Chapter 744 Special Training
"I'll give you some gifts when we meet for the first time."

Zhao Yufan's loud voice immediately quieted everyone down.

Han Tong and his party were stunned, and immediately began to discuss.What gift can Zhao Yufan give them?Was the gift he gave valuable?Does it work for them?

In the eyes of everyone, what Zhao Yufan sent was nothing more than food and drink, so they all looked disdainful. It was impossible to use these things to win their favor. Even if they were given gold and silver, they might not be happy .

"What gift? Give us tens of thousands of star coins." Someone sarcastically said.

Some people ridiculed: " won't give us ten buns each? You are really rich."

The wretched man hid in the crowd and shouted: "It's okay to send a few chicks..."

The crowd burst into bursts of laughter, and Han Tong and the others crossed their arms and admired, hoping that Zhao Yufan would make a fool of himself.

Zhao Yufan knew what they were trying to do with a casual glance, so he looked at the four green bamboo girls and motioned for them to take out gifts.There were four gifts in total. To Zhao Yufan and the others, these gifts were really not worth mentioning, but both he and the four girls knew that what they presented could definitely tempt anyone present.

Qingzhu took out ten white medicine bottles, Lanhua took out fifty first-grade swords, Xieyue took out a book with a blue cover, and Phantom took out a blue book.

In the eyes of everyone full of shock and disbelief, Qingzhu slowly introduced: "Ten bottles of pills, ten pills in one bottle, this pill is Dragon Tiger Pill, which can increase the cultivation of the king's domain for 20 years."

Everyone stared, their hearts were extremely shocked, especially those Wang Yu were even more excited, even if they could only get one elixir, it would save 20 years of training time, this is definitely a treasure for them .

At this time, Lan Hua slowly said: "Fifty first-grade swords, what is the use of first-grade weapons, I don't need to say more."

Looking at the shining swords, Wang Yu's peak masters were completely excited. Only the emperor domain can have a first-grade sword, and even some emperor domains don't have a first-grade sword. If these swords are given to them, It can also greatly improve their combat effectiveness.

Xie Yue's indifferent voice suddenly sounded: "This book is called "The Power of Wind", one of the basic supernatural powers. Having him will help you to become an emperor, and it will also be of great help in possessing supernatural powers."

Knowing the purpose of the book, the whole audience erupted. Even Han Tong and the others couldn't hide their surprise. It was a book that recorded supernatural powers. These books are owned by various forces, and ordinary people are not allowed to read them. , although this book The Power of Wind is only the most basic, but owning it will also help them to comprehend supernatural powers to a certain extent.This kind of book is hard to come by, even if you have money, it is hard to buy, and now Zhao Yufan actually gave him out as a gift.

Calming the shock in their hearts, everyone looked at the book in Phantom's hand. The book just now has supernatural powers, so what will be in this book?

Phantom introduced quietly: "This book is "Sword Formation", which records twelve sets of sword formations. It can greatly increase your strength after cooperation. The three peak kings learn any set of sword formations, and you Able to fight against masters from the Imperial Domain."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked. Although they didn't believe it, since Zhao Yufan could come up with so many good things, there was no reason to deceive them.

Everyone's eyes became hot, eager to rush up and take everything away.

Zhao Yufan was very satisfied with this effect. He looked around at the crowd and began to distribute gifts. Among them, the sword array and supernatural powers were something everyone could learn, and one hundred pills were given to Wang Yu's junior and middle-stage people, and fifty The swords were distributed to Emperor Domain and Peak King Domain.

After the distribution, everyone looked at Zhao Yufan differently. The anger in the eyes disappeared, replaced by emotions such as admiration, amazement, and gratitude, including Han Tong and others. Those who can better understand the preciousness of these gifts.

Maybe because he didn't want to owe Zhao Yufan too much, Han Tong proposed to clean up the dust for Zhao Yufan, and everyone agreed, and started to arrange a banquet, preparing to have a few drinks with Zhao Yufan, and to find out about Zhao Yufan.

As night fell, in the Mansion of the Lord of the Five Elements City, the five brothers of Water King were sitting around.Water King was silent for a while, and asked, "How is Zhao Yufan's situation?"

Fire King opened his mouth wide, and said with a little envy: "This guy is really extraordinary, he has become one with Qingfeng Swordsman and the others. I heard that Qingfeng Swordsman even arranged a banquet for him, and this guy has a lot of treasures in his hand. Give it to Qingfeng Swordsman There is a gift from..."

After hearing his speech, the others showed shocking expressions. Giving those things away only shows that Zhao Yufan has too many treasures. Even their City Lord's Mansion couldn't easily give away these things, but Zhao Yufan didn't care.

Zhao Yufan and the others drank until early in the morning before going back to rest one after another. Zhao Yufan also drank a little too much and was helped away by Qingzhu and Lanhua.

On the second day, Zhao Yufan began to train everyone. There were many training contents, such as practicing physical fitness, practicing coordination, practicing swordsmanship and so on.

After a few days, Zhao Yufan has almost integrated into Qingfeng Swordsman, and his relationship with everyone is gradually improving. Although he can't be called a brother, he can be called a friend.

On this day, Zhao Yufan gathered all the Qingfeng Swordsmen to prepare for an actual combat exercise. The place where the show was performed was called Leishan, and there were many monsters from the King's Domain and the Emperor's Domain.In Zhao Yufan's eyes, only fighting is the best way to improve strength.

More than four hundred people marched through the street in a mighty manner, immediately attracting the surrounding people. Zhao Yufan, who had been forgotten by everyone, returned to their sight again, and there was also a group of unruly Qingfeng swordsmen.

"What's the situation, who are they going to fight?"

"With such a big battle, is something wrong?"

"No, I heard it's for training."

All the Qingfeng swordsmen were dispatched, and Zhao Yufan, who had become famous, caused a sensation directly. Various forces sent spies to investigate and got accurate information: they wanted to train, and the people of various forces almost died of anger. Is it like going out like an expedition?

However, many people still noticed the difference of Qingfeng Swordsman. They all said that Qingfeng Swordsman was ranked at the bottom of the 36 teams of the City Lord's Mansion, but the strength they showed today changed people's views.

Among the personnel of Qingfeng Swordsman, many people's strength has greatly increased, and a large number of first-grade weapons have also enhanced their combat effectiveness, and they have not seen each other for a few days, and there are four more masters with supernatural powers among them. A terrifying existence, everyone knows... Qingfeng Swordsman is no longer what it used to be.

(End of this chapter)

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