Chapter 780 Shameless

Zhao Yufan glanced at the sky and had to stop.

The man who came from the air was a domineering bastard, and he floated in front of Zhao Yufan in the blink of an eye, glared at him, and swung out a bolt of lightning, which rang out over Yujian, blowing the sword away.

Zhao Yufan put away his imperial sword, and took off the storage rings on the corpses of the dead emperors around him, regardless of the overbearing and overbearing Hai Tieqing's face.

"Ninth Brother, the two of us will kill him." Ba Daohai clenched his sword tightly and said in a deep voice.

The domineering gangster glared at his eleventh brother, and said sharply: "Shut up, you might as well look around if you have this time." "

Ba Daohai looked around, and saw that the wolves in the sea of ​​fire disappeared without a trace, and in the sea of ​​fire in the distance, a group of wild wolves could vaguely be seen spraying out water jets, trying to put out the fire.

After a while, Yi Long and his group also arrived one after another.

Zhao Yufan glanced at the people around him. There were more than a thousand of them in total, which seemed like a lot, but compared with the number of wolves, it was nothing.

"Tell me about the situation nearby," Dongfang Taiquan said.

The domineering gangster frowned and said, "Just now I took a look at the center, and it has been completely occupied by wolves, with a total of [-]."

Kameda Saburo immediately said: "There are more than 3 people in the east."

Yu Xiaoxue of Tianhai City said lukewarmly: "There are more than 3 wolves in the north, and the wolves in the front are water wolves. They are putting out the fire." After she finished speaking, she glanced at Zhao Yufan, not knowing what it meant.

Yi Sheng from the Yi family said coldly: "There are fifty thousand in the south."

The lone wolf in Langya City grinned coldly and said, "Hehe...there are more than 3 people to the west, and we are completely surrounded. We are really self-inflicted."

Hearing this, embarrassment appeared on everyone's faces.

They all understood the meaning of the lone wolf. Originally, with Zhao Yufan blocking the pack of wolves, they could escape, at least they couldn't fall into such a dangerous situation, but they also entered the flames when they saw the profit.

Everyone suddenly turned their attention to Zhao Yufan, as if they were waiting for him to say something.

The corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth twitched, and he said nonchalantly, "What are you looking at me for? I can't help it."

Domineering Hai stared, provocatively said: "You have no choice? If it weren't for you, would we have fallen into such a dangerous situation? If it is impossible, you will help us resist the wolves, let us leave, and sacrifice you alone to save us. You are an honor to die."

"I give this glorious opportunity to you, who of you is willing to take it?" Zhao Yufan asked playfully, with a sly smile on his lips: "Overbearing Hai, I will let you give me such an honor, anyway, you have to die! "

"You!" Domineering and speechless.

The others also looked embarrassed. From the bottom of their hearts, they really hope that Zhao Yufan can stop the wolves, but this is obviously unrealistic.

Kameda Saburo raised his eyebrows slightly, and said: "Brother Zhao, don't be angry, what Ba Daohai said is not unreasonable. Without you, we would never step into the sea of ​​fire, and even the sea of ​​fire would not appear, and we would not face this crisis." Seeing that Zhao Yufan's eyes were full of murderous intent, he quickly said again: "Of course, you can't blame you for this matter, we all entered voluntarily, but the situation is critical now, only Brother Zhao can stop the pack of wolves, you can't Do you put aside your own self-interest and think for all of us?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the others complained angrily.

"Yeah, if you didn't cause the fire, how could we run to this place."

"Without you, we would never have come here, and it was you who killed us."

"Yes, you must stop the wolves for us."

"If you dare not stop me, I will kill you first, don't you think so?"


"we agree."

"It's all his fault. It's impossible to not take any responsibility now."

Zhao Yufan stared at the crowd dumbfounded. This group of people actually put all the blame on him. Does this have anything to do with him?He caused the fire, but he didn't let anyone into the sea of ​​flames. Seeing that he was profiting from the sea of ​​flames, these people couldn't help rushing in, looking for themselves when they were in danger, and using such a nasty method, even if he He has the ability to save people, but he can't save them, let alone he has no ability to stop the wolves.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yufan stared at Yi Long and his group of powerhouses. Among them, they were the strongest, and their attitudes could also represent the attitudes of some people.

Yi Long and Zhao Yufan have a good relationship, and they were the first to speak: "Everyone, people always show respect. We know who's right and who's wrong, so don't be too nasty."

Everyone glared at Yi Long, but they didn't dare to refute. After all, there were more than 100 Yi Long people in this group.

The lone wolf glanced at everyone indifferently, and said flatly: "A bunch of trash, it's really disgusting to be with you."

Lone Wolf is from Langya City, but he has no status in Langya City. Hearing his insults, everyone immediately scolded him, accusing him of being arrogant and bullying.

Dongfang Taiquan narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, raised his hand to silence everyone, and then looked at Zhao Yufan and said, "Zhao Yufan, no matter who is right or wrong, you are the only one who can stop the wolves among the people present, because you have a fifth-grade sword in your hand." , if you don’t want to stop it, then lend me the fifth-grade sword, how about I stop the wolves?”

"Uh..." Zhao Yufan was speechless, staring at Dongfang Taiquan and said sarcastically, "You are not as good as a domineering Hai."

When Ba Daohai heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and then the smile turned into anger. At first he felt that this sentence was not bad, but after thinking about it carefully, this sentence did not do him any good.

Dongfang Taiquan stared at Zhao Yufan, then looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, please comment."

When everyone heard this, they basically blamed Zhao Yufan.

"Zhao Yufan, are you still a human? It's fine if you don't want to stop the wolves. Why don't you let others stop you?"

"Hand over the fifth-grade sword, and we will stop the pack of wolves ourselves."

"You idiot, you want to kill all of us? Hurry up and take out the fifth-grade sword."

"Stop the pack of wolves or hand over the sword, your choice!"

Everyone held up their weapons and forced Zhao Yufan. The cold light from the weapons reflected on his face, giving people a ferocious feeling.

With a faint smile on his face, he suddenly said sharply: "What if I don't choose?"

"Then kill you!" Ba Daohai said.

"Yes, kill you!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him!"

"It's up to you?" Zhao Yufan glanced at them disdainfully, and roared angrily, "If you are willing to stay with me to stop the pack of wolves, the rest get out!"

No one wanted to stay, and many people began to gather around Ba Daohai, Dongfang Taiquan, and Kameda Saburo, and nearly a thousand people gathered in a few seconds.

Near Zhao Yufan, there were only more than 90.00 people, [-]% of them were because of the orders of strong men like Yi Long and Yu Xiaoxue, but some people didn't want to die after all, so they disobeyed the orders of Yi Long and others.

(End of this chapter)

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