Chapter 214
This time Ning Wan treated guests, her friendship with Madam Lu grew deeper, and she also contacted women of similar ages from wealthy families in Hutai County, and unintentionally helped Miss Yang with ideas, but she wanted to use this to talk to Madam Feng These intimate words did not succeed.

In one day, she and Madam Lu, Ms. Yang, and a few others had some intimate conversations, but although she played a game of chess with Madam Feng, the conversation was still polite.Obviously, he had expressed his sincerity, but Young Mistress Feng just refused to accept it, and Ning Wan was also helpless.

Friendship cannot be made by one person alone. In the evening, Ning Wan had no choice but to send Young Mistress Feng away. Seeing that she was muttering something with Young Mistress Fu before she left, but she didn't invite herself to Feng's house to play chess, she couldn't help but smiled wryly in her heart. one time.

In a blink of an eye, the guests left one after another, Ning Wan withdrew her thoughts and asked Lao Lin to drive the car to send a few guests off.Mrs. Xu Fourth was the last to leave. She was so drunk today that she had a long sleep at Lu's house. Ning Wan saw her awake and gave her a bowl of hangover soup, and asked her to wash and comb her hair again. Sent it back.

Ning Wan sent the guest back from the gate of the courtyard, but hesitated for a moment, should she go to the next door and ask Tie Shi to go home?It turned out that all the guests were invited today were female guests, so Ning Wan first told Tieshi not to go home at noon, and to go to the next door for dinner at night, and to come back after the guests left, so as not to be inconvenient.

Now that the guests are gone, Tie Shi should be called back, but Bai and Lao Lin are not there, so Ning Wan is a little embarrassed to go to the next door to call for someone, afraid that others will laugh at her and can't leave him for a moment.

But it's not called Tieshi, he may not know that the guests are gone when he's there, maybe it's not easy to come over!

Just as Ning Wan was thinking, she stretched out her hand from behind her to close the courtyard door, and then grabbed her shoulder, "Why don't you go back inside, it's cold outside."

"How did you get in?" Ning Wan saw Lu Tieshi's smiling face as soon as she turned her head, and she knew it before he could answer, "You must have jumped over the wall!"

"Well, I miss you, see the guests leave and go home quickly."

But it's only half an hour later than usual!But in fact, Ning Wan also missed him just now, so she smiled and asked: "Have you eaten the venison I sent over?" The house treats guests to roast venison, and Ning Wan will deliver delicious food as usual There are some next door, and today I gave more because Tieshi was going to have dinner there.

"No," Lu Tieshi looked at Ning Wan and said with a smile, "I'm waiting to eat with you."

Ning Wan felt more and more happy, but she said: "It's all the same thing, so it's easy to eat there."

"You love to eat what you make yourself."

Ning Wan set up a fire to barbecue again. If Lu Tieshi was really a daughter-in-law, how could she be willing to work hard for her daughter-in-law? She took it over and roasted it herself. The two roasted some venison, steamed buns, and made vegetable soup to eat. Tie Shi still said happily: "Fortunately Brother Luo and the others roasted the meat and told me that I was hungry and didn't eat it. Wan'er's cooking is better than their cooking!"

In fact, he didn't taste the ones over there, so he didn't know which ones were delicious!But Ning Wan just believed that she felt that she was the same, and she would be happy even eating chaffy vegetables with Tie Shi, so she smiled and said: "Today, the family is busy with dinner, so I didn't prepare anything tonight. But I still have some venison left, and I will make a meal tomorrow!"

"What is a package meal?"

It turned out that Tie Shi hadn't eaten before, so Ning Wan wanted to make a fuss, "I'll know when I eat tomorrow." Seeing Tie Shi going to get wine, she quickly stopped her, "You are not allowed to drink on weekdays!" Tie Shi was on the city wall back then. He told himself that he never drank, just because he would not be sober as usual after drinking, so he was easy to be taken advantage of by others, and now he wants to drink, Ning Wan naturally has to take care of it!
Tie Shiji listened to what she said, and immediately let go, but turned his head and complained with a smile, "Look at you, your face is flushed from drinking, but you won't give me a drink."

