Chapter 939
The door of the living room was open, and countless pairs of eyes were fixed on Zhao Yufan. King Tianbao stood up first, and said angrily, "Zhao Yufan, we finally met." He gritted his teeth, and the anger came out from between his teeth. Straight to Zhao Yufan.

"Yes." Zhao Yufan responded, walked into the living room, looked around at the people here, he knew quite a few of them, "Are you all here planning to settle accounts with me?"

"You're pretty smart." Yu Zongsheng's father said coldly, but he didn't look at Zhao Yufan with much hatred, he was just a little angry, maybe because he was so embarrassed by Zhao Yufan.

"Senior, I think our cooperation was pretty good back then." Zhao Yufan didn't know who he was talking to, but after hearing what he said, many people's expressions were a little unnatural, just like what Zhao Yufan said, they It was good to cooperate before, but now they have become enemies.

"Catch him." King Tianbao ordered coldly. When facing Zhao Yufan, he had already let go of all his reserve. Please kill Zhao Yufan.

"You are also the prince of Tianbao Province, so you don't have any grace?" The Golden Snake and Jade Girl couldn't help but sneered, then looked at Zhao Yufan, and said with a smile, "Hehe... they are considered ungrateful, right?"

When these words came out, the faces of Tianbao Wang and others changed slightly, and their expressions were a little unnatural. The ungratefulness in the mouth of the Golden Snake and Jade Girl refers to the matter of the booklet, and her real purpose is not just to ridicule everyone, but to use this matter to to threaten them.

"Hmph! Kill you all, and everything will be resolved." Yu Xiaoxue said suddenly, Zhao Yufan frowned at the cold aura on his body, and said in his heart, "I really know people, know faces, but don't know the heart. I used to think that Yu Xiaoxue was a pretty good person." Unexpectedly, since she fell out with her family, she has become a vicious woman like a different person."

"Miss Yu is right." King Tianbao said, his sharp eyes fell on Zhao Yufan, with a murderous look: "You are to blame for everything."

Zhao Yufan looked at the crowd, his expression was full of sarcasm, he raised his hand and pointed at the people he knew one by one, and every time he pointed to a person, he would tell what they had experienced, how they used to be The one who cooperated, talked about how they treated him before, and then changed the subject and said how they treated him now, even Yi Long and the others did not escape. After saying this, many people at the scene bowed their heads The expression is embarrassing.

Zhao Yufan used to be really nice to them. Whether it was the previous games or what happened in the main city of Haoyue, Zhao Yufan could be said to be benevolent. Although everyone didn't want to admit it, they knew it in their hearts, especially Yi Long and the others had nothing to say. How did they treat Zhao Yufan?It is not too much to describe it as revenge.

"What on earth are you here for?" Yi Long asked, it's better for Zhao Yufan to explain his purpose at this time, he was really afraid that the people at the scene couldn't help but rush forward and kill him.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan after hearing the words, and Mingyuehuang'er and the others also looked at him, guessing how he would continue talking.Zhao Yufan coughed a few times in dissatisfaction, looked around casually, and said something that surprised everyone, "Would you just let me stand up and talk?"

Everyone was speechless for a moment. What time is this? He is still in the mood to sit on a stool. Is he deliberately teasing everyone, or is he not paying attention to everyone at all?Mingyuehuang'er and the others were all so angry when they heard his words, let alone the rest.

"Give him that chair." Tianbao Wang said in a deep voice. He now feels a little carefree. There are hundreds of masters on his side, and the outside is already surrounded by layers of people. It is impossible for Zhao Yufan to get out from here, so Today his ending was already doomed, things were already doomed, Baowang naturally didn't want to just kill Zhao Yufan that day, but wanted to tease him, let him have a taste of the feeling of being played in the palm of his hand.

The chair was placed in front of Zhao Yufan, Zhao Yufan sat down directly, narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Zhao Yufan with a bowed body and said, "Hey... I know you have suffered a lot recently, so I want to discuss a business with you."

As soon as these words were uttered, the scene suddenly fell silent, and after a few seconds, everyone's discussions rang out in the quiet living room.

Seeing everyone's attitudes and topics of discussion, Tianbao Wang's eyebrows could not help but tremble a few times, secretly thinking that it was not good, everyone present had become a little shaken by Zhao Yufan's words, which was not good for him, the person who really wanted to kill Zhao Yufan was actually Not many, only Tianbaowang and the others, and the rest of them basically wanted not to offend Tianbaowang and the others. Of course, the existing interests were also one of the important factors, not to mention that Zhao Yufan still grabbed their handles, which made them even more uncomfortable.

"Everyone, everybody, don't fall into his tricks." King Tianbao said in a deep voice, with deep helplessness in his tone.

Everyone stopped discussing, but they couldn't help guessing what the business he was talking about was. Although Zhao Yufan was hateful, the business he was doing definitely had huge benefits. This is something that everyone in Tianbao Province knows, just like what everyone in Tianbao Province said : Being able to cooperate with Zhao Yufan is definitely a blessing in the sky. If you have this opportunity, you must cooperate with him, but you must also bear in mind that you must never believe anything Zhao Yufan says.

Regardless of Tianbao Wang Tieqing's expression, Zhao Yufan saw that everyone suddenly became quiet, and continued, "You guys should really want to know what cooperation is, right? Then I'll tell you, I want everyone to make way for Zhao Yufan. Go here."

Everyone suddenly understood his reason for coming, and they were all very angry. This Zhao Yufan didn't take them seriously. What made them even more angry was Zhao Yufan's attitude. From the moment he entered the door, this guy had no intention of cooperating at all. , has been very arrogant, as if they asked for cooperation.

"We can't promise him, we can't let him go because of our immediate interests."

"Yes, look at his arrogant appearance, as if he thinks that we will definitely promise him, and we can't promise him anything today."

"Definitely don't agree to him."

"Kill him and make him arrogant."

Everyone disagreed overwhelmingly.Mingyue Huang'er and the others were ready to evacuate at any time, with bitter faces on their faces. They knew in their hearts that it was impossible to leave in front of so many masters. They were looking at Zhao Yufan, and he smiled indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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