Chapter 710 Dragon Transformation Art and Dragon Control Art

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked and looked at the person who spoke, but looked around, but they didn't find who was speaking.

Sun Shan glanced around, his eyes were burning with anger, and he said sharply: "Who said that?" Everyone was silent and retreated one after another. They didn't want to cause trouble. Sun Shan was very satisfied with everyone's performance. If you want to compete with Master Ben, then Master Ben agrees, and I will see who among you bids."

There was obviously a hint of threat in these words, as long as someone dared to bid, then the bidder must be the one who spoke.

"I'll pay ten yuan!" Sun Shan sneered.

The crowd fell silent. Sun Shan stared at the group of cowardly villains and couldn't help laughing. He reached out to grab the bead, but when he had already touched the bead, someone suddenly said, "I'll give you [-]!" !"

Sun Shan's expression changed, he turned to look at the speaker, frowned and said, "Bai Long, don't meddle in your own business!" Sun Shan knew the speaker, and he also knew that the person who spoke just now was not Bai Long.

As soon as Bailong opened his mouth, some people around him also bid. Some of them relied on Bailong, some wanted to buy the beads and flatter Sun Shan, and some wanted to get them for themselves. Many people in the crowd were afraid of Sun Shan, but there were also some who were not afraid of Sun Shan. The reason why people were silent at the beginning was because they didn't want to cause trouble, but now it's different.

"One hundred!" Sun Shan shouted, this broken bead is only worth one hundred, nothing more is worthless.

Zhao Yufan frowned slightly as he looked at the bidders. He was bound to get this thing, even if it was to lure out the enemies of the Wang family, he would still get it.Seeing the fierce bidding by the crowd, he suddenly said, "One thousand!"

Just now Sun Shan raised the price to [-], but now Zhao Yufan asked [-] and raised the price instantly.

Sun Shan and Bai Long looked at Zhao Yufan at the same time, both a little angry.Although the others were angry, they also knew that the item would not reach their hands, so their mentality was quite peaceful.

"May I ask which family's young master my brother is from?" Bailong asked, clasping his fists together. In this dangerous world, one person is not scary, but the whole force behind him is scary.

Zhao Yufan shrugged, and directly made up a nonsense: "I am a member of the Wang family."

The only people in Huaizhong City who dare to call the Wang family are the most powerful Wang family. Bai Long and Sun Shan looked at each other and felt that the matter was very difficult. If the person in front of them was really a member of the Wang family, they could only back away, but they couldn't. Believe in his words.

"Do you have any proof?" Sun Shan asked.

Zhao Yufan rolled his eyes and looked at the bead; "What do I have to prove to you? Even if I'm not from the Wang family, this bead is for the price. Let's compete fairly."

Bai Long and Sun Shan had no objection, even if the person in front of him was from the Wang family, he was definitely not the young master of the direct line, because they had met the young masters of the Wang family, so they were confident that they could win this pearl in terms of money.This bead was not considered a treasure in the eyes of the two of them, and the reason why they bought it was nothing more than to show off and vent their anger.

"Two thousand!" Bai Long said.

Sun Shan then said: "Four thousand!" He just wanted to surpass the rest and show off his wealth and status.

The middle-aged man at the booth looked overjoyed and couldn't help but took a big sip of wine to celebrate.

There were more and more people, Zhao Yufan didn't want to delay for too long, if a member of the Wang family really came, then he would be finished, so he shouted: "Ten thousand!"

Ten thousand star stones!

This is definitely not a small amount. Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan in surprise, and suddenly felt that he was really a member of the Wang family, and only the Wang family was so rich and powerful that he could spend [-] star stones to buy a piece of good-looking beads.

Bailong withdrew, and he must be from the Wang family to be able to make such a big deal. He still wants to make friends with Zhao Yufan.

Sun Shan frowned and looked at Zhao Yufan. After thinking for a long time, he smiled: "Hehe...Since you are willing to buy it, brother, I will let it go to you."

Zhao Yufan thanked the two of them, and Qingzhu took out [-] star stones and handed them to the middle-aged man, and put the beads away.

"Everyone, see you some other day." After Zhao Yufan finished speaking, he directly entered the crowd and quickly disappeared into the vast crowd, leaving only the astonished crowd.

Bai Long and Sun Shan looked at each other, they snorted coldly at the same time, and ran in opposite directions, just after taking a few steps, someone said: "Wait, can you two sit with me for a while?"

Sun Shan and Bai Long looked at the speaker. The speaker was a young man wearing a purple and gold robe, with striking sword eyebrows and a fair face.Sun Shan and Bailong recognized this person, and this person was Wang Jiuxiao, the son of the third elder of the Wang family.And Sun Shan's face was obviously a little pale, because the person who secretly spoke in the crowd was Wang Jiuxiao.

The three of them walked together, and Sun Shan asked impatiently, "Brother Jiuxiao, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Jiuxiao concealed the disdain in his eyes, and said lightly: "The man just now is not from my Wang family, you were deceived by him, in my opinion...he spent such a high price on the bead, that bead must be a treasure, It's just that we didn't find it."

Sun Shan and Bailong's expressions changed drastically, and they looked in the direction Zhao Yufan left in regret.Seeing the expressions of the two, Wang Jiuxiao smiled slightly and continued: "But I have already sent someone to follow him. This place is the territory of the Sun family and the Bai family, so we need the help of the two of you. When the time comes, we will study the bead together." , wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone.”

Sun Shan and Bai Long felt reasonable, and they also knew that Wang Jiuxiao was harboring evil intentions, but so did the two of them.The three of them discussed it, and Sun Shan and Bai Long went home and brought out eight Wang Yu, ready to ambush Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan didn't know that someone was following him, because the person who followed him was a strong man in the imperial domain, and he was a strong man in the imperial domain who possessed supernatural powers.At this time, he and the four girls were very happy. Zhao Yufan stared at the beads for a long time, and finally determined the origin of the beads.

The four girls didn't know the origin of the beads, the curious Qing Zhu hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but ask delicately: "Master, what is that?"

"Longan!" Zhao Yufan lowered his voice.

Longan!It is the eye of the dragon. Others may not know it, but Zhao Yufan has seen the dragon before, so he knows it naturally. This inevitably brought back many memories for him, such as the dragon he met when he was weak, and the treasure he got in the dragon tomb. Speaking of the dragon tomb baby, he felt excited and remembered one thing. He got two most important treasures in the dragon tomb. The first is the dragon crystal, the essence condensed after the death of the dragon, and the second is the dragon control technique .

Qian Zhuang once gave him an unknown martial art "Dragon Transformation Art", so that he could understand the relationship between "Dragon Transformation Art" and "Dragon Control Art", but he was too young to understand it before. He was already an emperor, and suddenly he felt a sense of enlightenment.

(End of this chapter)

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