Chapter 745 Brotherly Love
Leishan has a strange shape, steep mountains, cliffs and cliffs can be seen everywhere, and ferocious monsters are hidden in the dense forests, and there will be a roar of monsters from time to time.

Zhao Yufan and his team swept wildly in Leishan. The training these days made them cooperate very tacitly, and many monsters from the imperial domain died in the hands of many kings.Han Tong was excited, they could feel their own strength growing, and all of this was due to Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan has been watching them from the back of the line, admonishing and pointing them out from time to time.The crowd slowly went deep into Leishan, and the monsters they encountered became more and more powerful.

Outside Leishan, a group of people suddenly appeared. There were more than forty people in this group. Behind these wealthy children are their imperial guards.

Xu Jingjing clenched her fists tightly, killing intent flashed in her eyes, and said softly, "Brothers, you must help me teach that Zhao Yufan a lesson, but don't kill him, we can't afford to provoke him."

Wang Xin, one of the three wealthy families, twitched his lips and said with a sneer, " don't have to worry about Sister Crystal, even if he has the backing of the King of Five Elements, as long as you want to kill him, our brother will help you do it."

Others also agreed one after another, threatening to help Xu Jingjing completely destroy Zhao Yufan.Perhaps Xu Jingjing promised that he and Yi Long would be grateful to them when they got married in the future.Everyone took what they needed, and rushed towards Leishan in high spirits.

After these people, Feng Yunping, Xu Zhe and other wealthy children are rushing to Leishan.Feng Yunping and Xu Zhe heard that Xu Jingjing led a group of strong men to surround Zhao Yufan, and they also called some wealthy children to help Zhao Yufan, but their number was obviously smaller than Xu Jingjing and the others, only a dozen of them.

"Brothers, it's getting late, let's retreat!" Zhao Yufan yelled, turned around and began to walk back. When he went back, he became the pioneer, and any monsters that appeared in front of him were killed by him. The Qingfeng swordsmen were still astonished by the monster that fell down. They didn't expect that the monster in the imperial domain was like tofu in front of Zhao Yufan, without any threat.

"Brother Zhao, why are you so powerful at such a young age?" Han Tong stepped forward and asked suspiciously.Now their hostility towards Zhao Yufan was completely gone, replaced by curiosity.

Qingzhu glanced at Han Tong sideways, her beautiful eyes filled with pride: "Brother Han, it's not me who praises the young master, the young master is a heavenly genius, invincible within the same level, and will become the number one master in the holy world in the future!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched. They found that the four girls and Zhao Yufan were talking so arrogantly that it made people speechless, but a few of them were still smiling and looked very serious, which made people a little suspicious.

"Hmph, you don't believe me when I say it, but you will understand after you have been in touch with the young master for a long time." Lan Hua said something, and stopped talking to Han Tong and the others.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan stopped, raised his hand and said in a low voice, "Be alert!"

Everyone showed their weapons one after another and formed a large sword formation, looking like they were ready to fight.

In front of them, the figures of Xu Jingjing and others slowly appeared in the dark jungle. They were smiling and chatting unscrupulously before they came to Zhao Yufan and others.

"Zhao Yufan, can't you think of it?" Xu Jingjing looked at Zhao Yufan proudly, as if seeing his appearance after death,
Zhao Yufan really forgot about Xu Jingjing, let alone his ability to summon so many people. He is from the City Lord's Mansion, and he thought that few people would dare to fight against the City Lord's Mansion, but now it seems that he still underestimated Xu Jingjing and Yi family prestige.

There were more than forty emperors on the opposite side, Zhao Yufan thought in his heart, although Qingfeng Swordsman's current level can be a stalemate with the people on the opposite side, but casualties are inevitable, he just took over Qingfeng Swordsman, and he doesn't want them to die because of him, so he hesitated for a moment, then Looking at Xu Jingjing, he said, "Let them leave."

Xu Jingjing was startled, and stared at Zhao Yufan strangely, thinking that he was playing some kind of trick. She was also worried that Zhao Yufan would make everyone resist and escape by herself, but she didn't expect him to let everyone leave, "Yes, they can all go, as long as you stay Just go down."

Zhao Yufan nodded, turned around and gave a serious order: "Listen to my order, now all of you make a detour and leave immediately!"

The faces of the Qingfeng swordsmen changed slightly, and no one moved. They got along very well with Zhao Yufan these days, and Zhao Yufan also helped them a lot. Now that Zhao Yufan is in crisis, how could they escape.

Zhang Ping was the first to speak: "Captain Zhao, what do you think of us Qingfeng swordsmen? Even if we die in battle, we can't let you stay here alone!"

"Yes!" Mrs. Zhang took a step forward, with the sword across her chest, and said sharply, "Although our brother does not accept you, everyone has seen what you have done these days. Since you treat us sincerely, we cannot leave at this time !"

Han Tong also said with a smile: "Haha...that makes sense. We Qingfeng swordsmen are never afraid of death. If we die for you, we are worthy of death. What's's not certain who will live and who will die."

Zhao Yufan was quite touched. To have such a group of brothers, it would be worth dying in battle today, but they have to leave, "No, I can deal with them. You four brothers, Han Tong and Zhang Ping, stay behind, and the rest of the imperial domain will escort you immediately." The others left here, if we die in battle, Qingfeng Swordsman will rely on you from now on." Speaking of this, he whispered to everyone: "This is an order! Don't forget the rules of our Qingfeng Swordsman."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally left helplessly.As soon as they left, Xu Jingjing was about to make a move. At this time, Zhao Yufan reached out to stop her, looked at Han Tong and the others and said, "Wait, they are leaving too."

Hearing this, Han Tong and the others were taken aback, didn't they just tell them to stay?Why are you regretting it now?
"Let's go, driving is not good for us. I may have a chance to escape myself. You are here to affect me, not to mention... Qingfeng Swordsman needs you." After Zhao Yufan finished speaking, he looked at the four women and said, "You have to leave too."

The four girls thought for a moment, then nodded and left. Ever since the incident in Qingfengling, they knew that fighting with Zhao Yufan would only become his burden.Seeing the four girls leaving, Han Tong and the others could only leave silently.

This incident made the Qingfeng swordsmen completely agree with Zhao Yufan, and that he was the leader of Qingfengjian. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise.

"It's such a big joke. Do you think you can leave alive?" Xu Jingjing stared at Zhao Yufan with hatred, and said fiercely, "When you die, I will make people crush Qingfeng Swordsman!"

Zhao Yufan turned into a dragon, holding a thunderbolt heavy knife, grinning and said: "Come on, I really want to see what you are capable of!"

(End of this chapter)

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