Chapter 709

The headquarters of the Brotherhood is located in a mansion in the center of Huaqing Road. The plaque on the mansion reads: Brotherhood.The mansion is divided into three floors, inside and outside. The first floor is where ordinary gang members live, the second floor is for elite gang members, and the third floor is for core gang members, who are also the mainstay of a gang.

Except for Frost Moon and Crescent Moon, the others lived in the courtyard on the third floor. When they heard that Qing Hong had met a strong man from the Emperor's Domain, they immediately led the gang to welcome them.When they saw the crowd, they couldn't help but freeze in place.

"Your uncle, I thought you were dead." Mo Qi approached, opened his arms and hugged Zhao Yufan, and then let him go quickly. Seeing Zhao Yufan's blinking eyes, he seemed to understand something, and immediately said loudly: "Brother, you and I have met once, please, let's have a good chat."|
Hearing Mo Qi's weird words, Tie Yunshan was a little confused, so when he was about to speak, he was stopped by Lin Yu, and then Lin Tao said indifferently: "Let's go away, let's chat with this brother alone."

Everyone dispersed one after another and watched the group enter the living room.

There were only them in the living room, Tie Yunshan couldn't help asking: "Mo Qi, why did you pretend that you didn't know him just now?"

"Your uncle, you are so stupid. Now the city lord has issued a hunting order to let various forces arrest Zhao Yufan. If we recognize Zhao Yufan now, in a few days, the brotherhood we have worked so hard to manage will be destroyed!"

Hearing this, Tie Yunshan nodded, and said bluntly, "That's why you shouldn't recognize him." After speaking, he stared at Zhao Yufan and asked, "What are you doing here when you have nothing to do? Don't make trouble for me."

Zhao Yufan grinned, unexpectedly Tie Yunshan would also joke, "I came here today to bid farewell to you, and also to remind you to be careful of Liu Mingliang. I made friends with a General Fengyun on Fengyun Street. If you have anything to do, you can find him. If he has something to do, you Can help."

Mo Qi, Tie Yunshan, Lin Tao, and Lin Yu fell silent when they heard the words. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yufan would leave again. It seemed that it would be even more difficult for them to fight together. Become a kingdom.

Zhao Yufan explained a few words to the four of them, and then walked out of the living room, deliberately breaking up in front of the gang.I wanted to see Frost Moon and Waning Moon, but unfortunately, both of them had important matters to attend, and they were not in Mingyue City at all.

Leaving Tsinghua Street, a group of five people were a little dazed, not knowing where to go.

"The world is so big, isn't there a place for us to shelter?" Zhao Yufan sighed, thought for a moment, and decided to rush to Huaizhong City.The so-called most dangerous place is the safest, maybe there is a place for him to live in, and there are certainly members of the Wang family there, but the city lord is not a member of the Wang family, so as long as he doesn't provoke the Wang family, there must be no trouble.

The five discussed it and rushed to Huaizhong City immediately.

In Mingyue City, Liu Mingliang was furious and furious. The entire Mingyue City was blocked, but Zhao Yufan was not caught. What made him furious the most was that Zhao Yufan turned out to be a strong man in the Imperial Domain. This added a powerful enemy for no reason.

The plague had been brought under control, and everyone in Mingyue City knew that it was Zhao Yufan's credit. They also knew that Liu Mingliang wanted to kill Zhao Yufan for his own self-interest, regardless of the safety of the people.

A few days later, a major event happened in Mingyue City. The Moon God Sect and the Zhou family actually issued a reward: arrest Zhao Yufan, whoever captures Zhao Yufan, will be rewarded with [-] Star Stones, and whoever kills Zhao Yufan will be rewarded with a reward.

As soon as the news came out, Mingyue City was in an uproar. Although the people were dissatisfied, they didn't dare to refute. They could only discuss in secret and pray for Zhao Yufan's safety.

On this day, Zhao Yufan and the four daughters had already arrived in Huaizhong City. Many people in Mingyue City knew them, but in Huaizhong City, there were only a handful of people who knew them.But Zhao Yufan didn't dare to be careless, he only proceeded at night, and temporarily lived in Longyuan Street near the gate of Huaizhong City. The front of this street is the city gate, the back side is the ten-mile plain, and the left side is the mountain range. Shou.

At night, Yongyeon Street is still lively, with small vendors occupying both sides of the street, hawking loudly.

Zhao Yufan and the others shuttled through the crowds, stopping to watch from time to time, and sometimes they could buy some good things.

"It's so lively!" Qing Zhu looked around happily.

It was rare for Zhao Yufan to relax, so he accompanied the four girls to his heart's content. As long as they wanted, he would basically buy them. Anyway, they had millions of star stones in their hands.

Xie Yue took Zhao Yufan's arm and happily pointed to a booth in front of him: "Master, what do you think is that?"

Hearing this, several people looked along the position of Xie Yuezhi, and saw a round transparent object on the booth, and there was a smaller black round object inside the object, and the black round object was hot and transparent. Turning around is amazing.Even if it is far away, it can be seen clearly.

Zhao Yufan was well-informed, and after a moment of contemplation, ecstasy appeared on his face, and he immediately covered it up completely, and came to the booth silently.

The vendor of the stall is a middle-aged man who is addicted to alcohol, wearing a blue ragged robe, holding a gourd of wine in his hand, and taking a sip from time to time. Seeing more and more people in front of him, his face is full of excitement. Excited, and then shouted loudly: "The things here are the treasures of the ancestors. If you want to bid, the highest price will win!"

Everyone shook their heads when they heard the words. They were attracted by the bead, but when they found that there was nothing special about the bead, they gave up buying it.

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, the middle-aged man lifted his neck and took a sip of wine: "I am really a treasure."

"Hmph, what kind of bastard are you?" A gorgeously dressed young man in the crowd sneered, and slowly walked out of the crowd. On his right side was an enchanting woman with heavy make-up, followed by four guards.Sensing the gazes of everyone, the young man's eyes flashed a trace of disdain, and he said coldly: "I am Sun Shan from the Sun family. I have seen countless treasures. Everything on your carpet is rubbish!"

Everyone didn't know whether what Sun Shan said was true or not, but since he was the young master of the Sun family, they naturally wouldn't refute anything.

"Everyone has their own aspirations. Since my things are rubbish, this young master will definitely not buy them. Is there anyone else who wants them? If they don't want them, I'll close the stall." The middle-aged man spoke, his eyes scanning everyone, Seeing that there was no response from the crowd, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and got up to close the stall.

As soon as the middle-aged man got up, Sun Shan stepped on the rags on the floor: "Wait, look at you so pitiful, I bought this rag for ten star stones."

"Young master, the price you gave is too low, so I won't sell it." The middle-aged man replied.

"Don't be shameless, if you don't sell it, then I'll take it myself!" Sun Shan stared at the middle-aged man threateningly, he didn't believe that this guy wouldn't sell it to him.

Before the middle-aged man could speak, someone in the crowd secretly shouted: "The one with the highest price wins! I will offer a hundred star stones, and those who have no money will get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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