Chapter 46
After Ning Qing left the house, Auntie and Ning Wan helped Shi Yu back to the room, and everyone sat on the kang and talked.The eldest aunt said mother, "Marrying a daughter is a happy event, why are you crying? Besides, it's not like I won't see you later." But she scolded Ning Qing, "Little girl who has no conscience, she is still laughing when she is about to wear a hijab. She can't even shed a few tears. It was forced out!"

When her daughter got married, she had to cry to show her dissatisfaction with her natal family, but Ning Qing kept smiling. She was really satisfied with the marriage, so she just pretended to cry.Ning Wan naturally noticed it, and she didn't want her aunt to notice it too.

After hearing this, Mrs. Yu explained for her daughter: "Qing'er is still reluctant to part with the family, but she likes this family very much."

The eldest aunt said: "What does she know, as long as she is in her husband's family, she can live a good life. She doesn't know that only people from her mother's family really love her!"

"She and Merchant Liu can talk together, and Merchant Liu is also capable. Naturally, the two of them will have a good life."

"Of course I also hope that she can live well, but if this is the case, why are you crying!" She has never married a daughter, so she doesn't quite understand.

Niang wiped her tears and smiled, "Although I know it, my heart is still sore."

The eldest aunt said to Ning Wan: "You spend more time with your mother these days, as soon as Qing'er leaves, she will always feel uncomfortable."

Ning Wan agreed, and soon went to the kitchen to cook. My aunt, uncle and brother-in-law live far away, and they have to leave earlier, so I have to start making lunch.

According to the rules, the Li Niang meat sent by Liu's family was to be eaten in this meal. Ning Wan saw that the ribs were very tender, and after thinking about it, she picked a lot of beans and many dishes in the vegetable garden.As soon as she came out of the garden, the aunt called her in the house, "Wan'er, bring the vegetable basket over and let's choose together."

Ning Wan then went into the house, took a big basin, sat down with her aunt and mother to choose vegetables, chatting and laughing together.The three of them chose the vegetables very quickly, and they were all ready in a short while. Ning Wan stopped the eldest aunt and mother, "You all stay in the room, I can do it myself." Then she winked at the eldest aunt, asking her to help persuade her mother.

Mother treats all three of her sisters in the same way. The elder sister has been sad for a long time after she got married, and now that Ning Qing is married, she is also very sad, but now she is pregnant, so she must be careful.Although the eldest aunt is of the same generation, she is older, so she always believes what she says, so while the eldest aunt is still there, she is asked to untie her mother more.

When Ning Wan arrived in the kitchen, she had already thought about what to do, so she boiled water in a hurry, scooped up a basin of noodles, poured boiling water on it, and stirred vigorously with chopsticks, scalding the noodles into pieces like snowflakes , spread out to cool, put the washed beans into the pot and blanch them, remove the water, turn around and separate the ribs with a knife, and then chop them into small pieces, each with bones Meat, marinated with seasoning.

The aunt persuaded the younger brother and daughter-in-law for a while, but she was still worried about the stove, "How old is Wan'er? Although she is capable, she can't handle the food for so many people. I'll go and have a look." After saying that, she went out of the house and saw the basin. The small ribs marinated in it, said: "This bone is cut too small, and it will not be fragrant enough when stewed."

Ning Wan just smiled, "I was thinking of making dumplings."

My aunt has never heard of it, "Can dumplings be made with pork ribs?"

"Of course I can," Ning Wan said with a smile, "I see that the ribs are tender, so it's just right for making dumplings, and with beans, it tastes really good."

Auntie became interested, "Let me see how to make pork rib dumplings."

After a while, Niang also came out, leaning against the door and said with a smile: "Since the two of them went to the county town several times, they always brought back some new things. I have never heard of this."

At this time, Ning Wan had already reconstituted the cooled noodles with cold water. It turned out that this is the way to scald the noodles. It is most suitable for making steamed dumplings. It tastes very soft and the skin is not easy to break.

But right now there is no rush to make pork rib dumplings. The pork ribs have to wait for the flavor, and the noodles have to wake up for a while so that it is easier to roll out the skin and make dumplings.Ning Wan cooked the rest of the dishes one by one, steamed bacon, roasted eggplant strips, fried melon with eggs, fried cat's claw vegetables with shredded pork, smooth fresh mushrooms, patted cucumbers, and spinach mixed with vinegar... It is an earthen product in the countryside. It is simple to make, but it is also delicious.

After all the dishes were put on the table, she then cut the boiled beans into small cubes, mixed them with the marinated pork ribs, and kneaded the dough to make dumplings.Each dumpling should be filled with a piece of spare ribs and some diced beans. It is bigger than usual dumplings, so it is quick to wrap. After a while, a drawer is wrapped and steamed in a pot. I packed a drawer.

It takes longer to steam the dumplings with pork ribs and bean paste, but before they are fully cooked, the aroma wafts out first. When they are sent to the table for everyone to taste, the outside noodles are very soft, and the tender ribs inside are just cooked. The aroma is completely wrapped in it, and it is best to be stewed together with the ribs. The gravy of the ribs has infiltrated the minced beans, and the taste is so good that everyone ate up the two drawers of dumplings, and they all praised that they had never eaten like this Fragrant dumplings.

Seeing that the time was past noon, the aunt said: "We have to go back, and come back when the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Although the parents were reluctant to let them go, they also knew that they would not be let go at this time, and it would be too late when they arrived in Lishu Village, so they could not stay any longer, so they took out the two packages of dried mushrooms and two packages of dried cat's claw vegetables that they had prepared , "It's all soil from the mountains."

