Chapter 972
Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words. King Haoyue's words sounded reasonable, but it didn't make sense when they thought about it carefully. They forced Zhao Yufan away, and now they want Zhao Yufan's people to contribute. It's obviously a bit unkind, but they also know that, It may be a good thing to draw Zhao Yufan into this war.

"Hmph! I hope you don't provoke him. If he chooses to help Mingyue Shenzhou, we may all be finished." Yi Long said in a deep voice. He has no chance to help Zhao Yufan now, and now he is speaking for the family and The entire Haoyue Shenzhou considered, of course, there was also Zhao Yufan's consideration, but now he was even more afraid of Zhao Yufan.

Everyone knows that this is a very important issue, and they know Zhao Yufan's terror. If Zhao Yufan is angered because of this matter, with the refining items Zhao Yufan refined and his intelligence, plus the cooperation of the seven divine states, don't say anything. It would not be difficult to destroy them, even the entire Haoyue Divine State.

Haoyue King pursed his lips and chuckled, looked confidently at everyone and said, "Don't worry, everyone, it's true that Haoyue Shenzhou is afraid of Zhao Yufan, but don't people in other Shenzhou fear him? What's more, his relatives and friends are here. He really dares to What will he do to us? He is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, as long as we can build a good relationship with those people in Fanyue City, Zhao Yufan will not do anything to us? Maybe he will help us."

"Can you talk about the people from Sailing Moon City?" Someone asked.

King Haoyue tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and with a bright smile on his face, he thought for a while and said, "Can we always give it a try, but we need to find some suitable candidates, I think General Yi Long and the others This is the most suitable one, I heard that you and Zhao Yufan had a close relationship before, the people of Fanyue City should give you face, right?"

"Zhao Yufan has nothing to do with us." Bao Yuan said in a cold voice, he stood up, glanced at everyone with a sharp gaze, and said with a tough attitude: "Remind you, it's best not to call Zhao Yufan's attention, otherwise you will regret it!"

King Haoyue didn't seem to hear Bao Yuan's words, so he shifted his gaze to King Tianbao, and said in a questioning tone: "King Tianbao, this matter is related to the comfort of the entire Haoyue Divine State, should you say something?"

Tianbao Wang's face was a little stiff, and his heart was even more irritable, as if someone was boiling water deep in his heart, his internal organs were churning. Zhao Yufan's name has been lingering in his mind for the past few months, and he will never forget it. , the people around are also talking about him, and every time these people can pull them together, he is a little powerless, but when King Haoyue opened his mouth, he could only reluctantly say: "I will try my best. Fanyue City is also fine, but the emperor should be clear about what happened recently, if we come forward, they will definitely not help us, I think... to show sincerity, it is better for you to come forward in person."

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy. Just such a sentence from Tianbao King, the others immediately nodded and agreed with him. In fact, the results of anyone who goes to Fanyue City are similar, but those who go are likely to offend Zhao Yufan, or go to Fanyue City. The city may be killed by people, so no one wants to go, even if there is no danger to their lives, it is not a good thing to be humiliated wherever they go, so everyone is shirking, and this is also a kind of mutual suppression. Now King Tianbao proposes Let King Haoyue go, everyone was very happy, they felt that King Haoyue was very suitable to go to Fanyue City.

Everyone really wants to suppress King Haoyue, they want King Haoyue to understand a truth, this seat was given to him by them, and they can not let him take this seat anytime and anywhere, this is a warning and also a threat .

King Haoyue was silent. He wanted to take this opportunity to make some enemies for Zhao Yufan, but he didn't expect to be self-defeating and trapped himself. He regretted it a bit, but if he didn't agree at this time, then the position of Emperor Haoyue would not have to be taken. He didn't feel anything about this position, but ever since he met Zhao Yufan, he could feel that this position was no longer a dream for him, but something close at hand. As long as he put in a little effort, this position is his own , when he sat in this position, he didn't even want to get down from this position.

"Okay, I'll go." King Haoyue said.


King Haoyue didn't dare to delay, now Haoyue Shenzhou is his Shenzhou, he naturally doesn't want to see Ju so occupied by people from the Seven Great Shenzhous, so he rushed to Fanyue City day and night, and wanted to see Fanyue City as Emperor Haoyue Lin Tao, the lord of the city.

The city lord of Fanyue City is Lin Tao, because Lin Tao has a cold face, just one stop can make people feel an inexplicable pressure, while the rest of them are not in line with the identity of the city lord. Sometimes they can't control their emotions, not to mention Mo Qi and Tie Yunshan, even if they are allowed to be the city lords, they are not willing, and the remaining two girls are even more unsuitable for this position.

King Haoyue thought he would be turned away by them, even if he was allowed to go in, Lin Tao and the others would not give him any good looks, but when the city gate opened, he couldn't help but froze in place, because Lin Tao and the others were the main ones. All the characters came out to greet them, and the welcoming ceremony was very grand, just like welcoming the real Emperor Haoyue.

Everyone exchanged greetings for a while, and then directly entered the city.

Lin Tao gave Haoyue King to the main seat, and then he sat down with the rest of the people and looked at Haoyue King. They naturally knew the purpose of Haoyue King, but they decided to let Haoyue King and others have an illusion after discussing before. , it makes people feel that the relationship between them and Zhao Yufan is not very friendly, so that the entire Fanyue City can be protected, and Zhao Yufan can't be dragged down. Anyway, Zhao Yufan is not here now, and nothing they do can threaten him.

"I heard that Zhao Yufan came here a few days ago?" King Haoyue asked.

"En." Lin Tao nodded in response, and stopped talking. Mo Qi beside him smiled and added: "He came here to rest for a few days, and catch up with us by the way, the most important thing is to wait for Mingyue Huanger and them. "

Hearing what Mo Qi said, King Haoyue nodded slightly, and tentatively said: "He left, why didn't you let you leave too? You should have a better future with him in Mingyue Shenzhou than here."

"Haha, you're wrong. Who is Zhao Yufan? Wherever he is, there are still our affairs. Besides, following him, we can just help him run errands. It's better to be comfortable here." Mo Qi said half-truth, half of what he said was true and half was false, but in the eyes of King Haoyue, what Mo Qi said was the truth, which made him very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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