Chapter 981
Zhao Yufan returned to Fanyue City, and immediately ordered all personnel to maintain combat readiness, and those who were hiding in the dark were all careful, and troops from all over the country moved one after another, gathering around Fanyue City. Now Fanyue City controls Haoyue Shenzhou and even other Shenzhous. Many cities in Haoyue Shenzhou are now mobilizing troops to support Fanyue City.

At the same time, King Haoyue also gathered millions of troops to act as a forward force and went straight to Fanyue City, but this time he did not attack Fanyue City, but called Zhao Yufan to enter the main city of Fanyue as an emperor to participate Ascension to the throne of Haoyue Great Emperor, the people who came to call this time were Yi Long and the others.

The expressions of Yi Long and the others were very dignified. The assassination of King Tianbao must have been instructed by Zhao Yufan. A choice needs to be made, and their choice is now very clear. For the sake of their family and homeland, they have to kill Zhao Yufan, and this visit is also their request.

City Lord, Yi Long and the others have arrived at the city. Lin Yu walked into the living room, bowed and said to Zhao Yufan who was sitting above.

Zhao Yufan rolled his eyes, curled his lips and said sarcastically, "Are you addicted to being an official? Why are you so polite?" Although he was joking, he was not completely joking. They didn't have these courtesy when they met before, but Lin Yu didn't agree. Under the orders of righteous words, many people would salute him when they saw him, including Lin Yu himself. Mo Qi and the others could only helplessly imitate Lin Yu, but they were not as respectful as Lin Yu when they saluted.

"State-owned state law, family has family rules, no rules, how to govern the world we have built." Lin Yu glared at Zhao Yufan, then turned and returned to his seat. He did not agree with Zhao Yufan's statement, but he was very satisfied with Zhao Yufan's approach. Well, they naturally don't need to be polite, especially Zhao Yufan's refusal to let him be polite, which shows his weight in Zhao Yufan's heart.After sitting down for a while, he frowned slightly and asked, "Let them in? I don't want to see you. I'll send them away."

"No, they represent the Haoyue King, and the Haoyue King represents the Huguotang, we must not lose our courtesy, let them come in, some things should be clarified."

Lin Yu nodded slightly, looked outside and ordered, "Bring them in."

After a while, Yi Long and others walked into this quaint and majestic Fanyue Palace. Lin Yu and the others were on both sides, and Zhao Yufan was in the middle above.They used to fight side by side with Zhao Yufan, and they gathered together to discuss things just like now. If they hadn't fallen out with Zhao Yufan, maybe they would have a place here today, but now, they can only rely on outsiders and enemies. If it weren't for the relationship between them and Zhao Yufan who came here with their identities, maybe they would not have been able to lead the team here at all, let alone live to this day.

"Sit down." Zhao Yufan said, and someone brought them chairs.Yi Long and the others sat on the chairs, felt the sharp eyes of the people around them, and felt very uncomfortable all over, as if they had done something wrong.

"I'm sorry." Zhao Yufan spoke first. He could have spared killing Tianbao King, but only by killing him can the people of the Seven Great Shenzhou understand his attitude. Only by killing him can we fight without worries.

"I understand, I will never show mercy on the battlefield, and you don't have to show mercy either." Bao Yuan said coldly, his eyes were a little dry, it seemed that he was in a bad mood these days.

"Why? Why did you kill my father?" Bao Xinrou clenched her small fist, and her lips were bitten with blood.

Zhao Yufan was silent, he had nothing to say, Baoyuan seemed to have walked out of this matter, he lightly scolded his sister, and comforted him: "Xinrou, some things are our fault, it is his choice who he kills, and we We have a choice."

"No!" Bao Xinrou roared: "He killed our father, he clearly knew that it was our father, he clearly knew... He clearly knew..."

There was deathly silence in the palace, no one could tell who was right and who was wrong, they could only blame them for their different identities and thinking.

"If it weren't for you to push forward, how could the young master kill him!" Qingzhu couldn't help but said, he never thought that what Zhao Yufan did would be wrong, "If I were you, I should have killed you when you killed me."

What she said was very straightforward, as straightforward as a sharp sword, piercing Yi Long and the others to turn pale.

"You are right." Bao Xinrou bit her bloody lips, stared at Zhao Yufan indifferently, and said fiercely, "I will kill you!"

"Well, just kill me if you want to." Zhao Yufan replied strangely, and then said solemnly: "Let's leave things as they are, and tell us why you are here."

Yi Long was stunned, as if he didn't expect the matter between them to end like this. After being slightly stunned, he took out a golden scroll and announced: "On the tenth day of October, King Haoyue officially ascended the throne, and ordered the Lord of Fanyue City to arrive at that time." Be sure to get there."

Zhao Yufan nodded slightly, and replied, "Well, go back and tell King Haoyue that I will arrive early."

"And..." Yi Long stared at Zhao Yufan, gritted his teeth as if he was making up his mind: "King Haoyue intends to overthrow Bo Juntang's previous system, and once again regard himself as the emperor and control the world!"

"Emperor..." Zhao Yufan murmured, his face showing a look of turmoil. He hadn't heard of the name Emperor for a long time. It seemed that King Haoyue wanted to use this method to restrict various forces and also wanted to centralize all powers.Looking at Yi Long and the others, he frowned and said? : "Thank you, you tell me the news, then we will not owe each other from now on, so you can do it yourself."

Yi Long and his party left. They walked in the bustling street, listening to the discussions of the common people and the happy life around them. Not only were they a little envious, but maybe they could only see this scene here. Life, now many people in other cities hope to live in Fanyue City, but now the population of Fanyue City is enough, they will not accept other people, even so, many people still build their own houses near Fanyue City, Living the life they want, standing on the wall of Fanyue City and looking down, you can see endless houses.

"Maybe he's right." Lone Wolf said, looking around enviously.

"There is no right or wrong now, only hatred!" Bao Yuan said, his tone full of killing intent.Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his killing intent gradually subsided: "You can actually follow him."

Yi Long and the others met each other and smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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