Ning Wan really had a lot to drink this day, and then heard Tie Shi say that she was blushing, so she quickly took a mirror to take a look, but saw that the people inside were full of spring colors, and quickly put the mirror on the table, "They are all pouring me, Don't drink any more next time!"

"It's okay, you look better after drinking." Lu Tieshi was so in love with him that he wanted to do something now. He was afraid that Wan'er would feel uncomfortable when he had a drink, so he hugged her in his arms and relieved her. Combing her hair in a bun, Ning Wanyi couldn't tell how comfortable she was in his arms, and took over half of the "Historical Records" that she had read.

It's just that after drinking, it's really different, and I can't calm down. After flipping through for a while, I suddenly threw the book aside, got up and said, "Usually you drink too much to tease me, and today I'm going to tease you too!"

Lu Tieshi was really looking forward to it, "I'll make trouble as you please!"

Needless to say, the love between the young couple, but Ning Wan couldn't help but ask: "You are busy outside every day, and you are not free at home, so you don't feel tired?"

"Of course I'm not tired. I eat and sleep on time every day since I became a relative, and I feel that my body is better!" Lu Tieshi suddenly laughed again, "When you got married, you said that you were afraid that I would lose my childhood skills. How did you come here?"

Every time Ning Wan brought up this matter, she would feel ashamed. Today, she happened to have wine, so she lowered her head and bit his mouth, not allowing him to say anything!
On the second day, Ning Wan inevitably got up very late again, thinking that she would have to make a meal for Tieshi at noon, and she couldn't make it in time to go to the shop with Sister Xi as promised, so she simply asked Mrs. Bai to pass on the message, saying that she had a hangover and wanted to stay at home Take a day off and let Sister Xi go there alone.

The fur shop has already opened, but it didn't occupy Ning Wan's mind much. After all, it was something she had done before, and it was much easier to repeat it. I know what I know.Sister Xi was managing a shop for the first time, and she was much more excited than her. She often went to the shop for a walk, and everything was novel.

Ning Wan saw that she was still unlawful in doing business, but she didn't criticize her too much. After all, it was the first time, so who could not make some mistakes?Even I have suffered at the beginning.On the contrary, I hope that Sister Xi will use this shop to slowly come out through experience, and in the future will take charge of the Zhao family, and the rest of her life will be worry-free, so I push Sister Xi to the front, let her go there often, and just help her find something to do, So as not to be as depressed as before.

So Ning Wan got up and combed her hair in a homely bun. She only picked a red velvet flower and put it on her head. She didn't use the rest of the jewelry. She took out her iron and stone spring shirt and sewed for a while, watching the time, she put away her needle and thread and went to the kitchen.

Bai Shi had already made sorghum rice as she ordered. Ning Wan took a cabbage and picked the best among them to help leave a few fan-shaped leaves to wash and put on the plate, and cut the venison into soybeans Put the big dices in the oil pan and stir-fry them. When they are half-cooked, add the sauce and stir-fry until they are delicious. Put a few simple things on the table, and it is easier to eat. First spread a layer of sorghum rice on the leaves, then spread a Layer venison, then wrap it up and eat it with your hands. This is baofan.

Lu Tieshi asked yesterday, and now he is holding the rice package that Wan'er made for him in his hand, and seeing her demonstrate that she took a big bite of the rice package in her hand, he laughed, "This way of eating is also strange, even the bowl and chopsticks None."

Ning Wan said: "People in our Sanjia Village eat baofan like this, and there is no need for venison, or even no meat. No matter what, wrap it in vegetable leaves and eat it. Although it is the same rice and vegetables, But it’s sweeter and more delicious than the usual way of eating it when it’s wrapped.” She tilted her head and thought for a while, “Maybe it’s because I didn’t have bowls and chopsticks to eat like this? I just don’t know.”

