Chapter 831 Bao Xinrou's Request
With a flash of white light in front of his eyes, Zhao Yufan still withdrew from the Battlefield of Hundred Cities. The moment everyone saw him, they couldn't help being startled. Before they could react, he had already disappeared without a trace, leaving only a horrified crowd behind.

This is the end of the Hundred Cities Ranking Competition, Tianhai City finally became the first roll call, thanks to Zhao Yufan's secret help, Yishencheng also entered the ranking, Wuxingcheng ranked tenth, almost did not advance, Overlord City and Sun City missed the ranking.

This battle ended so quickly, which made everyone feel a little unacceptable, but there was nothing they could do. Whoever let the tokens were in Zhao Yufan's hands, it can be said that Zhao Yufan controlled the game.

When the ranking was announced, Zhao Yufan was not present, but the rewards of personal ranking and elite ranking were still awarded to Zhao Yufan, and Water King would collect them for him. No one knew where Zhao Yufan went, anyway, Sun City and the others were chasing after him. Those who killed 'stared at Zhao Yufan did not see him.

Zhao Yufan has become a character that people talk about. Although more than ten days have passed since the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament, people are still willing to talk about the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament, and they are more willing to mention where Zhao Yufan is. the behavior of.

"Let me tell you, this Zhao Yufan is simply amazing. He killed the people in Sun City and Bawang City by himself. If it wasn't for him, Sun City and Bawang City would definitely be promoted to the second-tier cities. " A middle-aged man sat at the dining table, staring at his companions and chatting endlessly, the voice was so loud that their conversation could be heard even in the nearby box.

In a private room, several young men with extraordinary temperament also heard the words of the middle-aged man. They couldn't help smiling, and looked at the young man sitting near the window. Sweeping the food, he didn't pay any attention to the outsiders and everyone.

"Zhao Yufan, didn't you hear people complimenting you?" Bao Xinrou tapped the table with white jade chopsticks, staring at Zhao Yufan with her beautiful eyes, hoping to stop this guy who was eating like crazy, but Zhao Yufan obviously had no intention Stop, or he never thought of talking to Libao Xinrou at all.

Bao Xinrou raised her small mouth, looked at the others very unhappy, and said angrily, "Is this how you treat your savior?"

Zhao Yufan's movements suddenly stopped, he raised his head and looked at Bao Xinrou for a moment, and said very seriously: "It's your father and mine, okay? It has nothing to do with you, and even if you don't help, I can do it myself." Seeing Bao Xinrou clenched the chopsticks in his hand, he said again: "Of course, I should still thank you, but there are too many people who praise me, and I'm used to it, so I don't bother to say anything."

"The tone is not small." Bao Xinrou curled her small mouth, looked outside through the crack of the door, and said leisurely: "I said you, do you plan to stay in our house for the rest of your life? If you live in my house, you have to pay Fang Zu , anyway, you are a rich man."

"I don't have any money." Zhao Yufan said impatiently. He has been tortured madly by the guys in front of him for the past few days, and he has to pay for everything. Although he has a lot of money, he was blackmailed by several people for several million in a few days. , if it goes on like this, he will be hollowed out by several people sooner or later.

Hearing Zhao Yufan said that he had no money, Bao Xinrou and the others met each other with a smile on their faces.

"If you have no money, the whole world will have no money." Yi Long leaned on the back of the chair, and suddenly said seriously: "You can't keep so much money in your ring all the time. How are you going to use it? Didn't think about it." If it’s good, you can cooperate with our Yi family, and we will get fifty-five points.”

"Good idea, we can also cooperate with you." Yu Zongsheng said.

"Yes." Bao Yuan also said something, but he didn't know what he meant.

Several people looked at him one after another, looking forward to his answer. Cooperating with them in the city would bring many benefits to Zhao Yufan. Even if ordinary people wanted to cooperate with them, they would not agree.

"Not interested in."

Zhao Yufan directly refused. His money had already been given to Han Bingyue and the others through others, and now he only had a billion or so in his hands.

Looking carefully at Zhao Yufan, several people saw that he was serious, and he didn't mean to be joking, nor forced him, and then Yi Long changed the topic to the matter of being promoted to the second-level city, "You don't know how to visit the Five Elements City? They are now There is an urgent shortage of manpower."

The ten cities that have been promoted to the second level are Tianhai City, Yishen City, Shendao City, Danshen City, Artifact Refining City, Five Elements City, Dragon Slayer City, Fengjiu City, Fengyun City, and Sky City.They have the privilege of being promoted to the second-tier city in Russia, but they don't have the strength and resources that the second-tier city should have, so they are now recruiting.

Zhao Yufan shook his head resolutely, and said with some self-deprecation: "I won't go back and trouble them."

It was said that when everyone looked at Zhao Yufan, they felt a little bit aggrieved for him, but there was nothing they could do about it. Zhao Yufan was not a native of the Five Elements City. Although the King of the Five Elements tried his best to protect him, it was inevitable that some people would target him and spy on his wealth.

"What are you going to do next?" Yu Xiaoxue asked curiously, resting her chin on her hand.This question immediately attracted the attention of others to Zhao Yufan.

"Hey..." Zhao Yufan suddenly sighed, "I... just stayed here for nothing."

"Live right here? Is it true?" Bao Yuan asked suddenly, his eyes sparkling.

"No one bothers you, I'll just live here." Zhao Yufan said seriously, but his tone was a little unconfident, as if he couldn't live here forever. He wanted such an ordinary life, but how could he be ordinary.

Just when everyone was about to comfort Zhao Yufan, Zhao Yufan suddenly said: "So, don't ask me for anything in the future, I won't help you." After finishing speaking, he took a special look at Bao Xinrou, Today they are sitting together, led by Bao Xinrou.Zhao Yufan knew very well that Bao Xinrou would not pull them out for no reason.

As soon as Zhao Yufan's words came out, Bao Xinrou's smiling face immediately became aggrieved, she pursed her lips and stared at Zhao Yufan fiercely, as if being bullied by him, "You, how could you treat me like this."

"Big brother will help you with something, why use him." Bao Yuan scolded seriously, he is also a master anyway, this sister actually went to find Zhao Yufan instead of himself, isn't this a slap in the face for him, "Xinrou, Do you think your brother can't beat him?|" As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Zhao Yufan, but to his disappointment, Zhao Yufan was eating with his head down and didn't look at him at all.

(End of this chapter)

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