Chapter 705 What do you mean

Those below the third-rank alchemist did not know what kind of elixir Zhao Yufan was refining, but judging from the shape of the elixir, it was not simple.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

"I don't know, it's probably a third-grade elixir."

A third-rank alchemist frowned slightly, his eyes full of envy, "This is not a third-rank pill, but a fourth-rank pill!"

"Fourth Grade!"

Everyone exclaimed, the fourth-rank elixir represents the fourth-rank alchemist, how could Zhao Yufan be a fourth-rank alchemist at such a young age?However, Zhang Daoping's words finally convinced everyone.

"It is indeed a fourth grade!"

After being excited, everyone's expressions became weird and dissatisfied. They thought that Zhao Yufan was refining a elixir to control the plague, but unexpectedly he was refining other elixir.

Ma Qiu was also among the alchemists. He rolled his eyes and immediately sneered sinisterly: "Zhao Yufan, do you have any shame? We are all busy studying the plague, but you are secretly refining other pills. Did you come to the city lord's mansion? Is it just so we can all give you herbs?"

People felt that what Ma Qiu said was reasonable, and looked at Zhao Yufan full of doubts and anger, but after all, there was no evidence, and they could still maintain their rationality.

Zhang Daoping's fourth-rank alchemists didn't think so much. Zhao Yufan's ability to refine fourth-rank alchemy was enough to prove his talent in alchemy. If he could be accepted as an apprentice, the future would definitely be bright.

Glancing at Ma Qiu in the crowd, Zhao Yufan didn't bother to talk to him, but walked up to Zhang Daoping's seniors and showed them the elixir. The crystal clear elixir shone with light, and the fragrance overflowing from it was refreshing and intoxicating. .

"Why did you refine this useless pill?" Ma Qiu sneered jealously. Although the pill is good, it's a pity that it's not a pill to control the plague.

Zhao Yufan didn't bother to pay attention to Ma Qiu, which made it difficult for Ma Qiu to kill Zhong Zhao Yufan directly. His majestic third-rank alchemist was actually ignored by Emperor Wu of Wang Yu.Zhao Yufan knew that everyone was confused, so he stared at them and said, "This elixir is a elixir that I researched to relieve the plague, but I don't know whether it can get rid of the elixir, and it needs to be tested."

When everyone heard the words, they were pleasantly surprised, but they were worried. The fourth-grade elixir was too difficult to refine. Even if they could get rid of the plague, they could not save everyone. They still needed to develop a simple and easy-to-refine elixir, but everyone Finally saw a glimmer of hope.

A group of people found someone who was willing to test the medicine, and then put the pill into a water tank to melt it. After half an hour, someone handed it to the person infected with the plague with a bowl of water.

One pill was given to 100 people in total, and then Zhao Yufan and others began to observe their reactions.One hour, [-] people did not respond, two hours, [-] people were in unbearable pain, and [-] hours, [-] people rolled on the ground in pain, black sticky liquid overflowed from the surface of the skin, and the stench was pungent.

After another six hours, the plague of hundreds of people suddenly intensified and they were in danger of death.

Zhao Yufan and the others suddenly became tense, their brows were furrowed, and their faces turned pale.

Ma Qiu snickered to himself, and thought to himself: "They are all dead. If you are dead, Zhao Yufan will die with you too. Die quickly." Thinking in his heart, he looked at Zhao Yufan contemptuously, and said, "Zhao Yufan, Is this the elixir you refined? I think you are clearly poison!"

"Shut up!" Zhao Yufan shouted angrily.He was upset, and there was no time to argue with Ma Qiu.

Ma Qiu's face was extremely ugly, he was silent for a moment, suddenly a cold light flashed in his hand, and a sword appeared in his hand.No one noticed the sword in Ma Qiu's hand, and he stabbed Zhao Yufan suddenly when everyone was making up for the errands.

