Chapter 732 The Funeral of Revenge

At ten o'clock in the morning, there were not many people in the teahouse. Zhao Yufan carefully looked at the tea in the cup, and his mood was the same as the tea in the cup.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the teahouse. The sound of chaotic footsteps rose and fell, and it took a few minutes to calm down, followed by people's discussions.Zhao Yufan glanced sideways out of the window and beckoned the guy to come over.

The clerk came to Zhao Yufan, bent down and smiled and said, "My lord, don't you like the food?"

"No, let me ask you, what happened outside just now?"

The man shrugged his shoulders and said in a low voice: "What else can happen, the Bai family and the Sun family are fighting again, but this time the battle is a bit bigger, the Bai family has just dispatched hundreds of people, I heard that only Wang Yu There are dozens of strong people."

"Oh..." Zhao Yufan murmured, then pursed his lips and asked, "Do you know why they fought?"

"Who knows." The man shook his head, "You eat first, and I'll greet other guests."

Drinking tea slowly, Zhao Yufan was not in a hurry. Anyway, the battle between the two families could not be decided in a day or two, so he had the patience to wait.

At eleven o'clock, the clerk suddenly came to Zhao Yufan, smiled flatteringly and said, "Master Ke, I found some news for you again, hehe..." He secretly glanced at Zhong Zhao Yufan, and did not continue.

Zhao Yufan understood what he meant, and took out a few star coins from the storage ring and handed them to the clerk.The man put the star coins into his pocket, and the smile on his face became wider: "Thank you, Master, I heard that a strong man from the Bai family was killed by the Sun family, and the Sun family didn't admit it was done by them, so Just started fighting, just now they each dispatched hundreds of people, the fight was terrible, I heard that several emperors died."

After the man finished speaking, he left happily.Zhao Yufan thought for a moment, got up and left, he was a little worried about the movement of the Brotherhood.As soon as he returned to the Brotherhood, he saw a large number of gang members coming in and out at the gate of the courtyard. He frowned slightly, and he knew that the Brotherhood wanted to take the opportunity to make a move.

Finding Lin Tao's room, he opened the door and entered. Lin Tao, Mo Qi and others were all there. At this time, several people were gearing up and discussing with great interest. The sudden appearance of Zhao Yufan interrupted their conversation.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Yufan asked angrily.

Lin Yu curled his lips and said: "I tell you good news, you don't have to assassinate Diyu anymore, their two families have begun to fall into chaos, and this is the time for us to take action."

Glancing at Lin Yu, Zhao Yufan said: "No! We can't participate in the battle between the two big families. The lean camel is bigger than the horse. Do you think the two big families will be so easy to deal with? There is a reason why the two big families are fighting Yes, don't fall into someone's trap."

"What do you mean?" Lin Yu was a little unconvinced. He was suppressed by Zhao Yufan no matter in terms of resourcefulness or force. Now that he finally had a chance to show off, he was naturally unwilling to give up.

Zhao Yufan knew Lin Yu's heart too well, so he told everyone what he knew, and then stopped talking.

Lin Yu stared at Zhao Yufan for a long while before he said: "What does that matter? The conspiracy between them does not conflict with us. Besides, we have already sent people to help the Bai family. It is estimated that the battle has already started at this time."

Zhao Yufan opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word, he couldn't hold back his brotherhood if he didn't count all the calculations.

At this moment, Tie Yunshan's voice sounded outside the door: "Lin Tao, something has happened." After he finished speaking, he pushed the door open and entered. Seeing that his body was covered in blood, everyone couldn't help getting up, their eyes full of concern.

Wiping his face, Tie Yunshan gasped and said: "We helped the Bai family, but we never thought that the Bai family would frame us. We, the brotherhood and other forces killed and injured more than half of them, and we have no fighting power. I'm surprised. Our actions were obviously very secretive, so why were we still ambushed by the Sun family?"

Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan, believing in what he said just now. If it weren't for the alliance of the two great families, how could Tie Yunshan and people from other forces be ambushed.Tie Yunshan didn't know why, and he didn't want to ask. He just feels sorry for the dead brothers now. Thinking of those who died tragically, he couldn't help but glared at Lin Yu and the others. There are not so many casualties.

The look in his eyes made Lin Tao and the others very embarrassed, and everyone blamed themselves, including Zhao Yufan.

"Master, these bloody bastards dare to lie to us." Mo Qi stared angrily at Zhao Yufan, and suddenly said, "Go and kill them all."

"Why don't you go?" Qingzhu said angrily.

Mo Qi rolled his eyes, and replied shamelessly: "He is my brother, he will go if I go, and if the little girl doesn't understand, don't talk."

The two quarreled constantly, and at this time Tie Yunshan asked impatiently, "Are you bothered?" He looked at Zhao Yufan with bullish eyes, and he didn't say that Zhao Yufan should come forward, but in his eyes he hoped that Zhao Yufan would come forward to help Dead brother revenge.

Zhao Yufan sighed, and said helplessly, "It's not that I don't want to, it's that now is really not the time. You are waiting, after a while, let's wipe out the two big families!"

"Really?" Tie Yunshan asked.

"Have I lied to you?"

Tie Yunshan was startled, thought for a moment, and said bluntly, "I'm not cheating."

"Uh..." Zhao Yufan was at a loss for words, rolled his eyes at him, and warned seriously: "Take care of your brothers these days, people from the two major families will definitely instigate you to come forward, and you will surely fail miserably if you stand up for a while. Time, we can destroy them and avenge the dead brothers."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they were a little impatient, but soon, they fell into deep thought, how to appease their brothers has become a difficult problem now.

These days, the fraternity has exploded. Hundreds of people asked to see Lin Tao, hoping that Lin Tao could bring someone to avenge the dead brother, but Lin Tao refused. At the beginning, Lin Tao was able to suppress everyone, but in the end, He couldn't bear it himself.

The two families have been fighting for more than ten days. Their battle has swept across the entire Tsinghua Street. Almost all the forces have participated, and almost all of them have been severely injured. Only the Brotherhood and several other forces that did not participate in the war in the later stage suffered relatively small losses. .

Zhao Yufan is still waiting, he is waiting for the death of the patriarchs of the two major families, and the death of the emperors of the two major families.

On this day, news came from the two major families at the same time that the two patriarchs had been assassinated to death. The members of the two major families immediately pointed the finger at the other family, preparing to fight to the death, claiming: the time of the funeral is the time of revenge .

(End of this chapter)

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