Chapter 797
With a weed in his mouth, Zhao Yufan is very happy now. The four major cities have been united, and now they can attack as long as they discuss the next step in detail.

Two days later, three people quietly appeared on a mountain peak near the Sun City camp. The three people's eyes were focused on a pile of weeds. The weeds fluttered with the wind, and a group of black shadows could be vaguely seen in the grass.

Yu Xiaoxue stared at the black shadow for a while, her eyes widened slightly, "Zhao Yufan, have you lived here all this time?"

Turning over, Zhao Yufan stood up suddenly, staring at the three people in front of him, "Here we come."

Yi Long, Yu Xiaoxue, and Lone Wolf nodded at the same time, and each of them took out a ring and threw it to Zhao Yufan, which contained the star coins and treasures that Zhao Yufan wanted.

Zhao Yufan readily accepted, got up to clean the weeds on his body, and said at the same time: "The four cities are suspicious of each other. I plan to let you each be responsible for a direction. Let's use the deep pit in the center of the Sun City camp as the boundary. Cross the boundary, regardless of life and death!"

The three of Yi Long didn't have any opinions, this was the most appropriate way.

Lone Wolf narrowed his eyes, stared at Zhao Yufan and asked, "What should we do next?" Yu Xiaoxue and Yi Long also looked at Zhao Yufan at this time.

Zhao Yufan raised his eyelids and said, "Since I have taken your money, I will try to minimize your casualties. I have thought about it carefully for the past few days. I will sneak into the Sun City camp to save people, and wait for me to rescue them." I will send a signal to you, when the time comes, we will work together inside and outside to capture the camp in one fell swoop."

"You won't lie to us, will you?" Yi Long asked half-jokingly and half-seriously, he had a certain understanding of Zhao Yufan's shamelessness.

Zhao Yufan rolled his eyes, with a serious face: "You still don't trust me?"

The three of them stared at Zhao Yufan, all expressing the same meaning in their eyes, that is: they couldn't believe it, because they trusted Zhao Yufan too much at the beginning, so they were deceived by him for all their wealth.

"Send people to ambush, and start the operation tomorrow night." Zhao Yufan was full of energy, his black hair swaying in the wind, like a general who ruled the world.

The three of Yi Long left and went back to the camp to gather troops and prepare for the battle.

On the second day, there was a hazy drizzle under the cloudy sky, which made it easier for Zhao Yufan to move. Perhaps God deliberately took care of him, but the real situation was that he observed the weather and felt that it would rain tomorrow.

The rain has been pattering from morning to night.In the dark night, the raindrops hit the ground and puddles, making a clear sound, which made people feel a little scared.Some figures in the tent were shaking, some were brightly lit, and some were pitch black.

A black shadow flashed away from the pitch-black tent, broke into the hazy drizzle, and gradually, the black shadow approached the heavily guarded deep pit in the camp.

This black shadow was Zhao Yufan. He carefully observed his surroundings. There were nearly [-] people guarding him, including a master of the sky domain. He was lurking next to a pitch-black tent, motionless, as if he had merged with the ground.

The rain fell heavily unknowingly, Tianyu master wiped the sweat from his face, hid in a tent with the curtains open, picked up a towel and wiped the top of his head, "You guys come in and rest for a while, others continue to guard, You will replace them later."

More than [-] guards immediately returned to the tent with more than a dozen people, leaving only ten people to continue guarding. Although the people sheltering from the rain entered the tent, because the curtain of the tent was opened, they could still monitor an area, but with With the tilt of the rainstorm, their vision gradually became blurred, and they were too lazy to stare outside under the depressed mood.

When the opportunity came, Zhao Yufan looked at a corner of the deep pit and thought to himself, this position can block the sight of most guards, but there is a guard in the corner, he must kill this guard without disturbing others, and enter the deep pit quickly. If there is even a slight mistake in saving people, he will not have to live.

The Fire Sword cannot be used anymore. Zhao Yufan found a fourth-grade dagger. This dagger was obtained from Kameda Saburo's storage ring. It is extremely sharp and is a sharp weapon for assassinating others. There are also some books about ninjutsu in the book, but Zhao Yufan is not a rarity in cultivation, not because he looks down on it, but because he instinctively dislikes it.

There was no light on the pitch-black dagger, and the rainwater hit it like falling into the abyss, and there was no dagger at all.Zhao Yufan clenched the dagger tightly, stepped on the ground with both feet, and killed it with his whole body sideways.

When the dagger was lifted upwards, the invisible airflow directly cut through the clothes on the guard's back, and the blood flowed along the way, merging with the rain.

Zhao Yufan's attack was too fast, and the guard just stood there in a daze, never falling down.And Zhao Yufan used the dagger to turn around on the thick wire, and directly cut a circular hole, and his men entered it immediately.

Before the person landed, Zhao Yufan lowered his voice and said, "Shut up!"

Everyone's opened mouths were immediately covered, for fear that they would accidentally exclaim.

When it fell to the ground, Zhao Yufan glanced at it, and immediately hid in a corner, beckoning to everyone, signaling them to come over.When everyone gathered around, he said in a low voice: "Listen to me now, no matter what grievances you have, you must unite now, must obey my orders later, I have already fought with the people in your city." Once you get in touch, you will be able to rush out after a while, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded immediately, and one of them said: "We were poisoned by them, and now we don't have any strength."

Zhao Yufan took out the antidote elixir that he had prepared long ago from the storage ring, looked up vigilantly and said, "Take these elixir, and it will recover in half an hour. I will help you open the iron net on it, and after a while Let's rush out together."

Zhao Yufan jumped to the top, grabbed the iron net with one hand, and began to destroy the iron net with the dagger in the other.After he finished destroying the iron net, everyone recovered.

Taking out the flare, Zhao Yufan stared at them and said, "Are you ready?" Everyone nodded in unison, and Zhao Yufan lit the flare.

The flames burned, and a slight explosion sounded in the rainy night, and a flame broke through the iron net and rushed into the sky.

In the four directions of east, west, southeast and northwest, Yi Long, Lone Wolf, Yu Xiaoxue, and Shui Wang were lying in ambush. When they saw the signal flare, the four of them immediately threw themselves to Sun City. At the same time, Zhao Yufan and hundreds of people in the deep pit killed out.

When the knife lighted up, the bright rays of light joined together, and the sound of the explosion was like the roar of a giant beast.

In just a short moment, the blood stained the rainwater on the ground red, one body after another fell down, and one body after another came up.Everyone was red-eyed, and everyone who was not from their own city was attacked by people from other cities.

Zhao Yufan kept awake all the time, reminding the people of the various cities who were fighting to not cross the boundaries, and at the same time keep searching for wealth.

The rain gradually stopped and the battle drew to a close.

Kameda Saburo and a group of masters were about to retreat, and the direction of their retreat was exactly where Zhao Yufan was.

(End of this chapter)

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