Chapter 45
After Luo Shuang'er and Chunling finished talking about Ning Qing, they both smiled at Ning Wan, "Now your family's life is getting better, and you won't know how lively it will be when you get married in a few years."

"Me?" Ning Wan smiled, "I'm not in a hurry to get married." The family is not busy, so I must stay a few more years to help my parents.

Luo Shuang'er and Chun Ling looked at each other and smiled. Although Wan'er was smart and capable, she was still young and didn't know about marriage, so she didn't mention it anymore.

Although the three of them were eating, they kept paying attention to see if there was anything missing in the other three places to add. For a while, the west room finished eating first, and then the east room also finished eating. They collected the dishes and chopsticks and returned the borrowed ones. It was already late, so Luo Shuang and Chun Ling went home together.

Ning Liang was sitting in the yard talking with his eldest brother, brother-in-law, and son-in-law. Seeing that it was getting late, he called Ning Wan, "Bring the wine jar outside, we'll talk for a while, and when we're sleepy, we'll sleep in your uncle's room." .You, your mother, and your eldest aunt should sleep in the east room first."

There is not enough room in the family, so Ning Wan can only arrange it like this, so Ning Wan agreed, seeing that there are still a lot of wine and vegetables, there is no need to add more, so she sent the wine jar over, sent fried rice tea to Xiwu, and left a plate of steamed buns A plate of steamed bacon was prepared for them to eat when they were hungry in the middle of the night, and then they went back to the east room to sleep with their mother and eldest aunt.

In summer, the windows are open, and my father, uncle, and others drink and laugh outside to talk about crops, mountain products, corvees, and so on.The mother and eldest aunt in the room said to Ning Wan: "I have to get up early tomorrow, so go to bed early."

Ning Wan lay down obediently. The last time she heard her eldest aunt scold her father and mother in the middle of the night, she knew that her eldest aunt would no longer curse in anger, but she was still worried about her mother and couldn't fall asleep.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard the eldest aunt whisper to my mother: "I have been afraid that you will not be born again, and I have been worrying about it for a long time. I don't want to have it again now. The last time Erlang said it when he passed by, I was so happy for several days. Didn't fall asleep." It turned out that she thought that Ning Wan was a child, so she always kept things from her.

Niang also whispered: "I thought it was impossible at first, and Erlang also said that it was impossible, so he recruited Wan'er. If you don't want to, there will be one, and Wan'er was the first to see it. Erlang always said that Dad blessed us."

"That thing is really miraculous," the aunt sighed, "Although I have heard people talk about cause and effect, but the real retribution is only seen this time by Wan'er." He's a male, so Wan'er doesn't need to recruit a son-in-law, it's hard to find a good son-in-law."

"It's the same if you want to find someone who knows the basics in the village, but it's better to choose a marriage for Wan'er." Mother smiled and begged: "Sister, your Lishu Village is close to Hutai County. Wealthy, if you are good, you will look after Wan'er."

"Don't worry about that, I'll keep it in mind. Besides, I see that Wan'er is better looking than Xian'er and Qing'er, and she is also very smart, so I will definitely help her make a good relationship!"

Ning Wan listened for a while, but the eldest aunt didn't swear, instead she spoke very congenially with her mother, the two of them talked about the sesame mung beans in the family village and said, "I think there are three little ones raised at home. Pigs and dozens of chickens are fed, so there must be a lot of work every day."

"Wan'er has done more than half of the work at home, and she never allowed me to be tired, so I just cook and sew a few clothes."


"After coming back this time, why do you feel that Second Uncle's spirit is not as good as before? And this time, why didn't he, Third Uncle, and Third Aunt come over to give Qing'er a wedding?"

The matter of the second and third bedrooms has been kept secret from the villagers, and my mother never told my eldest aunt, "The old man doesn't like to move, so we can't force him to invite us, so we only invited the elder brother's family."


"I heard that the kid from Lao Guo's family is stupid?"

"Oh! I don't know if it's really stupid, but I always do stupid things."

Ning Wan stopped worrying and went to sleep in peace.

The next day was the wedding day, the Ning family got up early, the house was tidy and tidy before, and they changed into brand new clothes, just waiting for the Liu family to welcome the bride.

Before the people who greeted the relatives arrived, the new clothes of the Ning family shocked everyone.People from Sanjia Village never wore silk, at most they had a silk handkerchief or something to wipe their foreheads, but now the Ning family all wore silk.

Because Ning Liang's family life is going well these days, he has a kind of confidence, his back is straightened, and his chest is straightened up, so he can support the stone blue satin robe on his body. The auspicious and wishful patterns on it are both rich and generous, shining with a delicate luster, just like an official.

When Yu was pregnant, she ate donkey-hide gelatin and red dates every day. The meat and eggs were never broken, and she raised fine rice and white flour every day. She became rich. Now she uses bright red silk to wipe her forehead and curb her temples. The gold earrings were dangling, the upper body was wearing a jacket made of the same material as Ning Erlang's robe, and a red skirt was tied underneath, and a pair of wide gold bracelets appeared from time to time on his wrist during the movement, standing with Ning Liang Looking at one place, they are a loving couple.

As for Ning Wan'er, she was wearing the opposite of what Yu Shizheng was wearing, with a red coat and green skirt, but a colorful silk sash tied around her waist, which was both festive and lively.In the past six months, she has grown a lot in stature, slender, her eyebrows and eyes have gradually opened, and she is more handsome than her two older sisters, so it's not that the clothes complement her, but she makes the clothes look better.

