Chapter 733 Standing shoulder to shoulder with gods and fighting against demons
In the fraternity courtyard, hundreds of fraternity elites stood neatly around the courtyard. In front of them were several senior members of the fraternity. In the middle was Lin Tao, the boss of the fraternity. On both sides were Lin Yu and Mo Qi. Frost Moon, Crescent Moon, and the four girls were not present, and the girls would participate in this battle in different identities.Zhao Yufan was behind Lin Tao and the others. He was wearing a white and silver mask, standing upright, with traces of murderous aura around his body.

Lin Tao raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, glanced at everyone, and said sharply: "Brothers, have you always wondered why I don't let you participate in the battle between the two big families?"

The crowd was silent.

Lin Tao continued: "Because it was a conspiracy by the two big families, they wanted to sacrifice us! But now is the time for us to fight back. I just want to ask you a question, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

Everyone shouted in unison, with high fighting spirit.

"Kill them all, kill! Kill! Kill!" Tie Yunshan was so excited that he couldn't help roaring.

The fraternity followed him, shouting, "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Lin Tao looked around and said, "Before taking revenge, let me introduce a few people to my brothers."

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help looking at King Qingjie behind Lin Tao. They knew very well that King Qingjie was powerful, and they also knew that King Qingjie had been working for the Brotherhood, but they didn't know whether he was a member of the Brotherhood. At this time, Lin Tao said that he wanted to introduce a few people, and they naturally thought of King Qingjie.

"First of all, I will introduce you to the Six Emperors!"

Who are the Six Emperors?Everyone looked at Lin Tao in astonishment. They thought they would introduce King Qingjie, but they didn't expect to introduce someone else.

At this moment, six delicate figures wearing silver masks stepped out from the gate of the courtyard. They were Han Bingyue, Waning Yue and the fourth daughter.When everyone saw that there were six girls, they couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Sensing the disappointment on everyone's faces, Lin Tao smiled slightly and said, "Brothers, don't underestimate them. They are all powerful kings, and their strength should not be underestimated." Domain, but not yet Wang Yu, so to speak is just to improve morale, of course, with the current fighting power of Frost Moon and Crescent Moon, Wang Yu can also fight a battle.

"They are the Six Emperors of our fraternity, and they are also the wives of our King Qingjie!" Lin Tao said lightly. He didn't say that Han Bingyue was Zhao Yufan's wife, but that the Six Emperors were Zhao Yufan's wife. People have various imaginations.

In the eyes of everyone, the woman of King Qingjie is naturally extraordinary.

Lin Tao invited Zhao Yufan to the crowd, and introduced him earnestly: "He is the king of Qingjie, named Shenmo, who stands shoulder to shoulder with gods and competes with demons!" The reason why he was called Shenmo was discussed by Lin Tao and the others. To commemorate Zhao Yufan's two identities, one is the sword demon and the other is the sword god.

Gods and demons?Everyone's expressions were astonished, and they felt that the name was quite domineering. It was extremely arrogant to dare to use the word "Shenmo" as the name, but they liked it.

I don't know who took the lead in shouting "God and Demon", and everyone shouted one after another.

"Gods and demons! Gods and demons! Stand shoulder to shoulder with gods! Compete with demons!"

"Gods and demons, gods and demons! Stand shoulder to shoulder with gods! Compete with demons!"


After shouting for a while, Lin Tao said: "Lin Yu, you bring 200 people to sneak attack the enemies of the Bai family in the east!"

"Yes!" Lin Yu replied.

"Tie Yunshan, you bring 200 people to attack the enemies of the Bai family in the west!"

"En!" Tie Yunshan replied.

"Mo Qi, you lead 200 people to attack the enemies of Sun's family in the north."

Mo Qi nodded.

"The remaining people and I will sneak attack on the enemies of the Sun family in the east!" Lin Tao said here, with a slight pause in his tone: "Four of the six emperors attacked the Bai family, and the remaining two Huangs attacked the Sun family. As for the gods and demons, wait for the opportunity!"

After the order was given, everyone acted one after another.

What Lin Tao ordered was only the elite gang members. Among them, there are more than a thousand internal gang members, and more than [-] ordinary gang members. This is not a small force, and they are not head-to-head, but sneak attacks.Even if there are so many members in the Brotherhood, they are not opponents of any of the two families. Fortunately, the two families are resisting each other, and their forces are somewhat scattered, and at this time other forces are also full of hatred for the two families, so they also united Get up and prepare to fight to the death, of course the most important thing is that they want to profit from it.

People from these forces did not dare to fight against the two big families, but with Zhao Yufan and the others playing tricks from behind the scenes, these forces still united and prepared to fight against the two big families.

As the sun rose slowly, the mansions and courtyards of the two families were covered with white silk and white lanterns. In order to show grandeur, the two families forced the shops and residents near the streets to hang white silk and white lanterns.

At nine o'clock, the funeral begins.

People from the two major families rushed to the gate of the city at the same time, where they would meet and where they would fight the final battle.

White papers were flying, and the air-conditioning was overwhelming.

People in white sackcloth held their weapons and walked forward slowly. The coffins of the two families were all pure black. The black made people dare not look directly at them, adding some dignity and awe to the already depressing atmosphere around them.

At the gate of the city, the two families finally met. The two pure black coffins were carried by twelve Wang Yu respectively. From the beginning to the end, they did not put the coffins on the ground. Even if the family members fought, they still stood tall. .

The family will not die, and the coffin will not fall!This is the belief of the two families.

The killing sound shook the sky, and the streets were stained red with blood.

Zhao Yufan stood on a beam, silently staring at the battle at the gate of the city, his eyes full of bloodthirsty light.

Lin Tao and the others didn't attack either. The battle between the two big families had just started, and they were not in a hurry. It was time for them to step forward when both of them were hurt. However, different people have different understandings of what it means to be hurt by both.Zhao Yufan and the others waited for both to lose and lose when the two peak emperors fought to lose both, and when the various forces united to wait for both to lose and lose to each other was when the two great families fought to lose both.

This battle lasted from nine o'clock to one o'clock in the noon, with corpses strewn across the city gate and blood flowing like rivers.

People trampled on the corpses of their companions and enemies, waved their weapons, and rushed forward fiercely. As the children of the family, they had long been prepared to die for the family. No family can survive without this group of killers. Ordinary children of the line, they are also the core of every family.

Evening has always been a time for conspiracy to unfold, and this night is no exception, and the conspiracy this night is even more vicious and cruel.

Zhao Yufan jumped off the beam, looked up at the starry sky, and sighed, "It's about to start..."

At this time, the alliance of various forces has already begun to attack, and they poured into the gate of the city, the mansions of the two families, and the streets from all directions to start a new round of brutal fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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