Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 213 Match

Chapter 213 Match
It was the first time for Ning Wan to treat guests at home, she naturally attached great importance to it. She sincerely wanted everyone to relax here for a day, so everything was prepared very carefully. Lunch was the focus of the banquet, and she especially put a lot of thought into it.

The delicacies of mountains and seas are common to the young women who come today, and everyone often eats the noodles at the Wangyuan Building, so Ning Wan did not make those clichés such as jelly-dried vegetables and bear's paws, but found another way.

Today's main course is barbecue—yes, she was indeed inspired by Iron Stone's treat, but it was different, she made it much more delicately, and it was more in line with the preferences of the women in the inner house.

Fresh venison meat is cut into slices, marinated with various seasonings for a long time, brushed with oil, put on wire mesh and grilled in a charcoal basin, there is no one who does not like it!
It’s not just that everyone loves to eat, but they love to bake by themselves!After a while, the doves took over the magpie's nest and drove Bai to the side to get them together. Even Young Mistress Feng, who had always been cold-tempered, took off her bracelet and added it to the middle. The goose meat, steamed buns, flower rolls, mushrooms, and garlic were all roasted, and then someone tried roasting vegetables.

Naturally, some people will object, "How can green vegetables be roasted like this!"

But Ning Wan just watched with a smile on her face, she can do whatever she likes, happiness is the most important thing!It doesn't matter even if it's roasted, the green vegetables are expensive, but she didn't spend much money in total today, after all, she saved those big vegetables!

Everyone roasted and ate, and after a long commotion before returning to the house, Mrs. Lu brought a glass of wine to Ning Wan's mouth, "I want to toast the master first, today's banquet is my happiest!"

Ning Wan knew that although Mrs. Lu was loved by her mother-in-law and mother-in-law, she also had an excellent reputation among several aunts, and she and her husband respected and loved each other, and gave birth to a son, but it was rare for her to be so relaxed and at ease. , so he drank the wine with a raised head, poured another glass and sent it back, "Young Madam, if you like it, you can also drink this glass to the full!"

This wave of drinking is not when everyone toasted in order at the beginning of the banquet. Now the seats are already chaotic, and everyone leans or sits or leans casually. Some pick their favorite food with chopsticks, and some guess chess and fight wine There were also a few more bold and unrestrained ones who simply punched like men, and the hairpin bracelets jingled.After being reminded by Mrs. Lu, everyone came to respect Ning Wan. After a while, Ning Wan drank so hot that she hurriedly found an excuse to leave the east room.

The west room was much quieter. Fourth Mrs. Xu was drunk and fell asleep on the kang, and the little girl who came with her sat beside her and wiped the sweat from her forehead; The Second Young Mistress was sitting in a corner of the room whispering something, and Miss Yang took the cards and placed them on the table by herself.

Most of the guests here today are young wives and grandmas from various families, but there are also two girls, one is the third lady of the Xu family. She heard that Mrs. Lu must come with her sister-in-law to treat guests. Ning Wan invited Miss Yang to come for her sit with.Don't think it's just the two girls' families but they don't get along very well. Miss Xu San is talking with Mrs. Lu Shao and his wife at the same time. They grew up together, but Miss Yang has been left alone.

Mingming Young Madam Feng has always looked down on most people in Shanghutai County, especially the Fu family. She has always thought it was too vulgar and did not associate with Mrs. Fu and the Fu family's young mistress, but now she doesn't know what they have to say when they are together of?Ning Wan suppressed the curiosity in her heart, but sat next to Miss Yang. After all, she is the host, and she wants to treat all the guests well.So he smiled and said, "Why doesn't Ms. Yang drink a few more glasses? Is it because you don't like the smell of wine?"

Miss Yang's capacity for alcohol is very good, Ning Wan has seen her pour wine from a jar like a man, she didn't seem to drink much today, and her face didn't change color at all.

Miss Yang smiled and said, "Our family usually drinks sorghum wine. This wine is too weak, but I think it's pretty good!"

Today's banquet may be too elegant for Ms. Yang. Ning Wan also thought about it at the beginning, but she happened to be the only woman of the right age in the family of several generals. Moreover, she also thought that Ms. Yang would be Xu Qianhu in the future. It should be familiar with it earlier.Seeing that Miss Yang was a bit restrained, she suggested with a smile, "I've been drunk just now, but I'm not full. Why don't we roast some venison?" She knew that Miss Yang had a lot of food.

Miss Yang readily agreed, she was really embarrassed to overeat just now, so she was really not full.The two of them took the venison and heated up the charcoal grill again. Ning Wan only ate one or two pieces to accompany her, but put all the meat on Miss Yang's plate, and asked Mrs. Bai to bring them a jar of wine. Drinking and eating meat, and chatting with nothing.

In fact, Ning Wan knew about the Yang family's affairs a long time ago. Seeing that Miss Yang was very curious about her, Ning Wan had nothing to hide. There is nothing to do at home on weekdays, just cook at home and sew clothes.”

Miss Yang is not a scheming woman, Ning Wan thought that she would be able to make her happy soon, and the host and guest had a good time, but when she saw that the worry on her brow had not been put away, Ning Wan suddenly thought of it, Xu Qianhu and Ms. Yang should be negotiating marriage right now, and they will get married when Xu Qianhu's ex-wife reaches the anniversary!

