Chapter 798 Hero Tomb

Zhao Yufan was bending over to search for the ring, when he glanced around, he happened to see Kameda Saburo and his party galloping towards him.

Others don't know Zhao Yufan, but Kameda Saburo knows him. The moment he saw Zhao Yufan, he understood a little bit, "Damn it, it's you."

Zhao Yufan jumped up, distanced himself from Kameda Saburo and the others, and said with a grin, "Hey... come and don't be rude. If you kill someone, you must be prepared to be killed."

"Let's wait and see!" Kameda Saburo said, and left quickly.

At the end of the battle, the people from the four cities stared at each other in the four directions of the boundary of the deep pit, looking like they wanted to fight.

Zhao Yufan glanced at them, and reminded helplessly: "Everyone, there are more than just your four cities here. You should hurry back to the camp, and be careful not to be wiped out of your lair."

As soon as these words came out, everyone hesitated immediately, and finally left one after another.

Zhao Yufan did not go back with the people from Five Elements City, but galloped in the direction that Kameda Saburo and the others left. The people in Sun City were very insidious, and he planned to follow them secretly to see their next move.


On the stands of the Baicheng Battlefield, the people were extremely nervous. They had not rested for several days and nights, and they were all more exhausted than everyone in the Baizhanmen.

At this time, King Tianbao put down the jade cup in his hand, looked sideways at the middle-aged man beside him, and asked, "Zhongli, how is the ranking?"

Zhongli opened the token and reported: "My lord, in the ranking of cities, the first is Tianhai City, the second is Tulong City, the third is Fengjiu City, the fourth is Angel City, the fifth is Sky City, and the seventh is Tianhai City. The eighth is Bawang City, the ninth is Fengyun City, and the tenth is Shenjian City."

Hearing the words, King Tianbao rubbed his temples, and suddenly asked, "Where is the Five Elements City?"

"Five Elements City ranks No.15, Sword God City ranks No.11, Sword God City ranks No.12, Dan God City ranks No.13, Artifact City ranks No.14." After Zhong Li finished speaking, his expression was a little strange. What he just said Among the five cities, except for the Five Elements City, the other four cities are considered to be the strongest among the third-level cities, but their rankings are obviously a little behind. "My lord, what the hell are the people from the four great cities doing?"

"They..." King Tianbao glanced at the people in the four major god cities in the stands, and smiled slightly: "This year there are so many strong people, they are very careful, and have been waiting for the decisive battle. By the way, how about the elite ranking?"

Speaking of the elite rankings, Zhong Li immediately became interested, "My lord, I have been observing this ranking. There are not a few masters here. The number one is naturally our young master Bao Yuan, and No.2 is the young master Luo of the gun god Luo family. Loyalty, No.3 is Wan Zhongshan, the young master of Shenwangfu, the fourth is Overbearing Sword, the fifth is Yu Zongsheng, the sixth is Dongfang Panfei, the seventh is Qianbaihe, the eighth is Yun Zhongyan, and the ninth is Overbearing Zhe, the tenth is Yi Long."

"Interesting, there are so many newcomers this year." King Tianbao tapped on the table, pondered for a while, and then asked, "Zhao Yufan from Five Elements City?"

"Him? He's already dropped to the top fifty." Zhong Li flipped through the rankings of tokens casually, and said, "My lord, I think this Zhao Yufan is just a fluke."

"Really?" King Tianbao asked in a deep voice, his face suddenly became serious, and Zhong Li was so frightened that he almost knelt on the ground to apologize.Seeing Zhongli's appearance, King Tianbao said coldly: "Remember, Zhongli, don't underestimate anyone. Zhao Yufan was able to kill Tianyu masters twice and win their storage rings from many young masters. Is it a fluke? If there is such a fluke, how come there are so many of you and no one is as lucky as him?"

"Yes, this subordinate knows his mistake." Zhong Li replied, but he was still aggrieved in his heart.

King Tianbao waved his hand and said, "It's time, prepare to open the Hero Tomb."

The tomb of heroes is the largest battlefield in Baizhanmen. The tomb means grave. It is called the tomb of heroes. Countless people have died there throughout the ages. They all fought for the city and their family, and they are admired by countless people.The Tomb of Heroes is also the place where the fighting is the most intense among the hundreds of cities, and those who enter here are almost doomed.

The Tomb of Heroes was opened, and everyone participating in the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament could hear the loud announcement.

"The Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament lasted ten days, and the number of people was halved. From now on, the Hero Tomb will be opened, and those who enter the Hero Tomb will be automatically eliminated within three days. There is a bloody dagger."

Hearing this, Zhao Yufan looked up at the sky, knowing that the war was coming, and he had enough tokens, but he still collected some bloody daggers because he had never seen them before, and secondly, he could use the bloody daggers to make money.

However, where to find the Scarlet Dagger?

Just as he was thinking, another voice came from the void world: "The method of obtaining the bloody dagger is within five hundred miles of the Hero's Tomb, and those who are destined can get it."

The sound dissipated, the whole world began to distort and deform, and the world in front of me was constantly changing. Soon a new world was formed, and this was the periphery of the Tomb of Heroes.

Zhao Yufan looked ahead, and saw a golden light towering into the clouds in front of him. The golden light shone in all directions and went straight to the top of the white clouds.

"The inside is the entrance to the Tomb of Heroes." Zhao Yufan pondered for a moment, then sped forward crazily. He was less than [-] miles away from the Tomb of Heroes, and he had no chance of getting the Scarlet Dagger, so he had to get within [-] miles as soon as possible.

At the same time, other people from various cities also charged frantically in groups, trying to rush to the vicinity of the Hero Tomb as soon as possible. More than 30 people rushed to one place at the same time. The scene was extremely shocking, like a tsunami, surging forward densely and continuously.

The first batch of people who arrived within [-] miles of the Tomb of Heroes were experts from the Heaven Realm. They almost wiped out all the bloody daggers that could be seen and were not dangerous. The remaining bloody daggers were either hidden or dangerous. For example, there are monster guards, such as in a rushing river, or in the center of a swamp.

The second group of people who arrived were some peak emperors, and they also began to search for the Scarlet Dagger in a large area.

The third batch of people who arrived were Zhao Yufan and his group of so-called masters in the imperial domain. When they arrived here, they could no longer just see the bloody dagger casually. They had to observe carefully to get the dagger.

Zhao Yufan patted his head, and thought to himself: "It would be great if I could increase my speed." Thinking in his heart, he looked around and carefully observed any corner.

Suddenly, he saw a bird's nest on a tree. The bird's nest happened to be covered by the sun, and bursts of light shone from it.

(End of this chapter)

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