Lu Tieshi ate up the rice bag in his hand in two bites, and instead of making a new one, he stretched his head over and took a bite of Ning Wan's rice bag, and Ning Wan fed him with the rice bag, and said: " When I was young, I liked eating baofan the most, I thought it was not only delicious, but also fun.”

Lu Tieshi also agreed, "It's really delicious and fun, we'll eat it again in two days."

"Let's make a different kind of rice package some other day," Ning Wan thought, "How about we use white rice with scallops and shrimps next time?"

In fact, it doesn't matter what kind of rice package you eat, what Lu Tieshi likes is the feeling of Wan'er feeding him with the rice package, so he immediately nodded and said, "Okay!"

As a result, Ning Wan didn't go out for a few more days. Thinking about it this day, she felt that it would be shameful not to go to the shop again, so she asked Mrs. Bai to find Lao Lin to drive her there.

Although the first month has passed, the spring here in Liaodong is still early, and it is still very cold outside, and the business of the fur shop is not bad, with ready-made sheepskin jackets, rabbit fur hats, and tanned furs. Hanging, put the whole store full, the guests who come can just look at it and touch it at will, and they can buy it for a small amount of money if they choose it.

After all, there are only the most common sheepskin and rabbit skins in the shop now. Although Ning Wan has also made high-end leather, she knows that the better the fur, the harder it is to press money. With the 500 taels she invested now, she is not in a hurry to make it. Fox fur, lynx fur, mink fur, sheep fur and rabbit fur are also very profitable.

Because of Ning Wan's seldom coming, some staff didn't recognize her, so they smiled and asked her to see the goods, "Ma'am, our leather is well tanned, very soft, warm to wear, and not expensive!" She smiled and posed. He waved his hand, "I'm here to find Mistress Zhao Er." Then he walked towards the backyard.

That guy was a serious person, stopped Ning Wan and said: "There is nitrate in the yard, outsiders are not allowed to enter!" Another guy who knew Ning Wan came and stopped him and said: "This is the boss."

The guy blushed, and Ning Wan smiled, "You're right, that's exactly what it should be, no one can come in and out of the shop casually." She nodded to them before walking through the shop to the backyard.

Tanning is a very tiring and dirty job, and you need to be more careful because you have to use some poisonous things, but it is also the most critical part of doing fur business. Only by turning the hard and black skin into white and soft Only soft fur can be bought.Because Ning Wan had the upper hand, she didn't have to take a detour, and directly invited a master who was not yet well-known but very skilled, and entrusted him with all the tanning. The tank, with a lot of leather soaked in plant ash, as seen before.

Different from the bustling scene in the shop outside, the whole yard was quiet, only a man in a fine leather robe was stirring in a large vat with a wooden stick, making water splash everywhere, Ning Wan was so anxious He ran over, "Zhao Guomao! Why are you disobedient again!"

Zhao Guomao was originally carrying Ning Wan behind his back, but now he turned his head and showed a pure smile, "Cousin! Cousin!" He said and quickly threw the wooden stick behind his back, as if he could fool Ning Wan by doing so like.It's just that he didn't know that there were several black marks on his face, and although the back of the satin fine fox fur robe on his body was still brand new, the original color could not be seen on the front, and several holes were burnt on it. , not like the son of a wealthy family, but like a beggar on the street.

Ning Wan was angry and impatient, she quickly looked at Zhao Guomao's face, luckily his face was fine, she just wiped some dust on it, then took his hand to look, there was a skin scratch and some blood, it didn't matter, He took the handkerchief and wrapped it up for him, and he was relieved, fortunately there was no accident in his shop, but he shouted into the yard: "The people who follow the second young master!"

(End of this chapter)

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