Chapter 90
Pork and blood sausage are the main dishes, and the side dishes are pork liver, pork belly, pig intestines, pork kidneys, pig hearts, etc.Originally, the rule of asking someone to butcher a pig was to give the meat to the pig butcher for wages, but Uncle Yu wanted to kill two pigs today, so it would be too heavy to get two pigs, so Ning Liang discussed with Uncle Yu to cut ten catties of meat for him. Uncle Yu was naturally happy. This way, his family didn't have to buy meat for the Chinese New Year, while the Ning family could eat everything, and there was a lot of butchered vegetables.

Ning Wan and her mother only boiled the pork liver with clean water, took it out and sliced ​​it when it was raw, and if it was too old, it would be dry and dry, and only tender and raw ones were delicious; pork kidneys were cut into small slices and soaked in water, and then used Add a lot of onions, ginger slices, garlic slices, Chinese prickly ash and other hot oil to make a cold dish; stir-fried pork heart is the best; as for the pork belly is the most troublesome, use another pot first After it was stewed, a few slices of Hericium erinaceus were added to make the soup white, and some chopped green onion was sprinkled at the end. This soup is the most nourishing.

The Ning family's pig-killing dish was full of praise from everyone.

Ning Wan herself also likes to eat. After her family life is better, she has long since stopped eating fatty meat, and even lean meat is only two chopsticks for her.But the pig-killing dish is different. The pork belly stewed with sauerkraut is fragrant but not greasy, and it melts in the mouth, especially when dipped in garlic, it is even more palatable.As for the blood sausage, it has always been her favorite. It is also sold in Hutai County, but Ning Wan tasted it and felt that it was not as good as the home-made pig-killing dishes.Now that I have eaten the blood sausage at home again, I feel that nothing is as good as this.

The table was full of meat and vegetables, even the bowl of sauerkraut was stewed with broth, Ning Wan saw that her mother was not eating much, so she went to the table again and cut the sauerkraut heart left over from the sauerkraut stew just into small pieces Put it in a small bowl and bring it up.The sauerkraut was well marinated, and the heart of the cabbage turned translucent yellow. It tasted crunchy and sour. When it was time to eat, my mother ate a few pieces in a row.

The biggest feature of eating pig-killing dishes is the excitement. From the beginning of killing pigs, everyone watched the fun, then helped with some chores, and finally sat around the table to eat, talking and laughing. It took almost two hours to eat a meal.

After Ning Wan finished eating, she went to the kitchen to cook the noodle intestines that Uncle Yu helped to fill.In addition to making blood sausages after slaughtering pigs, people in Sanjia Village usually also make some noodle sausages.This sausage is stuffed with buckwheat noodles, and seasonings such as diced pork suet, salt, green onion, ginger, garlic, and peppercorns are added to it. The sausage is white as snow, thin as paper, and shiny on the surface.

Be very careful when cooking the noodle intestines, the fire should not be too high, and a needle should be used to pierce the intestines everywhere, so as not to boil them.After Ning Wan cooked the noodle sausage, she took it out to cool and cut it into two to three centimeters thick slices, but fried it in the pan.It turns out that although cooked noodle intestines are delicious, they are not as good as fried ones.She carefully fried both sides of the noodle sausage until it was golden, put it on a plate and brought it to the table. The noodle sausage tasted smooth and delicious, and it could be used as a staple food again. It was the finale of the butcher dish.

Ning Qingming ate a lot of meat in the morning, but when she saw the noodle intestines, she struggled to eat a few more slices, and said with a smile to her mother, "I love noodle intestines the most!"

Where does Yu Shi not know?A few days ago, she was a little angry because of her second son-in-law's temperament of leaving and never returning, but when she saw her second daughter who had been separated for several months, she threw her dissatisfaction to Java, and she just smiled, "Wan'er is very special." I made it for you." He added: "I'll bring you some cooked ones when I leave later, and you'll cook them yourself when you get home."

When Ning Qing was leaving, Mrs. Yu really wrapped a few extra noodle sausages for her, as well as a pork leg, a large piece of rib meat, and a piece of pork liver, which was the most among all the people.He pulled her and told her, "Come back when you can go home in the second year of junior high school. If you are inconvenient, don't force it. The most important thing is to take care of your body right now."