Everyone was full of praise, and they heard the faint sound of festive horns and suonas coming from the entrance of the village, and then there were children rushing to tell each other, "Liu's shopkeeper's family is here to welcome his relatives!"

Shopkeeper Liu's family has been in business for so many years, and everyone in the villages from all over the world recognizes them, so they are very respectable, so they sent a large group of people to Sanjia Village early in the morning with a lot of fanfare.Shopkeeper Liu wore a brand-new bright red wedding dress, walked in the front, handed out candy to everyone he saw, and gave copper coins tied with red strings to the children, and walked to the door of Ning's house noisily.

The Ning family had already closed the courtyard door after hearing the news. This is also the custom of marriage in Sanjia Village. If you want to marry the daughter of this family, you must first ask your sister-in-law to open the door.And at this time, we must embarrass the married people and let them know that their daughters are not easy to marry.

Merchant Liu naturally understood. He knocked on the door and handed copper coins tied with red strings to the guards. It turned out that the gate of Ning's courtyard was fenced with wood, and there were many gaps between the strips of wood, so it was easy to lose the money. Pushing it over, he bowed and nodded, begging: "Brother-in-law, sister-in-law, please open the door!"

The eldest family of the Ning family has no son at the moment, so Ning Dahe from the uncle’s family came to help. He and Ning Wan were in charge of opening the door. How could he let the shopkeeper Liu in so easily, and took the money, but still smiled and refused, "We I don’t want my second sister to marry off!”

Shopkeeper Liu took another copper coin and begged again, "My daughter will marry when she grows up. I will treat your sister well in the future. Please open the door!"

Ning Dahe made a gesture to open the door, but held the door bolt with his hand and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, this door bolt is so heavy, I can't lift it!"

Shopkeeper Liu grabbed another handful of copper coins and handed them to him, "Do you have the strength now?"

Ning Dahe put it in his arms, very satisfied, and looked at Ning Wan, but Ning Wan didn't find a reason to ask for money, but asked: "Brother-in-law, will you always treat my second sister well in the future?"

Shopkeeper Liu was busy dealing with Ning Dahe before, but now he hastily agreed, "Of course, we are married!"

Ning Wan looked at Merchant Liu's beaming face, and believed that he was sincere to Ning Qing now, and even for a long time afterwards.But then he changed.However, who knows if he will be in the future?She had asked and had done her best, so she signaled Ning Dahe to open the door and let the greeters in.

An elder of the man who came in with Shopkeeper Liu delivered a basket to Ningliang and Mrs. Yu. The basket contained four green onions, two catties of vermicelli, two packets of sugar, and seven stalks wrapped in red cloth. pork ribs.

All these things have special meanings. Onions mean that the children of the two people will be smart in the future; while vermicelli and sugar mean that their marriage will be long and sweet; as for the pork rib, it is called Li Niang meat.

In Sanjia Village and nearby places, the male family usually kills a pig before getting married. Firstly, it is to share a piece of meat as a gift to the mother, and secondly, it is used as a treat.The meat from the mother-in-law is sent to the bride's family. The mother's family divides the meat into two pieces, one big and one small.

Now Ning Dahe helped to take the meat to the stove, separated out three ribs, wrapped them in red cloth again and put them in a basket, and brought them back to the welcoming people when they left.

Here, shopkeeper Liu entered Ning's house, first saluted his parents, and then entered the door to bow to Ning Qing who was sitting by the kang. Although husband and wife are equal, women are still subordinate to men. Being able to accept this gift from her husband shows the dignity of an unmarried woman even more.

At this time Ning Qingchen put on a bright red satin wedding dress sprinkled with gold, covered her head with a scarlet gold hijab, a pair of white and tender hands were folded in front of her body, each wrist was a pair of shiny silver bracelets .A little bit of bright red satin shoes were slightly exposed under the skirt.

After being saluted by Shopkeeper Liu, Ning Qing was helped up by the little sisters, and went to the east room to kneel down and salute her parents. Ning Liang and Yu Shi couldn't help but tearfully said, "From now on, we must be filial to our parents-in-law and live a thrifty life." From then on, she left the Ning family and became the daughter-in-law of the Liu family.

The crowd supported Ning Qing and walked to the door of Ning's house, but at this moment she could not go any further, but Ning Dahe carried her on her back. It turns out that the bride and groom cannot step on the ground when they leave their mother's house, they have to go all the way to the husband's house to come down.So Ning Dahe carried Ning Qing on the back of the donkey brought by Shopkeeper Liu.

Although it is reasonable to take a sedan chair to get married, there is no sedan chair in Sanjia Village, and there is no sedan chair even in Mayi Town. Everyone usually greets relatives with a donkey, and the Liu family is no exception.

Right now, the donkey that welcomes the bride has red flowers hanging on its two big ears, a bright red bedding is built on the donkey's back, and even the rope that leads the donkey is woven with strips of red cloth.Ning Qing, who was all red and golden, sat on it, and was picked up by the donkey led by Shopkeeper Liu.

According to the rules, the Ning family cannot be sent outside the gate of the courtyard, so the family of three stood in the courtyard and watched the procession of welcoming relatives slowly go away.Niang was the first to hold back and shed tears, "Qing'er is married too." But she held Ning Wan's hand tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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