Chapter 973 The First Battle

King Haoyue explained the purpose of his visit bluntly. His eyes wandered around Lin Tao and the others, as if he wanted to see something from them. There was no objection to what was said.

Lin Tao nodded silently, and replied in a cold voice: "I can help you, but I have just established Fanyue City, so I can only support you with supplies as much as possible. As for sending troops to help, we fear that we don't have the strength."

King Haoyue was overjoyed when he heard the words, and smiled gratifiedly: "Haha... as long as you can support me, I am the great emperor in name, but you should also know how much power this great emperor has. In my should put on a show and send some soldiers to go there. , to prove your sincerity, the number does not need to be large, a few thousand is enough, it is considered as training, and you can rest assured that we will not let your soldiers die."

Lin Tao remained silent. When they were discussing, they only said that supplies could be provided, and they did not discuss the issue of sending troops. Now that King Haoyue has brought up the topic here, he cannot take the lead by himself, so he can only listen to other people's opinions.As the military adviser of Fanyue City, Lin Yu squeezed out a smile on his face that he thought he was kind, and said politely: "What the emperor said is very true, but we really don't have that many troops. Now China is turbulent. We need Maintain the order here, and prevent the enemy from attacking. In addition, the recent influx of refugees into the city has made the law and order very chaotic, and we are short of manpower. Look at this, Mo Qi and I will bring a few people back with you. Express our sincerity."

King Haoyue heard the words and felt that what Lin Yu said was reasonable. He asked Fanyue City to send troops just to seek psychological comfort. With people from Fanyue City under his surveillance, even if the people from Fanyue City wanted to do other things , They can also use threats. Since Lin Yu and Mo Qi are going, he is naturally happy. Ordinary soldiers can't compare with Lin Yu. It is obviously more appropriate to use Lin Yu and others to contain Fanyue City.

In this way, Lin Yu, Mo Qi, and Tie Yunshan led five hundred elite soldiers and King Haoyue to leave and rush to the front line. At the same time, Fanyue City also asked shops in various places to provide necessary supplies to various forces. Equivalent exchange, but the price is cheaper than the market.


Soon after, King Haoyue made a clear four-way attack, one of which was formed by the current twelve provinces as the powerful group, one with the power group headed by Bailemen, and the other with the six-door headed force group, and finally Along the way is a team composed of several small faction groups headed by King Haoyue.

The Allied Army of the Twelve Provinces formed a 500 million army to organize a line of defense on the Chiyang River, relying on the Chiyang River to block the enemy.The Paramount Alliance formed an army of 400 million to defend the 'Sirius City', the Alliance of Six Doors formed a 600 million army to form a defense line around the 'White Poplar Forest', the Emperor Haoyue King Haoyue formed an army of 1000 million, with the 'Iron Wall City' as the final The line of defense, move forward, and fight head-on with the enemy in front. King Haoyue is fighting with a 1000 million army composed of Mingyue Shenzhou, Shenfeng Shenzhou, and Tianhuo Shenzhou. Feng Shenzhou, Muxin Shenzhou is against Paramount, and Leishui Shenzhou is against Six Doors.

According to the overall power of the two parties, the Seven Great Divine States far exceed the Haoyue Divine State, but it is impossible for the Seven Great Divine States to give up all they have to deal with the Haoyue Divine State, so they can only mobilize part of their strength, but this part of their power is still beyond the Haoyue Divine State. a lot of.

Mingyue Emperor, Shenfeng Emperor, and Tianhuo Emperor sat side by side, and the two of them are their subordinates. The people who can gather here are all experts in the sanctuary, and there are hundreds of them.

"Unexpectedly, Bo Juntang died like this. It's a pity..." Emperor Shenfeng was quite emotional, and he didn't know whether he was happy or disappointed. The eight emperors have always been vying for each other and suppressing each other for decades. The truth is that there is blood and deep hatred, but after all, they have known each other for so long. Although they are enemies, they also feel a little sympathetic to each other. After Bo Juntang died like this, they really feel empty in their hearts.

Emperor Tianhuo glanced at Emperor Feng, grinned and said sarcastically, "Why are you pretending to be merciful? If you wanted to save him, why didn't you send troops back then?" Said: "Besides, aren't we taking revenge for him?"

"Haha...that makes sense, we are indeed avenging him!" Emperor Kamikaze laughed.

Everyone was also full of smiles, looking at their expressions as if they were determined to win, suddenly Emperor Shenfeng put away his smile, looked at Emperor Mingyue and said, "Emperor Mingyue, I heard that Zhao Yufan has been under your account, why didn't you see him?"

A look of helplessness flashed across Emperor Mingyue's face, and he replied with a smile: "He is just here as a guest, and he is not under my account. Haven't you seen him before? Why do you still want to see him?"

"However, he is also from Haoyue Shenzhou, and I heard that this person is extremely intelligent and quite powerful. I would like to hear his advice." Emperor Kamikaze did not hide his interest in Zhao Yufan at all, and his eyes were straight. Gougou looked at Emperor Mingyue, as if saying, "Let him come out."

Emperor Mingyue was quite helpless, he really wanted Zhao Yufan to come out, but Zhao Yufan had already made it very clear, so he didn't want to embarrass Zhao Yufan, so he rejected Emperor Kamikaze, and then changed the subject and changed the topic to other matters.

Right now, the people from the Seven Great Shenzhous and Haoyue Shenzhou are holding back their energy. They want to achieve a perfect victory in the next battle as much as possible, improve their soldiers, and deal a severe blow to the enemy at the same time.

Emperor Mingyue and the others finally discussed and decided to send 100 million troops tomorrow to forcibly capture Hutou Mountain in front of them. As long as they take down Hutou Mountain, they can formally enter the center of Haoyue Shenzhou, which is very beneficial to them, and they You can also turn Hutou Mountain into your own military fortress, which can be attacked or defended.

King Haoyue and Emperor Mingyue also had the same thoughts. As Emperor Haoyue, he had to win the first battle, not only to win, but also to be beautiful!Only this time can he stabilize his position and convince the common people and ordinary soldiers that only with their support can he have a place in the world, so this battle must be won, even if there are many sacrifices.

King Haoyue immediately thought of some attack refining items that Zhao Yufan refined for them not long ago. These attack refining items were all researched during the attack on Bo Juntang. Although some of them were damaged, some of them were still preserved.King Haoyue, as the main attacking force, gathered all these refining items from various forces before leaving, with the purpose of this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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