Chapter 832

Bao Xin's soft rosy lips curled up, and she hugged Bao Yuan's arm coquettishly: "Brother, you still have a lot of things to do, I can't bear to make you too tired."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Zhao Yufan, who was eating, almost choked to death, and complained in his heart, is this girl stupid?To say such things in front of his own face, he is afraid that his brother will be tired, so isn't he afraid that he will be tired?Everyone was also amused by Bao Xinrou's words, but Bao Xinrou was aggrieved.

"Brother, only Zhao Yufan can help me with this matter." Bao Xinrou stared at Zhao Yufan very seriously and said, his bright eyes were full of an aura of certainty.

Zhao Yufan frowned, and said that he didn't want to help Bao Xinrou, but Bao Xinrou had already spoken, so how could he refuse, "You girl, are you going to trick me? Tell me, what is it?"

"I knew you wouldn't refuse." Bao Xinrou smiled at everyone very proudly, her expression suddenly became serious, which startled the few people who were talking and laughing, and couldn't help but listen carefully.

Bao Xinrou blinked her eyes, she was a little proud of being able to attract everyone's attention, she pursed her lips, deliberately peeked out the door, and made the atmosphere tense, then said: "I want to open a women's refining shop."

Everyone looked at Bao Xinrou strangely, and opened a shop as soon as they opened a shop, but what does this have to do with Zhao Yufan?A shop doesn't cost much, so there's no need for him to ask Zhao Yufan for help, let alone a shop for women, how can Zhao Yufan help?Could it be that she wanted to borrow some of Zhao Yufan's treasures?But their family should have more treasures than Zhao Yufan, right?

A few people couldn't understand why Bao Xinrou asked Zhao Yufan for help. Any one of them was more helpful than Zhao Yufan in this kind of matter.

Zhao Yufan also looked at Bao Xinrou suspiciously, spread his hands and said helplessly, "I, what can I do for you?"

"Refining!" Bao Xinrou simply said two words.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan's expression became gloomy, and he said in a deep voice, "Are you investigating me?"

Seeing Zhao Yufan's face, Bao Xinrou shook his head in fear, and explained: "No, I heard it from others, and you know that you have many enemies. It's not easy for them to investigate you, but I can assure you The few of us and our family have not investigated you, but the high-level officials in every city should know about your news."

Zhao Yufan's expression still did not ease, but he looked at Bao Xinrou gloomyly, then glanced at Yi Long and the others and asked, "How do you know something they don't know?"

"I, I'm pretty." After Bao Xinrou said angrily, a blush appeared on her pretty face.

Zhao Yufan was stunned, and immediately thought about the meaning of her words, and quickly realized that since someone wants to investigate him, they must not hide it, and Bao Xinrou has countless suitors, many of whom are some of the high-level sons of various forces. It is normal to win Debao Xinrou's favor and tell Bao Xinrou some of the secrets he knows.Thinking of this, his complexion finally turned better, he glanced at Bao Xinrou with some embarrassment, and didn't say sorry.

The corner of Bao Xinrou's mouth twitched, obviously a little unhappy, it was obviously not his fault, but Zhao Yufan felt a little wronged for not apologizing, he twitched his nose, blinked his eyes a few times, tears were about to come out of his eyes.

"Okay, I apologize to you, I'm sorry." Zhao Yufan said helplessly. He didn't know whether Bao Xinrou's current appearance was real or not, but it was worth it to see her smile through tears.

At this time, Yi Long and the others stared at Bao Xinrou very curiously, hoping that she could explain in detail.Bao Xinrou didn't dare to continue talking, Zhao Yufan's appearance just now really frightened him, she secretly looked at Zhao Yufan, asking for his opinion.

"Whatever, it's not a secret anyway." Zhao Yufan looked indifferent. Anyway, it will be a matter of time before someone finds out, and he doesn't need to hide it, not to mention that he is an alchemist and a craftsman outside the holy world. People, but maybe insignificant here, he has seen several people like himself.

With Zhao Yufan's consent, Bao Xinrou told Zhao Yufan's past. After listening to Zhao Yufan's story, Yi Long and the others were dumbfounded, as if they were listening to a bizarre and tortuous story. What shocked them was not Zhao Yufan's alchemist And the identity of the refiner, but he has grown from being weak at the beginning to the point of looking up to the ten kingdoms. This kind of thing may only appear in legends or among the group of powerful people who are high above.

"I didn't expect your experience to be so legendary." Yi Long was very emotional. It really wasn't that simple for Zhao Yufan to achieve what he is today, and it wasn't a fluke that he was able to show his might in the Battle of Hundred Cities.

Several people suddenly respected Zhao Yufan. Thinking about themselves, comparing with Zhao Yufan, they felt how ordinary and safe their experience was. If it was them, would they be able to enter the holy world like Zhao Yufan? Among them?Their ancestors were also outsiders who built the city and protected one side by themselves, so would Zhao Yufan be like their ancestors?Have such achievements?
"Excellent." Yu Zongsheng looked at Zhao Yufan in admiration, and suddenly asked, "Who do you think is stronger between the two of us?"

Zhao Yufan looked at Yu Zongsheng in surprise, thought for a moment, and said bluntly: "To be honest, I will definitely beat you. If it is a battle of life and death, I can kill you with one move."

"Uh... isn't it a bit bragging?" Lone Wolf said in surprise.

Zhao Yufan squinted at the blood lion on his shoulder, and said with a smile, "No, it's just telling the truth. If we really want to fight, we don't just rely on strength."

Everyone nodded, but they still didn't believe that he could kill Yu Zongsheng with one move. It sounded a bit impossible no matter how it felt.

"Are you stronger than the city lords of Overlord City and Sun City?" Yu Xiaoxue asked suddenly. This sentence silenced everyone. Zhao Yufan might kill the city lord's people, but they couldn't. Even their strength was much worse than the city lord's .

"What are you doing? Don't forget about business." Bao Xinrou patted the table with her small hands in dissatisfaction, trying to bring the topic to his women's crafting shop. Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she said: "My shop specializes in women's refining items. I want Brother Zhao to help me refine some. As for money, I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Whatever, I will refine it for you if I have time, and I won't help you refine it if I don't have time. Moreover, it is not a single person who opens a shop, but a group. Don't pin your hopes on me." Zhao Yufan said seriously.

"En." Bao Xin replied coquettishly, and waved her small hand: "Then it's settled, you go to pay the bill."

Zhang Fan was speechless, but still got up and walked towards the door, who made him rich now.

(End of this chapter)

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