiently: "Hmph! Since you don't want to leave, let's find our own way, and don't let anyone get in the way!"

Mu Sen and the others nodded in agreement. They were not afraid of Zhou Fan and ten people, but they were not sure of defeating them. It would be best for both sides to live in peace.

The purple halo oozes from the ground, so the treasure should also be in the ground, so the two groups began to dig a hole, hoping to get into the ground as soon as possible.

Zhou Fan and the others had ten people, so they proceeded very quickly. A [-]-meter deep pit was dug in a few minutes, but there was still no movement below. This made Zhou Fan and the others frown and looked at Zhao Yufan and the others.

Zhao Yufan and the others just dug 50 meters and found nothing.Zhao Yufan frowned slightly, and suddenly said to Mu Sen below: "Brother Mu Sen, let me come."

Mu Sen jumped out of the deep pit and wiped the sweat off his face: "I don't know how long it will take to dig."

Zhao Yufan smiled calmly, and plunged his head straight into the deep pit. The sword in his hand spun along with his body, quickly blowing away all the soil in the deep pit.

The water in the deep pit gushed out like a jet of water, and everyone present was stunned. Even Zhou Fan and Rong Rong could not have imagined that Zhao Yufan still had this kind of ability. It would not take long for Zhao Yufan to surpass them. Get through the pit.

"Unexpectedly, this guy has also learned the skills of a mouse..." Rong Rong couldn't help but sneer, covering her mouth and giggling, her eyes full of contempt.Zhou Fan didn't say anything, but frowned, regretting not letting Zhao Yufan come to them.

It was getting dark, and Zhao Yufan and his team had a 600-meter deep pit, while Zhou Fan and his team had a 400-meter deep pit.

Zhao Yufan stood resting on the edge of the deep pit, looking at the stars, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious, he only had three days, and now one day has passed, if he still can't find the source of the purple halo tonight, he can only leave .

Suddenly, the soil in the deep pit in front of him stopped flying, and Mu Sen in the deep pit also became silent.

Zhao Yufan, Mu Lin, and Mu Xin met each other, and the three of them stepped into the deep pit one after another. Zhao Yufan was the last one to enter. Before entering, a thunderbolt sword flashed in his hand, directly destroying the deep pit, and the ground collapsed instantly.

As soon as Zhou Fan and the others rushed over, they felt the ground tremble, and then the entrance of the cave was sealed, and they were so angry that they cursed.

Zhou Fan stared angrily at the collapsed deep pit, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! Leave four people behind to seal off the surrounding area to prevent them from leaving, and the rest will continue digging along the place they dug. When I catch them, I will smash them into pieces." Ten thousand pieces of corpse!"

Zhao Yufan and the others entered the deep pit. There was a cave on one side of the bottom of the pit. The inside of the cave was eerie, filled with a thick purple gas, and there were some black beetles crawling on the stone wall, which made people sick to the stomach.

Mu Xin was the first to vomit. The others were in better condition, but their faces were pale. Only Zhao Yufan looked normal. The black beetle in front of him was nothing compared to the countless dead bodies.

The four of them were careful, for fear of alarming the beetles. Zhao Yufan regretted destroying the deep pit. In fact, they could let Zhou Fan and the others come down to explore the way, which left them on tenterhooks.

As the purple gas in the cave increased, the crisis also followed. The beetle on the stone wall was getting bigger and bigger. The beetle in front of him was already the size of a fist, and it began to attack them.Several people moved forward while beheading the beetle, and it was very inconvenient to walk.

"Look!" Mu Sen pointed to the front and shouted.Following Mu Sen's eyes, a vast palace appeared in front of him. The four walls of the palace were made of stone. The beetle on it was as big as a human head. In the middle of the lotus grew this purple lotus, surrounded by faint The purple air, these purple airs are glowing with halos, a one-meter-long purple beetle is staring at them in front of the purple lotus, and there are more than a dozen black and purple beetles around the purple beetle.

"Emperor Realm monster!" Mu Sen saw the level of the purple beetle at a glance, and couldn't help but stop.

Zhao Yufan felt a little uncomfortable holding the thunder and lightning heavy knife, and the rustling sound from behind was very strange: "Did you hear any sound?"

After being reminded by him, Mu Sen and the others listened carefully in surprise, and immediately their expressions changed drastically.

"It's over, we are surrounded by these beetles, I hope they don't attack, they want to surround us!" Mu Lin angrily trampled a beetle to death, clenched the sword in his hand, and said sharply: "Get out!" The above said, but his people did not move, and the front and back were completely covered by beetles. It was not that easy to kill them.

The high-level beetle in front had already crawled over. The three Musen brothers and sisters were extremely nervous, and they were ready to die. Zhao Yufan acted calmly. The domain monster is here, and he is too happy to be happy, "Go back, I will deal with the front."

"How can this be done!" Mu Sen immediately objected. They were afraid of death, but they couldn't leave Zhao Yufan alone: ​​"Mulin, Mu Xin, you guys leave. Brother Zhao Yufan and I are here to stop."

Zhao Yufan looked at Mu Sen in surprise, feeling that he was a friend worth making, "Brother, there are dangers ahead, and I can handle it here!"

The three looked at Zhao Yufan in surprise. No matter how you look at it, he didn't want to deal with Emperor Wudi's masters, not to mention there were more than a dozen Wangyu beetles staring at him, but since he spoke, the three of them didn't say anything anymore. After exhorting each other to be careful, Started to fight the Beatles.

The Beetles behind Zhao Yufan were numerous but weak, while the Beetles he was facing were strong and quite numerous. Most people would have died long ago in such a situation, so he could remain invincible, but he was very calm.Although he is Emperor Wu, he can compete with Emperor Wudi.

Lightning struck with a heavy knife, and several beetles were instantly killed by the electric current. The corpses were still emitting black smoke, and Zhao Yufan couldn't help retching a few times due to the smell of burnt meat.

Opening the field, the position tens of meters from the entrance of the cave was completely covered, and sword beams shot out from the field, piercing the beetle fiercely, making crisp sounds. The sword light was very sharp, but unfortunately the carapace of the beetle was even harder. Mang didn't even hurt them.

Zhao Yufan frowned slightly. After coming to the holy world, the use of the domain seemed to have weakened a lot, as if it had lost its previous power. After meeting these beetles, it became a kind of dispensable thing. Collecting the domain, he Attacked again with a thunderbolt heavy knife, the ground was cracked with one blow, and more than a dozen beetles were all shocked to death.

(End of this chapter)

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