Chapter 768 Bloodshot

Zhao Yufan didn't care to listen to what the people below said. He put all his energy into killing Yi Qingtian now. He learned some new supernatural powers along the way, and it's time for them to play their role.There are two types of supernatural powers he has researched, one is evolved from the Dragon Control Art, called: Fusion, which is to make the dragon and itself merge into one to enhance combat effectiveness, and the other is evolved through the purple awn , called: bloodshot.

"Sword Prison!"

Zhao Yufan set up a sword prison in an instant, and at the same time transformed into a dragon, and said silently: "Fusion!" In the supernatural art, fusion is a skill that is relatively easy to comprehend. Stronger fighting power.

He performed the combination of supernatural powers, which still surprised everyone watching the battle in the west. They didn't expect Zhao Yufan to have such supernatural powers, and they didn't know that he could have so many supernatural powers from him. It's really incredible. The supernatural powers he possesses now The technology is already comparable to the sum owned by some families.

Many people's eyes began to light up, especially those from the Yi family and the Xu family were the happiest. If Zhao Yufan could be killed, they would be able to obtain these supernatural powers. Although they may not be able to learn them themselves, there is always a glimmer of hope.

They desperately hoped that Yi Qingtian would win at this moment, so some excited disciples had already started cheering.

"Senior Sunny Sky, come on!"

"Senior Sunny Sky will win!"


The deafening sound suddenly stopped. People looked up at the sky, opened their mouths, but could not speak out.

Seeing that Zhao Yufan merged with Shenlong, his whole body was covered with a layer of golden dragon scales, like the battle armor of a god of war. The two dragon horns protruding from the top of his head were slightly weird, but they possessed an aura that no one dared to desecrate , There are two small dragons under his feet respectively, and the small dragons are only more than one meter long.

This is the fit, which has a human body, but also has some characteristics of a dragon.

It wasn't Zhao Yufan's change that made people's voices stop abruptly, but Zhao Yufan came in front of Yi Qingtian and chopped him off with a knife.

Yi Qingtian was like a kite with a broken string, falling from a high altitude and crashing into a shop.

Zhao Yufan could see a hole in the roof of the shop from top to bottom, and inside the hole Yi Qingtian was glaring at him.

Yi Qingtian was very angry. He had always thought that Zhao Yufan was no match for him and could only run away, but just now he understood that Zhao Yufan still had a second hand, and he also understood why Zhao Yufan didn't attack him at the beginning. It was because he Just wanting to torture himself in front of everyone, he clenched his fists, glared at Zhao Yufan along the hole, and roared angrily: "Damn Zhao Yufan, I will cut you into pieces!"


On the roof of the shop, Yi Qingtian rushed straight into the sky. He raised the Longtian sword high and stabbed at Zhao Yufan.

The Longtian sword is covered with a layer of faint golden light, the golden light is not very strong, but it contains some kind of terrifying energy, as if it has the power to tear apart the heavens and the earth, and no one can stop it.

Zhao Yufan also felt the weirdness in it, he frowned slightly, and muttered softly: "Bloodshot."

He is holding the sword in his right hand, and purple energy lines suddenly float out from the five fingers of his left hand. It's hard to notice.

These purple energy lines have still become a part of Zhao Yufan's body, and can appear from any part of his body to attack the enemy. The purple energy lines are evolved from purple awns. Zimang is even more powerful, and the power of so many thin lines attacking together is quite terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that these energy lines are integrated with him. The ability of Star Dafa.

Three thousand purple filaments, like a waterfall, slanted down Zhao Yufan's fingertips, slowly spread and spread, and came to Yi Qingtian's surroundings.

Three thousand purple filaments blocked Yi Qingtian's surroundings, and it was impossible for even a ray of breeze to pass through the filaments.

The filaments trembled slightly, and the frontmost filaments lifted up, like sharp swords, stabbing towards Yi Qingtian.

Yi Qingtian has no way to dodge, unless he can dispose of all the filaments, obviously he doesn't have that ability.

Everyone looked up at the changes in the sky and forgot to breathe. They vaguely felt Yi Qingtian's end, but they were still unwilling to believe it.

Zhao Yufan stared at the crowd silently, his eyes were cold, now he wrapped Yi Qingtian, as long as he exerted a little force with his five fingers, the three thousand filaments could absorb all of Yi Qingtian's energy.

"Death!" Zhao Yufan said indifferently, it seemed that he was not talking to Yi Qingtian, but to everyone.

I saw three thousand purple filaments moving continuously, as if they had entered Yi Qingtian's flesh, and within a short while, the three thousand filaments turned blood red. At this moment, everyone thought that the three thousand filaments had drained Yi Qingtian's blood. He couldn't help but look a little dignified. In fact, the three thousand filaments were a discoloration after killing Yi Qingtian and absorbing his energy. That's why Zhao Yufan called him bloodshot.

Withdrawing his bloodshot eyes, Zhao Yufan cast his indifferent eyes on Xu Yetian: "You should be dead too."

Xu Yetian and the others were so frightened that they couldn't say a word. They thought Yi Qingtian could kill Zhao Yufan, but who would have thought that he would lose so quickly.

Especially those disciples of the Yi family who were talking so brazenly just now, their faces were blushing, and they wished they could find a place to drill you in.Even the Fire King was very embarrassed, after all, just now he shouted: Don't seek death, but now Zhao Yufan not only survived, but also killed Yi Qingtian.

Xu Yetian was provoked by Zhao Yufan. He also wanted to kill Zhao Yufan himself, but he couldn't beat Zhao Yufan, so he had no choice but to ask everyone for help. At this time, everyone turned a blind eye to him, and many people had already pushed away. Keep a distance from their Xu family.

There were hundreds of people in front of Xu Yetian just now, but now there are only a handful of people alone, and some of them are members of the Yi family.

Xu Yetian looked at Zhao Yufan angrily, and suddenly looked at Yi Long, but Yi Long was also looking at Zhao Yufan, and ignored him at all. He gritted his teeth knowing that Yi Long would not make a move because of him, so he could only look at Xiqing red sedan chair.

Inside the sedan chair is Xu Jingjing in a red dress. Today is her happiest day. Not only has she become the daughter-in-law of the Yi family, but because her entire family has also become the biggest force in Five Elements City, everyone will remember her in the future. Everything was a matter of course, but it was disrupted by Zhao Yufan. Just now she saw clearly that Zhao Yufan killed the Tianyu master so easily. She must not let Zhao Yufan threaten her, so she can only let Zhao Yufan die.

(End of this chapter)

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