Chapter 702 Imperial Domain
After cutting off the ordinary beetles, Zhao Yufan suddenly put away the thunderbolt heavy knife, changed his hands into claws, and slammed at the Wangyu clip beetles in the palace. These Wangyu beetles were only one step away from becoming emperor Wudi. One is enough to increase his strength a lot.

The Wangyu Beetles were vulnerable to Zhao Yufan. Zhao Yufan grabbed one with one hand and exerted force with his ten fingers. The energy in their bodies was exhausted rapidly, and within a few seconds, they were left with empty shells, lifeless.

At this time, Zhao Yufan could feel the rage of energy in his body. He was absorbing a few beetles, and it is estimated that he would be able to reach the peak state of Wangyu. At that time, he was absorbing the energy of the purple beetles, and he could easily become Emperor Martial Emperor and Mingyue City. top powerhouse.

The current star-absorbing method has just reached the fourth level. If it reaches the fifth level, it can absorb external energy out of thin air. At that time, Zhao Yufan's cultivation speed will be faster.

With Tai Chi punching, his hands turned into countless phantoms, and he grabbed two beetles in an instant, and then the beetles lost all life and turned into a pile of black carapaces.

In just a few minutes, all the king's domain beetles around were killed, and the weaker beetles at the entrance of the cave retreated one after another, leaving only the strongest emperor's domain beetle in the palace.

The purple beetle does not give up and retreats. Their strongest is defense, not attack. Now it is the only one left. It does not want to insist on human beings. It opens its small mouth, and the purple light shoots out from the mouth, shooting at Zhao Yufan like lightning. before.

Zhao Yufan dodged sideways, and the purple light hit the stone wall. In an instant, the entire cave was shaken, and stones fell one after another.

"So strong!" Zhao Yufan grinned, a little surprised at the power of the purple beetle, but not afraid.Flying in front of the beetle, he raised his hand and grabbed the beetle, and performed the star-absorbing method, wisps of energy poured into Zhao Yufan's body from the beetle's body.

The Purple Beetle was lowered from Emperor Domain to King Domain, then Domain Martial Emperor, and finally became an ordinary Martial Emperor.

With the death of the Beetle, the energy in Zhao Yufan's body reached its limit. He wanted to collect the purple lotus, but unfortunately, the energy in his body was so powerful that a breakthrough was imminent. He didn't dare to hesitate, so he immediately sat cross-legged and began to practice.

There is an essential difference between Emperor Wu of Wangyu and Emperor Wu of Diyu. Zhao Yufan feels that his body is not breaking apart, but it is healing, and his meridians are broken and reorganized. This is the ordeal of being promoted to Emperor Wu, and it is also the lowest. , to comprehend the laws of the Emperor's Domain.

As an emperor, he has the aptitude to compete with the heaven and the earth, he can comprehend supernatural powers, and compete with the sky. The strong in the imperial realm can display supernatural powers, but Zhao Yufan does not have supernatural powers, which are basically controlled by various forces. The real power of the imperial realm is the real power of the imperial realm. Although Long Badao is in the imperial realm, he does not have supernatural powers. If he had supernatural powers, then Zhao Yufan would naturally not be able to kill him.

There are not many people in Mingyue City who know supernatural powers, and those who have supernatural powers regard supernatural powers as peerless treasures.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan opened his eyes and frowned slightly. He also understood the art of supernatural powers. The art of supernatural powers is actually no different from martial arts, but it is stronger than martial arts.

In the whole of Mingyue City, there are not many people who know supernatural powers, which makes Zhao Yufan very helpless. It seems that if he wants to get supernatural powers, he can only comprehend them himself or get them from others. He developed a kind of supernatural power, which is also due to the purple Qinglian in front of him. His supernatural power is Zimang, which is the purple attack released by the purple beetle.

After tidying up his clothes, Zhao Yufan went straight to the outside of the cave. The situation of the Mu Sen brothers is still unknown, so he wants to help them as soon as possible.He is now in the imperial domain, his speed is as fast as lightning, and he can cover a hundred meters in a few steps. After a few minutes, he stops in front of a corpse with an angry expression on his face.

The corpse was gnawed by the beetle, and there was a sound of a treasured knife near the bone. Zhao Yufan recognized this knife, and it was Mu Lin's weapon.

"Damn it!" he yelled angrily, and ran straight ahead with a thunderbolt heavy knife in his hand.

In the cave not far from Zhao Yufan, Mu Sen and Mu Xin stepped back involuntarily, their eyes were full of anger, and they wished to tear Zhou Fan and the others in front of them into pieces. Mu Sen wouldn't die either. At this time, Zhou Fan and the others were killing Mu Sen and Mu Xin while defending against the Beetle.

Mu Sen is the strongest and is responsible for resisting Zhou Fan and the others, while Mu Xin is behind Mu Sen to kill the Beetle.

Zhou Fan and the others are really powerful. They killed all the beetles in front of them and are advancing. It will not take long to advance to the palace.

Mu Sen's body was dripping with blood, the long sword in his hand was dancing like the wind, and his black hair was dancing with the wind: "Sister, I'm sorry!"

Hearing this, Mu Xin gritted his teeth, with tears in his eyes: "Brother, I'm not afraid of death, even if I die, I have to make them pay the price!"

"Okay! Let's fight them, and we will be brothers and sisters in the next life. My brother will not let you be wronged!" Mu Sen said here, not retreating but advancing, just wanting to severely hurt Zhou Fan and others.Mu Xin also turned around and entered the battle group, completely ignoring the attack of the Beetle.

The life-and-death attack of the two siblings not only did not speed up their deaths, but gave them a glimmer of hope, because Zhou Fan and the others were a little overwhelmed by the beetles attacking back and forth.

At this time, a figure came slowly from the entrance of the cave. At the beginning, everyone didn't pay attention to it. When they found out, they couldn't help showing surprised eyes.

Mu Sen and Mu Xin were the most shocked. They thought Zhao Yufan died for them, but unexpectedly he killed him.The two looked at each other, weeping with joy, they saw the hope of revenge, how terrifying Zhao Yufan would be if they could escape from a dozen king domains and an emperor domain beetle.

"Brother Zhao, they killed my second brother!" Mu Xin cried.

Hearing this, Zhao Yufan glanced sharply at Zhou Fan and the others, and the heavy thunder knife in his hand trembled slightly. He thought that Mu Sen was killed by a beetle, but he didn't expect it to be them.


Zhao Yufan roared and charged forward.

The corner of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, and he sneered disdainfully: "I'm a master of the Moon God Sect, just because you, an ordinary king, want to compete with me?"

Zhao Yufan swung his sword across and knocked back the people in front of him. His aura suddenly rose, and Zhou Fan's family was stunned instantly when the aura of the powerful emperor came out.

"Hmph! What if I were from the Imperial Domain?"

The strong in the imperial domain...

Zhou Fan stared, a little unbelievable, and soon he reacted, seductively said: "Wait, as long as you don't kill me, I can introduce you to the Moon God Gate! And I can give you the Star Stone, if you want I'll give you as much as you want, and this Mu Xin is also yours, she is a great beauty."

With huge benefits in front of them, Mu Sen and Mu Xin suddenly became nervous. If Zhao Yufan agreed to Zhou Fan, their life would be worse than death, so they were always ready to commit suicide.

(End of this chapter)

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