Chapter 874 Strange Transaction
Zhao Yufan raised the corners of his mouth, looked at the golden girl sincerely and replied: "I can guarantee that what I told you is the truth, but whether it is useful or not is none of my business.

The golden jade girl nodded with a smile, and said quite straightforwardly: "Naturally, as long as what you say is true, even if you said that you just lost your way last night, we will not trouble you, and we will give you the money that should be given to you." you."

When Zhao Yufan heard this, a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself, I really made you right. My answer is that I got lost. I don’t know what expressions you will have when you get the news.

The golden jade girl narrowed her eyes suddenly, fell silent for a while, and suddenly said directly: "How much do you want?"

"How much do you give?" Zhao Yufan asked.

The Golden Snake and Jade Girl thought for a while, rubbed her temples lightly, and already felt that Zhao Yufan was a difficult guy, "You saw it just now, the three messages are 15 billion, you give me a message, and I will give you [-] million How about it?"

Zhao Yufan rolled his eyes and didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear what the Golden Snake and Jade Girl said just now. The price is simply too low, but the lady just said that what she said just now are marginal things. What are marginal things?That is, the real thing doesn't have much to do with it, and this kind of news is worth 15 billion. If Zhao Yufan wants to tell Paramount about what happened last night, the price is absolutely impossible to be lower than [-] billion.

The Golden Snake and Jade Girl were just testing it out, and naturally knew that Zhao Yufan couldn't agree to this price, but since it's a business, the price should be kept to a minimum, "If you're not satisfied, you can negotiate a price yourself."

"Five billion!" Zhao Yufan said. As soon as the words came out, everyone in the room stared at him like a monster. No one thought that he would ask for so much. This is already an impossible situation. s price.

Zhao Yufan never thought that the other party would offer such a high price. The reason why he said this was just to get revenge on the Golden Snake and Jade Girl. He also used the same method as the Golden Snake and Jade Girl. maximum price.

The Golden Snake and Jade Girl didn't say a word, and just stared at Zhao Yufan, her eyes seemed to be able to see what Zhao Yufan was thinking.Zhao Yufan was not afraid of this look, and even looked at her, "If you are not satisfied, you can negotiate a price yourself." He repeated what the Golden Snake and Jade Girl said just now.

Han Xiaosong and the woman watched the two men quarreling, and they were all in admiration for a moment. These two men were both eloquent and eloquent, and no one was left behind. The two faced each other tit for tat, what a masterful move.

When the golden jade girl heard Zhao Yufan repeating her words, she already understood what Zhao Yufan meant, so she didn't try again. It's better to be sincere when negotiating business with someone like Zhao Yufan, so he directly stated a price in his heart, of course this price It is also relatively low, "How about giving you 30 billion?"

30 billion is actually quite a lot. After all, Zhao Yufan’s answer was too irritating. If people knew that it was the answer, they probably wouldn’t give him a penny. Giving him 30 billion now would be considered a huge profit, but Zhao Yufan But don't think so, don't talk about his answer, if you just talk about this matter, then if he tells what he did last night, it is definitely not just 30 billion.

"Too little." Zhao Yufan said, "I want 200 billion."

"Too much, I'll give you 50 billion."

"Too little, I want 100 billion."

The two of you come and go, trying to lower your requirements, hoping to find a satisfactory answer.In fact, when Zhao Yufan said 100 billion, the golden girl thought it was okay, but in business, try to keep the price as low as possible, so the golden snake girl said again: "It's too much, I'll give you 60 billion."

Zhao Yufan thought for a while, and felt that what he had done was a bit wrong after all, so he couldn't ask for too much, so he reluctantly said, "For the sake of the two beauties, I want 80 billion. If it's less, we don't need to continue talking." , I still want to cooperate with you in the future, but I don’t want to make the relationship too stiff with you, the price of 80 billion should be very cheap, even if I really want 200 billion, you will give it.”

What Zhao Yufan said was not wrong at all. This is what made the few people puzzled. At first they thought Zhao Yufan didn't understand, but now that he said it himself, it proved that he knew the price of the news. However, he just asked for a very low price.

"Are you stupid? You lost more than 100 billion directly, you..." Han Xiaosong said a little angrily, but when he saw the Golden Snake and Jade Girl glaring at him, he immediately took back the rest of the words.

Fearing that Zhao Yufan would change his mind, Golden Snake and Jade Girl immediately said, "Deal, then let's make a deal."

Zhao Yufan nodded, directly took the storage ring that the woman handed him, and glanced at the star coins inside. Are you sure it is after 80 billion? He didn't directly say what he did last night, but looked at the golden snake very gratefully. The jade girl said, "Thank you."

The Golden Snake and Jade Girl didn't know why he wanted to thank her, but instinctively felt something strange, and couldn't help but signal the woman to keep an eye on Zhao Yufan, and at the same time said with a smile, "Tell me."

Zhao Yufan straightened his back, looked at the three expectant people, and suddenly looked at Han Xiaosong: "You don't want to pay a penny, but you want to know about me?"

Han Xiaosong was startled, and immediately glared at Zhao Yufan fiercely, wishing he could rush forward and strangle Zhao Yufan to death.

Golden Snake and Jade Girl also suddenly thought of this question, she couldn't help but looked at Han Xiaosong and said, "Are you going out by yourself? Or are you planning to listen here?" She said this, but the meaning was already very clear. If you want to listen here, then pay.

Han Xiaosong immediately felt that he had encountered two profiteers, but he had no choice but to look at Zhao Yufan and the golden snake and jade girl and said, "I will pay, but who will I give my money to?"

"Give it to him." The Golden Snake and Jade Girl looked at Zhao Yufan and said, Zhao Yufan knew about the matter, and Han Xiaosong had something to do with Zhao Yufan, so it was naturally impossible for her to ask for Han Xiaosong's money in front of Zhao Yufan.

Han Xiaosong stared at Zhao Yufan, and said angrily, "You need to be careful, but I brought you here."

Zhao Yufan pursed his lips, stretched out a finger, and said flatly, "Not much, one billion."

"Okay!" Han Xiaosong agreed directly.

One billion is actually not a small amount, especially in this case, one billion is a disadvantage. After all, Paramount bought this news with 80 billion. If Han Xiaosong bought it from Paramount, the price may be lower. Even lower, after all, he saw the transaction in the middle, but now he readily accepted the price, which made the Golden Snake Jade Girl and the Lady feel very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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