Chapter 982 The First Emperor

Yu Zongsheng shrugged, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Forget it, our family has sorry for him too much, not to mention the family's capriciousness, I don't want to harm him, and I don't want to harm myself. The family will eventually oppose him, so it's better to go against him sooner." Get rid of the relationship."

The rest of the people also nodded one after another. Their family has done too many things to sorry Zhao Yufan, and with their family style, they will eventually become enemies with Zhao Yufan, so it is better to let all this happen quickly.

"Go back and report to your life." Bao Yuan turned around and glanced in the direction of Fanyue City, and left resolutely.


Sail Moon City, Sail Moon Palace.

"Emperor, this King Haoyue is really a lunatic. I have never noticed that he is so eager for power before." Mo Qi and King Haoyue have met several times, so he was a little surprised when he heard that King Haoyue was going to be the emperor, and he felt a little funny. Stretching and laughing, he said, "It's really interesting. In the past, one of us could be an emperor, but no one wanted to be an emperor, but some people value this position so much, what an idiot..."

The other people present were speechless when they heard the words, thinking to themselves that they don't know who is an idiot, even if there are emperors who don't sit down, it feels like Mo Qi and the others are also idiots.

"You are more like an idiot now." Lin Yu couldn't help cursing: "Can you be normal, bastard? You look like a lunatic every day."

"It's so long-winded, Yunshan, do you think he looks like a teacher in a private school, talking about educating people every day, it really annoys people to death." Mo Qi fought back not to be outdone.

Tie Yunshan rolled his eyes upwards, not bothering to pay attention to these two guys.

"If King Haoyue becomes emperor, I fear that his power will expand rapidly, and we may be restricted at that time. If we disobey his orders, we will be disobeying the imperial decree. Then he will have sufficient reasons to deal with us, so I don't think his plan can be made to succeed." Han Bingyue said softly, her cold eyes made Lin Yu and Mo Qi dare not argue.

Han Bingyue's thoughts were also the thoughts of most people. They all supported Han Bingyue, but Zhao Yufan didn't speak, and they didn't dare to discuss it further.Zhao Yufan thought for a long time, then shook his head slightly and said, "We can't stop it. There are Erhe Huguotang behind King Haoyue. Now you should not be thinking about King Haoyue, but how to deal with Huguotang. The strength of Huguotang is now against us. No, so we can only endure for the time being, but fortunately, the Huguotang didn’t plan to kill us immediately, which gave us enough time to prepare.”

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, but there was no trace of joy on their faces, instead they were deeply worried. They had full confidence in facing King Haoyue, but they were really not sure when facing Huguotang.

Seeing through everyone's thoughts, Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and teased: "If you are afraid of death, tell me in advance, and I will arrange for you to leave, but if you dare to be traitors, don't be ruthless."

"You are a threat, but I am not afraid of death." Tie Yunshan said bluntly.

The rest of the people also expressed their dissatisfaction with Zhao Yufan, but they also expressed their determination. Those who can sit here can almost be regarded as Zhao Yufan's confidantes and relatives. Being able to sit here shows how much Zhao Yufan believes in them. Han Xiaosong and Golden Snake and Jade Girl are the people who have the best relationship with Zhao Yufan, but they are still not here today. The only person here is Mingyuehuanger, and Mingyuehuanger is also here with them The only person who has spent the shortest time with Zhao Yufan, but who has gained Zhao Yufan's trust, this kind of trust is completely above life and death.


A canyon in the northern ice bed of Haoyue Shenzhou is full of spring. This place is incompatible with the outside world of glaciers. There are many valley palaces like a fairyland, like the palaces of the gods. It is the headquarters of the Huguotang, "Heart of Glacier".

In the middle of the heart of the glacier stands a majestic golden palace. This palace is like a sharp sword on an iceberg, piercing straight into the sky.In the hall, Haoyue King, the majestic Haoyue Emperor of Haoyue Shenzhou, just knelt down alone, bowed his head and remained silent.

The Emperor Protector of the Country sits on a golden dragon chair. On either side of his drooping hands are six King Protectors of the Country. Their seats are of different colors and shapes. Some are like tigers, some are like leopards, and some are like Wolf.

"If you're not ruling in your main city of Haoyue, what are you doing here?" asked the Protector God Emperor.

King Haoyue bowed his head and said in a deep voice, "God Emperor, why didn't you kill him."

"Zhao Yufan?" The Protector God Emperor glanced at King Haoyue and said coldly, "Bai Qing couldn't kill him, so naturally he didn't kill him."

"You can send someone to kill him." King Haoyue said.

As soon as the words were finished, the Protector of the Nation God Emperor gave a cold voice and reprimanded: "This is the gap between you and Zhao Yufan. Don't think about how to kill others every day. Look at Zhao Yufan, did he ever want to kill you? Know him Why didn't he kill you? Because he didn't bother to kill you."

"I'm not as strong as him, so he naturally doesn't take me seriously." King Haoyue explained, also comforting himself.

"Really?" asked the Emperor Protector of the Nation, and immediately said to himself: "Even if he is not as strong as you, he will not take you seriously. When he was just a master of Tianyu, he dared to fight with Bo Juntang. Confrontation, how could he care about you? He doesn't care about you, because he can let you die in many ways, and you..." His voice suddenly became serious, "You only want people to kill him, but you don't want to kill him. We will deal with Zhao Yufan in other ways."

King Haoyue remained silent, perhaps because the words of the Protector God General woke him up from his confusion, or perhaps because he was unwilling to believe it. After a long time, he whispered: "Thank you God Emperor for your guidance, I understand what to do."

"Do you really understand? Then tell me how to do it." The Protector God Emperor sneered.

"Uh..." Haoyue Wang was speechless, he really understood the gap with Zhao Yufan, but how could he understand how to do it in such a short time, it was just a scene just now, who would have thought that the Protector God Emperor would take it seriously .

"Hmph, this is also the gap between you and Zhao Yufan. If it were him, he would definitely try to get me to deal with you." After finishing speaking, the Emperor Protector of the Nation was unwilling to continue talking, and waved his hand: "Retire Come on, don't come here if you don't have anything to do, let Bai Qing take someone back with you, it will be regarded as helping you."

"Yes." King Haoyue didn't dare to say anything, and bowed to leave.

Watching his leaving back, the god kings who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke up. The 12 of them had the same opinion as King Haoyue asked just now, that is why Zhao Yufan was not killed, but they didn't ask. but questioning.

(End of this chapter)

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