Chapter 833

After paying the bill, several people left separately. Zhao Yufan, Bao Xinrou, and Bao Yuan returned to the city lord's mansion, busy with their own tasks.He promised Bao Xinrou to help him refine the weapon, and Zhao Yufan happened to have nothing to do now, so he helped her refine things.

Girls generally like pretty things, so Zhao Yufan has put a lot of effort into the appearance. Apart from being beautiful on the outside, you also need inner beauty and inner offensive power. He also pondered for a long time before he started refining.

On the second day, he refined [-] different fifth-grade weapons, which were absolutely beautiful on the outside and had no attack power. The moment they were handed over to Bao Xinrou, Bao Xinrou fell in love with them. , and even wanted to keep it for himself, and didn't intend to sell it.

Seeing Bao Xinrou's look of being fond of putting it down, Zhao Yufan felt a sense of accomplishment: "Not bad, isn't it?"

"It's more than good." Bao Xinrou stared at Zhao Yufan and sighed: "It's even better than those made by those fourth-grade craftsmen. With this treasure, we can definitely make a name for ourselves. You and I Let's go to the store together."

"No, I'll go to your opening ceremony another day." Zhao Yufan refused.

Bao Xinrou blushed slightly, lowered her head and played with the corner of her clothes, and said in a low voice embarrassedly: " is the opening ceremony, because we live together, so I didn't inform you, and we plan to go together at that time .”

"Okay." Zhao Yufan was very speechless. He didn't expect that today is the opening of the store. It seems that this girl has been preparing for a long time. It is just his whim to ask him to help refine things. Even if there is no thing he refines, this girl's The plan will not change. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but praise: "It's very smart."

"That's right." Bao Xinrou raised his head triumphantly, put his arms around Zhao Yufan's arm, and said naturally: "Let's go." Without thinking too much, Zhao Yufan followed Bao Xinrou out of the mansion and drove to the city in a carriage. The refining shop she opened.

On the carriage, Zhao Yu knew that the name of Bao Xinrou's shop was Xueroufang. This Xueroufang was opened by Yu Xiaoxue and Bao Xinrou together, and the name took a word from the names of the two of them.Zhao Yufan did not expect that Yu Xiaoxue still existed in this shop. He was a little surprised, but more of admiration. Although it is only a small shop, there are some very important factors in it, and this shop is not just a shop. It is a place to attract all kinds of beauties. You must know that sometimes women are more terrifying than men.

Because it is the store opened by two beauties, Bao Xinruan and Xiaoxue, so the people who come today are basically young talents from Tianbao Province.The entire Xueroufang is surrounded by luxurious carriages, and people on the street rush to Xueroufang in an endless stream.

When Zhao Yufan and the others came, the street was still crowded, but everyone still walked forward in an orderly manner.

After Zhao Yufan and his carriage appeared, the originally noisy street became quiet for an instant. Everyone looked at the slowly approaching carriage ahead and ordered their servants to get out of the way immediately.

Unimpededly parked the carriage at the door, Bao Xinrou was the first to get out of the carriage, just when many young people were about to have a few polite words with her, another figure suddenly jumped out of the carriage, which made the person who was walking forward People stopped abruptly, looking at the guy who jumped out of the carriage with some surprise.

"Who is he? Why does he ride in the same carriage with Bao Xinrou?"

"I don't know, is it a child of a big family?"

"Impossible, is there any force stronger than the Tian family in our Tianbao province?"

"That's right, but who is this person?"

People of this kind talked a lot, but they didn't dare to do anything outrageous after all, but they looked at Zhao Yufan with jealousy and envy.

"He is Zhao Yufan."

Dongfang Taiquan said coldly, staring at Zhao Yufan with eyes full of hatred, and clenched his fists unconsciously. Sometimes he himself didn't understand why he hated Zhao Yufan so much, as long as he heard this name, his heart would rise. A nameless rage.

"Zhao Yufan, he is Zhao Yufan, he is no different from others."

"It turned out to be Zhao Yufan. He is indeed qualified to sit in a carriage with Bao Xinrou."

"Hmph, what's so great about him, he deserves to sit with Xinrou." A young master shook his fan, staring at Zhao Yufan very dissatisfied, his eyes flickering.

Everyone looked at this person who was disrespectful to Zhao Yufan, and their hearts skipped a beat, knowing that there seemed to be a good show going on. The boy holding the fan just now was Bao Xinrou's most powerful suitor 'Zhao Qing'. Zhao Qing's family was a The business family, with industries covering half of Tianbao Province, has amazing financial resources. Even some city owners dare not offend Zhao Qing, because Zhao Qing now controls one-tenth of their family's car business. Among the young people in Tianbao Province, he belongs to the The richest and most capable person, and his strength is also very powerful, not inferior to Yi Long and others.

When everyone looked at Zhao Qing, Zhao Yufan and Bao Xinrou still entered Xueroufang.

The people inside were also extremely shocked when they saw a young man from Bao Xinruan coming in, and there were many discussions, but Bao Xinruan and Zhao Yufan walked directly in front of Yi Long and the others as if nothing had happened.

After Zhao Yufan greeted Yi Long and the others, he ran directly to a remote corner and sat down, drinking tea quietly, admiring all kinds of people around him, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw someone who excited him , so excited that the teacup in his hand trembled slightly.

He stood up, walked straight in front of that person, and looked at her surprised face at seeing him, "Bingyue, long time no see." He stretched out his arms, wanting to hug Bingyue, but was caught by Bingyue Get out of the way.

"I knew you would be here." Han Bingyue glared at him fiercely, glanced around in dissatisfaction, her beautiful eyes fixed on Bao Xinrou, and said coldly: "Why haven't I seen you back, there are differences around you woman?"

Zhao Yufan straightened up, then touched his chin, and said with a smirk, "Maybe I'm too attractive." The two chatted for a while, then went directly to where Zhao Yufan was sitting and sat down, talking softly.

Han Bingyue's appearance is no longer soft and tender under Xiaoxue. Many young people are paying attention to her. Seeing him, they are also very familiar with Zhao Yufan. Many people become even more jealous of Zhao Yufan. The outstanding girls here are Bao Xinrou, Yu Xiaoxue, and Han Bingyue are gone, but these three people actually favor Zhao Yufan a lot.

"Bingyue, how are they?" Zhao Yufan asked.

Han Bingyue took a sip of her tea lightly, the coldness on her pretty face eased a bit, and she returned lightly: "Not bad, how about you?"

"I'm not bad, either." Zhao Yufan was talking, looking at Yi Long and the others who were coming towards him, and curled his lips: "This guy is really troublesome, even if I want to whisper to you for a while." Han Bing Two little red clouds appeared on Yue's face, which immediately turned into frost all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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