The sword glow flickered, and everyone was taken aback, looking at Ma Qiu who was rushing towards Zhao Yufan in astonishment.

Zhao Yufan was observing the situation of the people infected with the plague, and suddenly felt that there was danger beside him, so he couldn't help being furious, and waved a purple glow with his hand: "Damn it!"

With a loud bang, Ma Qiu was sent flying by Zimang before he could reach Zhao Yufan. Fortunately, he was strong, otherwise he would have been directly bombarded and killed by Zimang. On the ground, with a look of horror.

"You, how can you be so powerful?"

Zhao Yufan walked forward slowly, and when he came to Ma Qiu, his expression was cold, as if a god was announcing the death of human beings: "Damn you!"

Ma Qiu opened his mouth, stepped back in horror, and looked at the others for help.

All the people present were frightened by Zhao Yufan's aura, and no one spoke for a while. Ma Qiu was not only a third-rank alchemist, but also a top king domain expert, but he was defeated by Zhao Yufan with one move, which was enough to show how strong Zhao Yufan was. Offended him for a Ma Qiu.

At this moment, Zhang Daoping suddenly said, "Look, they seem to be recovering."

Everyone looked at the hundreds of people who had taken the elixir, and their faces gradually showed joy. If they can recover, it proves that the elixir is available.

"Okay, I'm fine."

"Haha, me too, I'm fine..."

The scene was a bit chaotic, but everyone was full of energy and joy. No one noticed that Ma Qiu had an extra dagger in his hand, and neither did Zhao Yufan. After all, the pill was finally successfully refined.


Ma Qiu roared, waking up those who were immersed in the startle.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at Ma Qiu's dagger piercing into Zhao Yufan's body, a little panicked and dazed. Zhao Yufan is the one who can save Mingyue City. Ma Qiu's assassination at this time is tantamount to destroying Mingyue City.

At the same time, Zhang Daoping and the others tried to stop it.Before they could step forward, Zhao Yufan kicked Ma Qiu away with one kick. At the same time, a thunderbolt sword appeared in his hand, and he slowly approached Ma Qiu: "You must die!"

"Yes! Kill him!"

"Kill this bastard!"

"Separate him into five horses!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and supported Zhao Yufan to kill him.

Ma Qiu retreated reluctantly, and shouted at the same time: "The city lord save me, the city lord save me..."

"No matter who comes, you must die!"

Zhao Yufan was furious, and he slashed at Ma Qiu with a heavy thunder knife with purple awns in his hand.

The purple knife flashed, and Ma Qiu was so frightened that his pants were wet.At this moment, a figure galloped out of the courtyard, and suddenly stood between Dao Guang and Ma Qiu.

With a bang, the blade light shattered.

Everyone looked at the blocker, all a little annoyed, but when they saw the blocker's true face, their expressions became strange, and the anger on their faces disappeared.The person who prevented Zhao Yufan from killing Ma Qiu was none other than the city lord Liu Mingliang. No one would have thought that the city lord would shield Ma Qiu. After all, Ma Qiu killing Zhao Yufan was equivalent to destroying Mingyue City and Liu Mingliang.

Zhao Yufan's pupils contracted, he stared at Liu Mingliang coldly, and continued to move forward, with bursts of murderous aura rising from the thunderbolt heavy knife in his hand.

Everyone knew that Zhao Yufan had to kill Ma Qiu, and they also knew that Ma Qiu deserved to die, but with the protection of the city lord, it was as difficult as going to heaven to kill Ma Qiu.

Liu Zhan was the first to stop Zhao Yufan. He stood in front of Zhao Yufan and opened his hands, "Don't worry, brother, the city lord will give you an explanation." Zhang Daoping and others also persuaded Zhao Yufan to wait, and the city lord will give you an explanation A satisfactory answer.

Zhao Yufan stopped in his tracks, clenched the Lightning Heavy Saber in his hand, and asked, "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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