Chapter 769 Trading
At this moment, the only person who could kill Zhao Yufan was the Yi family, but the members of the Yi family did not dare to take action easily.

Xu Jingjing's beautiful eyes rolled, she looked at Yi Long delicately, and shouted in a tender voice: "Sir, don't you come out for us?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes instantly focused on Yi Long. Zhao Yufan had a faint smile on his lips, and wanted to see what Yi Long would do. He thought Yi Long would never like this kind of woman.

Of course, Yi Long couldn't like people like Xu Jingjing, but the family had orders, and he couldn't disobey them.Glancing at Xu Jingjing, he hummed softly, flew up into the air, floated in front of Zhao Yufan, and said sharply, "Come on."

Zhao Yufan was startled, then nodded immediately, since Yi Long wanted to fight, he would not be polite.

The two fought together in an instant, and the bright energy exploded around them, and the sound of the explosion covered everyone's exclamation and discussion.

"You actually like this kind of woman?" Zhao Yufan raised his hand and asked in a low voice.

Yi Long's attacking movements were obviously a little slow, his face was a little unnatural, and then he rushed to Zhao Yufan and said in a lower voice, "How about making a deal?"

"Ah?" Zhao Yufan was taken aback for a moment, then flipped the knife in his hand, slashing at Yi Long's left shoulder, and asked at the same time, "How do you trade?"

"You help me kill Xu Jingjing, and I'll help you deal with Yi's family!" Yi Long blinked.

Zhao Yufan was taken aback by Yi Long's plan, and after thinking for a while, he agreed without hesitation that killing Xu Jingjing was inevitable, and it would be even better if Yi Long could persuade the Yi family, so He didn't hesitate at all, even if Yi Long had other plots, but how to kill Xu Jingjing was a problem, he swiped his knife and asked, "How to kill?"

"Whatever!" Yi Long snapped.

Zhao Yufan suddenly understood, a look of helplessness appeared in his eyes, he turned around and rushed down, the thunder and lightning heavy knife in his hand was covered with a purple awn, and he slashed directly at the red sedan chair where Xu Jingjing was. Xu Jingjing was still sitting in the sedan chair Inside, it is a basic custom that he cannot leave the sedan chair when he has not arrived at Yi's house. Of course, she can also see what is happening outside.

Seeing Zhao Yufan coming directly to kill him, she couldn't help sticking her head out, and shouted at Yi Long who was high above the sky: "Sanggong, save me."

Yi Long was floating awe-inspiringly in the sky, staring at everything in front of him silently, a hint of sarcasm emerged from the corner of his mouth, how could he be willing to be manipulated by his family to marry such a woman?He couldn't stop the family's decision, but he could make people kill Zhao Yufan, and he could also make everyone countless things to say.

The members of the Yi family wanted to show up, but when they saw Yi Long's cold eyes, they immediately gave up their plan to attack, it was not wise to offend Yi Long.

The knife flashed.

The red sedan chair was split in half, and blood mist drifted out of the sedan chair.

Before Xu Jingjing understood what happened, she was already gone.

Xu Yetian spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was limp on the ground. He knew that the Xu family was over, and was completely destroyed by Zhao Yufan's knife. He stared at Zhao Yufan with angry eyes, and he stood up abruptly and shouted, "I'm going to kill you."

"Come on!" Zhao Yufan grinned, giving off a hideous feeling.

The two fought together, just a simple face-to-face, Xu Yetian was suppressed by Zhao Yufan, and before he had any chance to resist, Zhao Yufan directly held him with the sword, and then shot him dead with eighteen cuts.

When the fighting stopped, Zhao Yufan looked up at Yi Long: "Master Yi Long, are you going to take the Yi family away?"

Yi Long cupped his fists and thanked in front of everyone: "Thank you."

Everyone was silent when they heard the words. Yi Long's words meant that he acquiesced in Xu Jingjing's death, and it sounded like Zhao Yufan helped him kill Xu Jingjing.

The members of the Yi family were very helpless, some were dissatisfied, but they couldn't say anything, after all, this was Yi Long's business, and they really didn't want to offend Yi Long.The members of the Yi family left quickly, and the others also left one after another. They had nothing to do here. As for some forces that were originally united with the Yi family, they also left one after another at this moment, or directly turned against each other.

Arriving in front of the King of the Five Elements, Zhao Yufan looked at Zhang Yue with a gloomy expression at first glance: "Zhang Yue, you have already found a solution to your affairs, don't be too discouraged."

Hearing this, Zhang Yue was ecstatic, but she still held it back. Now his personal affairs are minor, and he has other things to deal with.

"Seniors, I don't think the Xu family needs to stay in the Five Elements City anymore. Let Xu Zhe take some members of the Xu family away."

Hearing Zhao Yufan's words, everyone in the Xu family turned pale, and Xu Zhe also trembled and clenched his fists. Their Xu family is considered over. Although Zhao Yufan gave the Xu family a chance, this chance can only protect them from surviving. It is almost impossible to become such a huge force now.

The people in the City Lord's Mansion didn't have any objections. Without Zhao Yufan, they would have died in battle. Now that Zhao Yufan spoke, they would naturally not refuse.


The long street was stained with blood, and corpses were everywhere.

The Xu family still resisted, but unfortunately they couldn't escape their perdition. Only Xu Zhe led hundreds of disciples of the Xu family to leave the Five Elements City.

The Five Elements City quickly returned to its previous calm, which disappointed some people who were expecting a great battle. Zhao Yufan's name quickly became the focus of discussion in the Five Elements City, and many people even called him: the most powerful in the Five Elements City the strong.

Zhao Yufan is the strongest person in the Five Elements City. Almost no one doubts that he can easily kill the masters of the Tianyu. There is really no one in the Five Elements City who can do it. Even the King of the Five Elements admires Zhao Yufan. Identity and Zhao Yufan, now they speak with a little respect to Zhao Yufan, this is the treatment of the strong, and it is also the rule of this world: the weak prey on the strong!
Back at Qingfeng Swordsman headquarters, Zhao Yufan took out a white porcelain bottle and said to Zhang Yue, "This is the blood of the white fox. It is said that one drop can heal any injuries you may have, and it may even cause your body to mutate." Then, he looked at The four women said: "One of you has one drop, whether you can pass it and become the emperor's domain depends on you."

Zhang Yue and the fourth daughter took the drop of red blood carefully and swallowed it immediately.

Zhao Yufan and the others left the room one after another and stood at the door to help them guard. This is very important to them, and they cannot be careless.

Han Tong looked at Zhang Yue and the others enviously, then sat on the steps at the door and said, "It's so lucky for them to meet the young master."

Zhao Yufan curled his lips and said with a smile, "If you want to be like Zhang Yue, I don't mind helping you."

Hearing this, Han Tong's face changed, and he shook his head immediately: "Forget it, I don't want to be so painful, but young master, what are you going to do with the remaining five drops? Why don't you give me one drop."

"No, I will use the rest for other purposes."

(End of this chapter)

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