Although Miss Yang liked Tie Shi, Ning Wan didn't hate her as much as she did to Ding San, and even had some sympathy for her.After all, Xu Qianhu, whom she will marry in the future, is really not a very good person!Not to mention the embarrassment of Tie Shi when he was transferred back from Duolun, but when the barbarians went south, he actually led troops to Anpingwei, which is a great loss!

It is true that Hutai County has few small soldiers and it is difficult to hold on to it, but as a thousand households here, of course he should take on the important task of guarding the soil!He ran away under the banner of defending Anpingwei, but in fact, he still thought that Anpingwei was deeper than Hutai County's city, and there were more soldiers and generals in the guardhouse, so he could save his life there!
Just like Tieshi once told himself, if Hutai is not protected, Anpingwei will be difficult to defend. The two cities are at odds with each other. It will not be guaranteed!If Xu Qianhu behaves like this, he will definitely not get well in the future!
So Ning Wan wanted to help Ms. Yang a little bit, and it happened that the two of them were sitting at the table in the main hall, and there was no one else around, so she smiled and said in a low voice: "Before I got married, my parents and I were with you." Others talked about getting married, but I didn't think it was good, so I didn't nod, but after marrying Tie Shi, I still hit it off."

But Miss Yang thought she knew something, and she couldn't hold back after drinking a lot of wine, "I didn't want to nod at first, but my sister has done something wrong. If I object, my father, mother and third aunt must know will be angry."

The third aunt mentioned by Miss Yang is the concubine of the Yang family.Mrs. Yang was a few years older than Yang Baihu. After giving birth to a few sons and Miss Yang, she got old and got a woman's disease, so she bought her husband a girl from a poor family as a concubine.After this girl arrived at the Yang family, she honestly and diligently took over all the housework of the Yang family. While serving the family of Yang, she also supported Mrs. Yang well. She brought her up with a very good relationship, so she was treated like an aunt.

In Hutai County, this kind of situation is not uncommon. After all, there are not many wealthy households who can raise their concubines without touching their fingers. Generally, small officials, small merchants, and small landlords cannot sit idle after taking concubines. The wife in charge of the main house asked them to cook, wash and take care of the children, doing the same work as the servants.Although Yang Baihu's military position has been handed down from generation to generation, his family has always been in the armory, living only on military pay, and his life is not rich. There are no servants in the family, and Mrs. Yang bought a concubine to help herself.

Ning Wan understood that it was true that the people in the county had said that Miss Yang had an affair with Xu Qianhu.I just know that this matter is not the birth mother of the Baihu couple and Miss Yang, but Miss Yang!Then Miss Yang married Xu Qianhu for this reason?What a fool! "You thought you had promised to hide the matter? When your father, mother, and third aunt find out, not only will they be angry, but they will also feel sorry for you!"

"Me?" Miss Yang hesitated for a moment, but poured a glass of wine into her mouth at once and said, "It really doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter if I marry or not, it doesn't matter if I marry anyone."

oh!It turned out that Ms. Yang was discouraged if she couldn't marry Tie Shi, so she agreed to help her sister without hesitation.But she is actually just sad right now, and she will recover after a while, but it will be too late to regret after the marriage is settled.

Ning Wan said: "Actually, it's not the best for you to help your sister like this. Second Miss Yang is because you can marry Xu Qianhu, but she is also a concubine. Even if she is your own sister, others will not respect her outside." she."

"Then what should I do?" Miss Yang is a simple-minded person, and now she believes in Mrs. Lu with all her heart.

"Let Xu Qianhu directly propose to your sister and marry her to fill the house."

Miss Yang stammered, "But Xu Qianhu doesn't want to marry his younger sister."

Although the Yang family treats the two daughters the same, the daughters born on the first line and the daughters born to concubines are different. Some people pay special attention to this point, and they will definitely inquire about it before they get married.Therefore, it is normal for Xu Qianhu to look down on Miss Yang Er, but he wanted the body of Miss Huang Hua, and dared to think that she was not born well, so he couldn't spare him!
Ning Wan understands what Miss Yang didn't say, she must be afraid that her sister's life will be lost if the incident is revealed, after all, how can a woman who has committed adultery and failed to get married have a good end!Maybe Xu Qianhu also used similar words to scare her, so he sneered, "It's a big deal for a woman to lose her virginity, but Xu Qianhu cannot escape the same guilt!"

"He said that if the news got out, others would at most say that he was flirtatious, and my sister would die. My sister knelt on the ground and begged me to help her."

Second Sister Yang is scheming, but Ning Wan doesn't expose it. After all, Ms. Yang may not be able to believe it. She just told her affirmatively, "Even if an official commits adultery with a woman from a good family, even if he can save his life, the official should not want to!"

"Really!" Ms. Yang asked in a sharp voice. She didn't want to marry because she was sad, but thinking of marrying into the Xu family like this was not a pleasant feeling, so her words were filled with joy.

Ning Wan raised her hand and gave a "shh", then quickly looked to the left and right, but luckily no one else came, "Of course, if you don't believe me, go and read the law."

Miss Yang also knew that she had been careless for a while, so she quickly lowered her voice and said, "I can't read, and neither can my parents."

"Don't be afraid, just ask your sister to ask Xu Qianhu, does he dare to expose the matter?" Ning Wan said again: "Your sister married Xu Qianhu, and everyone is very happy. You are not very old, you must I want to marry Mr. Ruyi." As for Miss Yang Er and Xu Qianhu, let them get together for these two scourges, anyway, they are just like the saying goes, "fish looks for fish, shrimp looks for shrimp, and turtles match each other." bastard!

(End of this chapter)

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