Chapter 940

Mingyue Taotian became a little anxious, kicked Zhao Yufan's chair from behind, and said in a low voice: "Why are you laughing, think of a way, can you have a better attitude, so arrogant, how could people agree."

Zhao Yufan rolled his eyes, and his voice suddenly turned cold: "Don't agree? You don't agree before I say the conditions? Is the decision a bit hasty? I advise you to listen to my conditions before making a decision. "

"I don't listen, it's in my best interest to kill you." King Tianbao stood up with a gloomy face, and yelled, "Kill them."

In an instant, the sound of swords being unsheathed resounded throughout the hall, and everyone's weapons were aimed at Zhao Yufan.Zhao Yufan stood up slowly, with a stern look on his face, "You want to kill us? Have you thought about the consequences? If we die, you will always be attacked by Sanctuary and some people, and they will never stop killing you at all costs." After finishing speaking, he turned around and pointed at Mingyue Taotian and said: "This is Mingyue Taotian, you should know his identity, if he dies, the people of Mingyue Shenzhou will definitely take revenge on you." He pointed to the Golden Snake and Jade Girl and said: "This is the Golden Snake and Jade Girl, the boss of Bailemen, the main city of Haoyue. You should also understand the consequences of killing her. There is also this sanctuary master. He is my friend. I also have several sanctuary friends. If I die, they should be able to avenge me."

Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan in astonishment, and couldn't help thinking about what he said just now. They were a little impulsive at the beginning, and Zhao Yufan's attitude was very arrogant, so they only wanted to kill Zhao Yufan, and they didn't think about the consequences. In other words, they have to think about it. This is related to the interests of the entire family, and their impulsiveness should not cause the entire family to fall into a state of doom.

If you don’t think about it, you will think about it. If you think about it, everyone will hesitate. Whether to kill Zhao Yufan really put them in a dilemma. Most of the people present are different from Tianbao Wang and the others. The grievances between the big family and Zhao Yufan, to be more accurate, all the grievances are because of Tianbao Wang, the decision-making power is in Tianbaowang's hands, even if Zhao Yufan wants to retaliate, the first person to retaliate is Tianbaowang.

"What are you doing? Don't let him fool you." King Tianbao sternly said, wishing to kill all the people here. This group of wastes are afraid when they encounter things, and cooperating with them is an insult to themselves, Zhao Yufan said It seems reasonable, but this is Haoyue Shenzhou, whether it is Mingyue Shenzhou or Bailemen, it is impossible to really go to war because of a few people, not to mention that Emperor Haoyue also intends to kill them, if they kill Zhao Yufan and the others, it can be regarded as To help Emperor Haoyue, if there is anything that can be blamed on Emperor Haoyue.

"If you help me, you are helping yourself. Now that your strength is weakened, if you are against us, your interests will be damaged again. At that time, will the surrounding forces annex us? But as long as you help us, you will It shouldn’t be difficult for you to choose that you can preserve your power, and you can also get huge benefits, right?” Zhao Yufan’s voice was full of magic, making people seem to have seen the picture he said, the impact of that language It made their hearts thump, and they wished they could agree to him immediately.

Seeing that the situation was not good, King Tianbao's face was gloomy, and he immediately shouted: "Kill him, the benefits and dangers of killing him are far greater than helping him."

Everyone became a little hesitant when they heard the words. Zhao Yufan is known as a "mobile treasure". It is said that his wealth can be compared with that of a province. This is so appalling. No one wants to kill him and get his wealth, but he is still alive. It's still very good, which also shows how difficult it is to kill him.

Everyone's eyes wandered between Zhao Yufan and King Tianbao, hesitating. Just when they hoped that Zhao Yufan could offer more conditions, Zhao Yufan suddenly fell silent, as if saying to everyone, "You can do whatever you want."

Everyone grinned their teeth and felt angry, but there was nothing they could do. Seeing the expressions on the scene, Mingyue Taotian and the others had to admire Zhao Yufan. With his three-inch tongue, he was able to seduce everyone. This is definitely an ability. If people say it, it may not be successful.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth, and he said again: "The border has not been peaceful recently, the people inside Haoyue Shenzhou are not stable, Tianbao Province has become the weakest of the twelve provinces after experiencing the incident in the main city of Haoyue, and you have already made peace with The six sects are feuding, the most important thing is... whether Emperor Haoyue can help you in the future is still unknown."

These words were like a sharp sword, hitting everyone's chest, making everyone nervous.Zhao Yufan's words were considered bold, and he clearly told everyone that Emperor Haoyue's position was not guaranteed, and the turmoil on the border was a harbinger of war. In normal times, he might be arrested and shot just based on his words. Kill, but now no one said a word to refute, because they knew what Zhao Yufan said was the truth.

How to choose?It has become a problem for everyone. Even Tianbao King is said to be a little tempted, but he can't show it too clearly in front of everyone. After all, he was very tough just now and wanted to kill Zhao Yufan. If he changes his mind now, he will definitely become The laughing stock of everyone.

"The few of us are tired after walking for several days. You also need to discuss. I think we are better off. You arrange a place for us to eat and rest. However, you discuss it and tell us directly after the discussion. How about it?" Zhao Yufan said. It was very relaxed, the person had already stood up, and it seemed that he was about to leave. He was giving everyone something to think about and discuss. In order to make them feel at ease, he asked himself to stay here.

Zhao Yufan gave everyone a step up and King Tianbao a step up. King Tianbao also knew that the current situation was not good for him. Everyone was hesitant now. If he persisted, it might backfire. In the end, he was the only one who would be unlucky, so he did it immediately. A decision was made to arrange accommodation for Zhao Yufan and the others.

Zhao Yufan and the others returned to the room to rest for a while, and someone brought them food. The few people gathered together and ate happily. While eating, Mingyue Taotian did not forget to praise Zhao Yufan for his outstanding eloquence.

Zhao Yufan smiled slightly, he didn't feel anything, even if it was another person, he could convince them. After all, some things are inevitable, Tianbao Wang and the others are not fools, they should be able to share the pros and cons, not to mention that he is also a good show, if Tianbao Wang and the others still want to use force, and then they will really become enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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