Auntie and the others don't push it too much. Although the two sides have less contact, they exchange courtesy every new year, and they will not go back to their mother's house empty-handed every time.

Unexpectedly, Ning Wan came out with two bundles from the house at this moment, "Let's cut these two pieces of silk for my aunt and sister."

Auntie and the others were willing to ask for such expensive things, and they refused very much, "How can we afford to wear such silk clothes? You keep them at home, even if you sell them, they will be worth a lot of money."

When Ning Liang and Yu saw that Yao Nu gave away the remaining four bolts of silk and satin, they couldn't help but feel that it was too much, but they naturally couldn't stop them, so they had to follow Ning Wan's way: "This is Wan'er's wish. You just keep it and make clothes to wear during the festival, it’s always a matter of face.”

Ning Wan was particularly resolute, "I wanted to take it to my aunt and sister last time, but I didn't take it out because the pork was too heavy to carry. This time, I have to take it to my aunt and sister."

After pushing back for a while, the aunt and brother-in-law couldn't agree with Ning Wan's wishes, so they had no choice but to accept the silk and satin.When they left Sanjia Village, the three members of the Ning family sent them to the entrance of the village, and bid farewell to each other.

Back home, Mrs. Yu felt a little strange to her daughter, "If you want to give it away, one horse is enough for each of your aunt and elder sister, and the rest will be kept for you to make clothes in the future. Qing'er can only get half a horse." That's all."

Mother is a person who knows how to live, and she always puts others before herself in her heart.Although Ning Wan quietly cut silk clothes for her, how could she forget her eldest sister and eldest daughter?I made a pair of satin shoes and a pair of satin purses for each of them with leftovers from clothes, and made a small jacket for Ning Xian's eldest daughter, Nanni, out of scrap silk. Not too thin.

Ning Liang was also a little puzzled, "Why are you so generous again? Didn't you tighten up a few bolts of silk earlier, so that Qing'er was not allowed to use more?"

"I just think my aunt and sister are good, and I'm willing to give them more!" Ning Wan couldn't explain that the things she gave now were actually to thank her aunt and sister. In her dream, if there were no them, she and her father would not Nowhere to live, poor and destitute.Their care is naturally worth two bolts of silk!

As for Ning Qing, she felt that she was doing her a favor by giving half a bolt of silk.

Maybe that dream was just a dream, but Ning Wan can no longer forget those past events engraved in her heart.

After listening to Yaonu's unreasonable explanation, father and mother glanced at each other, but couldn't say anything.Besides, the life of the Ning family is better now, and the four pieces of silk are not valued as much as before, so the two comforted each other: "They are not outsiders, so just give it if you give it."

"The aunt of the Ning family dresses well outside, don't we also have face?"

Furthermore, in all fairness, their family gave Ning Qing the most dowry, which was almost half the difference from Ning Xian who was only a few years away, so it was okay to give Ning Xian two more pieces of silk.

Ning Liang and Yu Shi have seen more of the world now, and they are more measured in doing things, so when Ning Qing Sanchao returned home.The two of them never mentioned the matter of Ning Wan's gift of silk, and entertained their daughter and son-in-law warmly, and packed a lot of Mushroom Mountain goods for them when they left, so Ning Qing didn't know about the silk.

Because the Ning couple can also predict that if they reveal something, Ning Qing will inevitably get angry, so let's hide it now if he can.

Ning Qing got married, and there was suddenly one less person in the family. She usually liked to talk, so she immediately became a lot cooler. Both Ning Liang and Yu Shi were not used to it. Fortunately, they had already married a daughter before. And right now there is another little daughter in front of them, but they are also comforting each other and trying to pretend nothing happened in front of the youngest daughter.

Ning Wan saw it, but she didn't say anything. On the night Ning Qing returned home, she went to the east room with the ledger, told about the money from the family business during this period, and said: "Although our business is small, But in the future, it will be bigger. Therefore, the rules must be established in advance. In the future, I will learn from others in Hutai County and build two accounts, one for business accounts, one for family accounts, and two accounts. They are distinct and cannot be confused."

Ning Liang and Mrs. Yu both laughed when they heard Ning Wan say these words in a pretentious manner, "Our family is only a farmer, what kind of bills do we need, and we have to pay back two copies? Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud? ?”

Ning Wan didn't laugh, "Living at home is just thinking about things and thinking about things from a long-term perspective, so that things don't come to an end and you don't know how to deal with them. Therefore, this account must be established."

Talking about the family situation, "Our family's current income is only two yuan, one is the mountain goods business, and the other is the field. Although the money collected from the field is small, it is stable, so it is used as the family's expenditure. The main part: Although the mountain goods business collects a lot of money, it is hard to say what will happen in the future. Therefore, according to the money collected every year, part of it is used for the daily expenses of the family, and part of it is used as a bonus for everyone. In addition, some should be saved , for emergency use in special situations, and the rest is used to expand the business and buy shops and houses."

Ning Liang and Yu Shi stopped laughing, but they were still puzzled, "It's all the family's money, why is it so finely divided? And it's so troublesome!"

It is precisely because they have never divided before, whether it is to buy all kinds of food at home, or to put money in the box for Ning Qing's dowry, they are all taken from the money from selling mountain products, so parents formed such an idea,

(End of this chapter)

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