Chapter 873 What Really Happened Last Night?
For women, these materials may not be important, but in the eyes of Zhao Yufan and Han Xiaosong, these things are of great use. The information in Han Xiaosong's hands can help him understand Zhao Yufan more quickly, so that he can understand Zhao Yufan's character and personality. This characteristic allows him to save some troubles and avoid unnecessary things in getting along with Zhao Yufan.And the information on monsters that Zhao Yufan read is obviously very useful. Maybe for others, these materials may be stories about monsters, but there are really monsters around Zhao Yufan, and they are very powerful monsters, so He understands that monsters are naturally useful.

After a while, Han Xiaosong put down the dossier and looked at Zhao Yufan with a surprised expression. Seeing that he was seriously observing the dossier in his hand, he couldn't help but leaned forward to take a look curiously. Seeing that it was an introduction to monsters, he shook his head slightly and looked at the woman. "What question did he ask?" he asked.

The woman didn't hide anything, and answered immediately: "His question is about dragons, the information is there, and you can read it too."

Mu Xiaosong glanced at the dossier in front of Zhao Yufan, curled his lips to indicate that he was not interested, and at the same time took out a black storage ring from the storage ring and handed it to the woman, "It contains 15 billion star coins. thing."

"15 billion?" The woman was very nervous when she heard the words. This is not a small fee, and the question she wanted to ask was also very important, so he didn't dare to answer directly, but asked seriously: "What's the question?"

Han Xiaosong looked at Zhao Yufan and said deeply, "It still has something to do with him. I want to know what he was doing last night."

After saying this, the woman was not too surprised, but Zhao Yufan, who was looking at the file, raised his head, glanced at Han Xiaosong, and then continued to look carefully, as if he didn't hear Han Xiaosong's question just now.

Seeing that Zhao Yufan was not angry, Han Xiaosong couldn't help but relax. Not long ago, he got information that Yi Long and others went to ask Zhao Yufan this question, and finally the two parties broke up. He was worried just now that Zhao Yufan would be disgusted, but now It seemed that Zhao Yufan didn't seem to care about this matter, which made him frown slightly, and asked curiously: "Since you don't care about this matter, why did you break up with them?"

Zhao Yufan raised his head, stared at Han Xiaosong, and answered very seriously: "It's not about the problem, but they think I'm too mean and unreasonable."

Han Xiaosong couldn't help but laugh, and immediately looked at the woman, looking forward to his answer.

The woman watched Zhao Yufan secretly, and found that Zhao Yufan didn't care at all. She was very strange and couldn't help being curious, but she didn't dare to ask anything, but answered Han Xiaosong's question, "The thing is like this, since this morning Up to now, countless forces have been asking about this matter, but...we don't quite know what happened, so far we only know some fringe news, I wonder if you want to listen to it?"

What she meant by asking this was that if Han Xiaosong wanted to listen, Paramount would accept the 15 billion.

"Fringe news..." Han Xiaosong frowned slightly, and said helplessly, "Let's talk."

"At present, we only know that Zhao Yufan stayed in Haoyue Imperial City for a full night. He went to many places, and his whereabouts were very strange. It seemed that he was walking aimlessly, but we can be sure that he must have done something last night. Things, because three things happened last night. The first thing you should know is that the spies of Emperor Haoyue appeared last night, and they don’t know what they are looking for. and Emperor Haoyue were together, the third thing was an assassination, and the target of the assassination was Emperor Haoyue."

Zhao Yufan knew the first thing, but Zhao Yufan really didn't know the third thing.

Han Xiaosong was very happy, as if he knew that these things were worth the money with 15 billion. Seeing the woman pocketing 15 billion star coins, Zhao Yufan curled his lips and complained: "If you give me 15 billion, I might tell you What did you and I do last night, I asked Yilong and his family to pay a price of one billion yuan, but unfortunately they didn't agree, it seems that my price is really going to be lower."

Hearing his words, Han Xiaosong and the woman were speechless. They never expected that Zhao Yufan would tell what happened last night when he offered one billion yuan, and they never expected that someone would disagree. However, what makes them regret is that even if they offer two billion , Zhao Yufan may not necessarily say it, because he already knows the importance of what happened last night.

Han Xiaosong gave Zhao Yufan a very regretful look, as if he was blaming him for not speaking earlier.

At this time, the woman suddenly said: "It's not too late to say, as long as you tell what happened last night, the price can be negotiated."

Zhao Yufan is very shrewd, even if he wants 100 billion Paramount, he is willing to give it to him. After all, all the forces are staring at this matter now. As long as Paramount investigates the matter clearly, they will demand a higher price from various forces. He won't lose money, but he can't tell what happened last night, otherwise he may bring death to Emperor Mingyue, and may provoke Emperor Haoyue, "I can't say what happened last night, but I will I can tell you why I went to so many places last night."

The reason why Zhao Yufan went to so many places was because he got lost. He wanted to use this very correct answer to earn a huge sum of money. Although it was a bit shameless, he didn't care about that much.

The woman frowned slightly. He couldn't decide on this matter. In the end, he could only let Zhao Yufan and the others wait, while he reported the matter to the people above.As soon as the woman left, Han Xiaosong couldn't help asking, "Why did you go to so many places last night?"

Zhao Yufan glanced at him, and said bluntly, "Give me the money." Seeing Han Xiaosong's black line, he suddenly smiled and said, "I remind you, it's best not to know the answer."

Han Xiaosong wanted to ask something else, but at this moment the door suddenly opened, and the first person who walked in was the woman just now. After the woman opened the door, she bowed to the side of the door, outside the door Another beautiful woman walked in slowly. This person is one of the twelve jade girls of Paramount, the Golden Snake Girl. As soon as she entered the room, she looked at Zhao Yufan and asked faintly, "Are you Zhao Yufan?"

"I am." Zhao Yufan replied.

The Golden Snake and Jade Girl nodded slightly, sat on a chair for self-employment, and asked, "I heard that you are willing to tell us some news. I wonder how much you are going to ask for?" After she finished speaking, she stared at Zhao Yufan, and her tone suddenly became sharp: " Let me tell you, what we want is real news, if you dare to lie to us, we, Paramount, will never let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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