Chapter 706 Damn People
Zhao Yufan questioned the city lord. A dagger was still stuck in the right side of his body, and the blood flowed in a straight line, slowly gathering at his feet.

Liu Mingliang's face was livid, and instead of answering the question, he scolded: "Are you talking to the city lord?"

"Based on what you have done today, you are not worthy of being a city lord!"

Zhao Yufan yelled sharply, the thunderbolt sword in his hand flashed coldly, and the light of thunderbolt "stinged" with a loud sound.

"You?" Liu Mingliang was a little speechless, and said angrily, "What Ma Qiu did was wrong, but the crime does not deserve death. I will punish him well."

"Hehe..." Zhao Yufan sneered, "He must die!"

"Zhao Yufan, do you still dare to disobey the order of the city lord? Do you still have a city lord in your heart?" Ma Qiu provoked, knowing that he could only rely on the city lord.

Everyone at the scene felt a little angry. This Ma Qiu really deserved to die. They might have helped kill Zhao Yufan at other times, but it was really wrong to kill Zhao Yufan at this time, and the protection of the city lord also made many people feel dissatisfied.

"He's not dead, save him yourself!" Zhao Yufan said silently, he didn't believe that Liu Mingliang could destroy Mingyue City just because of Ma Qiu.

Liu Mingliang was furious, threatened by Zhao Yufan in front of so many people, he even wanted to kill Zhao Yufan, but only if he got the secret recipe of the elixir: "Zhao Yufan, do you want to watch countless people die in pain for your own self-interest? "

"You have the nerve to say such a thing?" Zhao Yufan glanced at Liu Mingliang disdainfully, and then slowly looked at everyone: "Everyone can see clearly, you know who is right, and if Ma Qiu doesn't die today, even if I die in battle , and let some villains succeed."

"I support you!" Zhang Daoping was the first to speak.

With the first person, there will be the second, the third, and finally everyone supports Zhao Yufan.Even Liu Zhan expressed his attitude and supported Zhao Yufan.

Liu Mingliang and Ma Qiu became the target of public criticism. Liu Mingliang was very angry. He hated Zhao Yufan to death. If it wasn't for Zhao Yufan, how could everyone be against him?He must kill Zhao Yufan in the cradle.

"City Lord, Zhao Yufan has disrespected you so much, you can't back down, let's mobilize the army to strangle Zhao Yufan immediately!"

Hearing Ma Qiu's words, Liu Mingliang was really moved, but he couldn't bear the contemptuous looks of the people around him. He couldn't offend everyone because of Ma Qiu alone, let alone blame Ma Qiu for this matter, "for the sake of the people in the city." , I can ignore it!"

As soon as these words came out, Ma Qiu's face was ashamed.

Zhao Yufan looked at Liu Mingliang silently, and said coldly, "I'll let you kill him now!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Liu Mingliang strangely. This is a very difficult matter. Just now he tried his best to protect Ma Qiu. If he killed him now, wouldn’t he become the laughing stock of everyone in the world? Don’t kill Ma Qiu. He, the city lord, and Mingyue City are likely to be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Liu Mingliang didn't hesitate too long, swung his sword and killed Ma Qiu.

Ma Qiu's eyes were still staring, and the blood on his neck flowed down Liu Mingliang's feet along the cold body.

Glancing at Ma Qiu in disgust, Liu Mingliang moved a few steps, stared at Zhao Yufan and said, "Hand over the secret recipe!"

Zhao Yufan glanced at Liu Mingliang disdainfully, announced the secret recipe to the public, and then said: "Don't try to kill a donkey, my elixir can't be refined by anyone, without me, the people in your city lord's mansion can't solve the plague. "

Although Liu Mingliang didn't believe it, he didn't dare to touch Zhao Yufan at this time. First of all, he had to make sure whether the pill could be mass-produced, and whether any alchemist could make it.

Not long after, news came that disappointed Liu Mingliang. Except for the fourth-rank alchemists, no one else could refine this kind of elixir. Even among the fourth-rank alchemists, there were only the four major alchemists of Mingyue City and three A fourth-rank alchemist can refine it, but others cannot.

This made many people dissatisfied, thinking that Zhao Yufan was hiding some means, Liu Mingliang also wanted to take this opportunity to attack Zhao Yufan, but Zhang Daoping and several fourth-rank alchemists came forward to help Zhao Yufan clarify the facts, and told everyone that even they could only reluctantly For refining, if you want to completely get rid of the plague, you still have to rely on Zhao Yufan.

What Zhang Daoping and the others said was true, Zhao Yufan was still needed to refine the elixir.

Zhao Yufan knew that Liu Mingliang would never let him go, so he didn't have to hesitate, and directly announced to the entire Mingyue City: I, Zhao Yufan, and all the alchemists can cure the plague, and those who get the plague can come to the place where we temporarily live to get it.

As soon as the news came out, some people were happy and some were worried. Zhao Yufan's words were undoubtedly announcing one thing: the alchemist who helped you heal was me, Zhao Yufan, not the city lord!
When killing Ma Qiu, there were many people present, and they quickly told the story of the day. As soon as the news came out, people were grateful to Zhao Yufan and the alchemist, and cursed at the city lord.

Just because of Zhao Yufan's few words, the prestige of the city lord Liu Mingliang in the hearts of the people dropped greatly, and the reputation of Zhao Yufan and the others increased by themselves.

Liu Mingliang was furious, the staff member Long Badao died, the alchemist Ma Qiu died, Liu Zhan was more concerned about Zhao Yufan, it was enough not to cause trouble for him, and now there is no one available around him, which made him quite annoyed , "Come here, call the ten generals to the mansion."

"Yes!" The butler agreed, and left obediently.

A few days later, the top ten generals rushed to the City Lord's Mansion. They were all at the peak of the king domain, their combat power was comparable to the powerhouses of the emperor domain, and they were all Liu Mingliang's confidantes. They also brought their confidantes with them.

Zhao Yufan didn't have time to pay attention to the City Lord's Mansion. He had to seize the time to refine the elixir to solve the plague crisis, so he could get away from here.

The plague was under control. Zhao Yufan looked at the night sky and prepared to leave. He knew people like Liu Mingliang too well. When the plague was resolved, he would kill people.

After simply tidying up his shape, Zhao Yufan was ready to leave. The thousands of pills on the table were enough to make the plague go away, and Zhang Daoping and the others also had the ability to make alchemy, so his presence was not needed here.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Liu Mingliang has been waiting for news in the study. These days, he hardly sleeps at night and only rests during the day. The purpose is to prevent Zhao Yufan from running away.

Deng Deng staring...

Footsteps sounded, and a figure in the darkness broke into the study.Hei Ying knelt down on the ground and said darkly, "City Master, Zhao Yufan seems to want to leave."

Hearing this, Liu Mingliang got up abruptly, and said coldly, "Let everyone get ready to kill Zhao Yufan!"

In the night, the wind and clouds were surging, and the whole city was filled with a faint murderous aura.

Zhao Yufan retreated to open the door, and a gust of cold wind hit him, making his movements slightly stagnant, and his face was a little grim immediately: "Come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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