Chapter 781
Yi Long stared at Yi Sheng and the members of the Yi family on the opposite side, and dissuaded him: "Yi Sheng, come here."

Yi Sheng shook his head firmly, and said solemnly: "Yi Long, you can value love and justice and stay with Zhao Yufan, but the rest of the Yi family cannot die with you."

"Master Yi Long, come here quickly, don't be with that bastard Zhao Yufan."

Listening to their conversation, Zhao Yufan raised the corners of his mouth and showed disdain on his face. This kind of thing didn't just happen to Yi Long, it also happened to Xiaoxue, Lone Wolf, Qian Yunfeng, and Feng Yunping.

Although they believed in different people, they wanted to escape after all.

In the end, no one convinced anyone, they could only be divided into two gangs, and those who followed Zhao Yufan were obviously at a disadvantage. They chose to follow Zhao Yufan because they chose to help him stop the pack of wolves. The person's face was extremely ugly, as if he was about to die, his face was pale, and his mouth was still complaining.

Zhao Yufan looked at Ba Daohai and the others, and said calmly, "From now on, we will not interfere with each other."

After hearing the words, Kameda Saburo immediately took a few steps forward and said, "Wait, should you help us stop the wolves?"

"Okay." Zhao Yufan agreed grimly, and stopped talking.

After discussing with several strong men in Overbearing Sea, they finally came up with a plan. They, Zhao Yufan and his party went directly to the wolf pack in the east. There were more than [-] wolves in the east, and the wolf pack was generally weak. It is also the easiest place to break through at present. They plan to kill the wolves and break through directly, and let Zhao Yufan and the others stay behind to block them. part.

The plan was that simple, Zhao Yufan and the others didn't have any objections, and went straight to the east.It is very difficult to kill to the ground now, because the [-] packs of wolves in the center of the sea of ​​fire have begun to attack from the inside out, and the pack of wolves outside the sea of ​​fire have also begun to shrink in and surround them.

Under the siege of thousands of wolves, Zhao Yufan and the others entered the east without any risk.

Ba Daohai and his party didn't say a word to Zhao Yufan and the others, they went straight to the east, and at this moment, some people who didn't want to die also left Zhao Yufan and his team directly, and left directly with Ba Daohai and the others.

In a blink of an eye, there were only a hundred or so people left in Zhao Yufan's team. Everyone looked at each other with sadness on their faces. They didn't have much dissatisfaction with Zhao Yufan and the others. Those who stayed were either extremely intelligent or loyal, and it was impossible for them to do some nasty things like Ba Daohai and the others.

Yi Long and the others looked at Zhao Yufan, they were willing to follow Zhao Yufan because they believed that Zhao Yufan had the ability to let them leave safely, but to their disappointment, the family and the people in the city did not follow them.

"The east side seems to be safe, but there are also certain dangers. Let's find a direction to break through." After finishing speaking, he pointed to the west side and said: "Let's rush out from here. I will use Yujian in a while, you guys All enter Yujian to resist the wolves, as long as we unite, I promise to take you out of here."

Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan suspiciously, and finally could only nod fiercely.

Zhao Yufan unleashed Yujian, and as soon as the 360 ​​swords appeared, he started to kill the nearby wolves, directly reducing the pressure on the rest of the people. Perhaps seeing Yujian's strength, everyone felt a glimmer of hope.

Zhao Yufan checked the number of people. There are now 120 of them in total. He assigned each of them three swords to protect them.

He arranged everyone in a cone to charge, those inside the cone rested, and those outside the cone were in charge of attacking, one attack and one defense, allowing them to fight for a long time.

Maybe Zhao Yufan and the others were lucky, and it was also Zhao Yufan's plan. After a day and a night, none of them were injured, but as time went by, the number of wolves around them also began to increase, and sometimes there would be more than a dozen peak emperors. The white-eyed lone wolf made them flustered for a while.

On the other hand, Overbearing Sea and the others suffered serious losses. In just one day, they had already lost more than 100 people.

At night, Zhao Yufan and the others never stopped moving forward. Only by leaving this grassland, might they have the possibility of surviving.When Zhao Yufan entered this grassland, there was no sign of anyone. He climbed over a volcano and entered here. Looking back, the volcano had disappeared.

According to the clues provided by Yi Long and the others, there are two ways to leave here. The first way is to leave by chance just like Zhao Yufan, and the second way is to find Baizhanmen and change the scene from there.

ooh ooh...

The howls of wolves bullying each other sounded, which indicated that there would be a powerful wolf leader or wolf king appearing.

"Look..." someone shouted, pointing to the hillside ahead.

When everyone looked around, they saw a howling white wolf raised its head and howled loudly on the hillside.

"Sky-level Xiaotian White Wolf." Yi Long frowned slightly, his face a bit ugly.The few strong men here can fight against the Tianyu masters, but if they want to face a Tianyu wolf king alone, they have to run away.

"How to do?"

Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan, hoping that Zhao Yufan could find a solution.

Zhao Yufan stared at Xiaotian White Wolf with condensed eyebrows, and said sharply: "You go first in a while, and I will stay and help you block it."

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect him to make such a decision, at this moment they felt that they were following the right person, if it were Domineering Hai and the others, they would definitely let them block Xiaotian White Wolf and escape by themselves.

"We change house and I stay." Yi Long said.

Yu Xiaoxue also said: "Then I will stay in Tianhai City."

"I also want to see how powerful Xiaotian White Wolf is." Lone Wolf grinned.

Qian Yunfeng shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly, "Then I'll stay too."

"No, I am enough alone. You are responsible for protecting them. Since you believe in me, I will try my best to help you. If you are like those bastards, I will definitely not stop Xiaotian White Wolf." Zhao Yufan refused everyone's kindness. , took out the sword of fire and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I won't die so easily."

Everyone didn't say anything, but each prepared to break through.

Soon, they rushed down the hillside.Zhao Yufan withdrew Yujian, and drove a dragon to rush towards Xiao Tianbai Romance. With the sword of fire dancing in his hand, several imperial wolves were directly burned into fireballs.

Turning on Yujian, he directly let the 360 ​​swords isolate Xiaotian White Wolf from other wild wolves, and while controlling Yujian to resist the pack of wolves, he fought against Xiaotian White Wolf.

When Yi Long and the others saw Zhao Yufan's style of play, they all showed surprise.

The peerless beauty Yu Xiaoxue asked: "Have any of you seen this style of play?"

Lone Wolf and the others shook their heads, Yi Long swung his sword and beheaded a leader of the pack of wolves. Xiaotian Bailang fights. It takes a strong mental power to control three hundred and sixty swords, this guy is really not ordinary."

(End of this chapter)

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