Granny Liu smiled and said, "I didn't let Qing'er come, but she just wanted to kiss her mother, and she wanted to come when she heard her family killed a pig. Fortunately, her in-law's family has a donkey, so it would be a shame to take Qing'er." I'm not tired, and I borrowed all of it."

Mrs. Yu laughed along, "Qing'er is still young, everything needs to be taught by her mother."

"I treat Qing'er just like my own daughter." The Liu family has always been very good at dealing with people. Today they came here and praised Ning Liang and Yu Shizao very happily, and now they choose Yu Shi's love with a smile He listened and said: "Qing'er is a sensible child. It can be seen that his mother-in-law taught him well, he is good at sewing and accounting, and he has a good belly. I like it very much!"

Over there, Mr. Liu was also saying to his father: "Our two families are married, and Saburo is your son-in-law. I have always told him that if the in-laws can promise you a daughter who is as precious as a treasure, that is because they value you, so You must respect your in-laws even more than my own father." He patted his father on the shoulder and said: "If there is anything wrong with the Ning family, you just send Saburo, and if he makes mistakes, you just beat him. After all, my in-laws are sincere. Really looking forward to Saburo's success!"

Ning Liang drank a little too much, how could he hear Liu Gong's words, he just nodded blindly, "Yes, my in-laws are right."

After a busy day, the guests all dispersed. The family divided the remaining pork into several portions. Some were used as bacon, some were frozen outside, and some were packed for the past few days. After everything was tidied up After that, Ning Wan heated up a big bowl of sauerkraut, everyone ate it with steamed buns, and said: "This sauerkraut is much more delicious than before, and it will be even better when it is reheated tomorrow." The taste of a meal is just normal, and it will taste better after reheating several times. Therefore, people in Sanjia Village usually cook a lot once they cook it, and eat it for two or three days.

27 There is no need to invite outsiders to kill chickens. Ning Liang woke up early in the morning, as agreed with Yu, and only left one big rooster with a red crown and golden red feathers for the family, but killed the other five or six roosters.Every family in Sanjia Village raises chickens like this, keeping only one rooster, and the rest are hens that can lay eggs.Because the Ning family raised a lot of chickens, although they ate a few of them one after another, they still had a lot of chickens, which happened to be saved until the Chinese New Year.

After the chicken was killed, one was stewed that day.The little rooster back then was tender and fragrant, and Ning Wan added some cabbage to the chicken soup, as well as yesterday's leftover butchered vegetables, Ning Liang said, "We really celebrated the New Year early.!"

Yu Shi also laughed, "Didn't every day in the past six months feel like Chinese New Year?"

Post couplets on 28, and go to buy wine on 29. The couplets and wine at home have already been bought, and the mountain wine made by Ning Wan is also good. I have already taken it out and drank it once when I ate pig-killing vegetables, so I don’t need to make an extra trip now. .

Early in the morning, Ning Wan and her father pasted the gold-rimmed couplets with black characters on a red background and gold borders on both sides of the gate, and the horizontal inscription above the middle of the gate read "Auspicious stars shine brightly".On the door, a piece of blessing written on big red paper was pasted, with the pattern of Sanyang Kaitai engraved around it, but the blessing was pasted upside down, implying the arrival of blessing.

In addition to pasting couplets on the front door, some auspicious calligraphy and paintings should be pasted on other places in the house. Door gods should be pasted outside the courtyard. There are also small blessings posted on it, as well as "recruiting wealth and treasure" on the kang cabinet; "full pigs in the pigsty" on the pigsty; Well, it's still very pretty.

Ning Wan took out another piece of red paper to cut window grilles.Every family in Sanjia Village has to cut some window grilles and paste them on the window paper during the Chinese New Year. There are no fixed rules on what pattern to cut and what size to make. It just depends on everyone's preference. It's just that some red patterns are pasted on the window paper to look festive.And the window grilles can't be kept, so pasting them on the window paper that changes every year is just for watching the excitement during the New Year.

But such a small window grille that is destined to be thrown away is not only cut by big girls and daughters-in-law, some old ladies also like to make these, and they cut it very well.I heard that my grandma is an expert at cutting window grilles. She can cut a piece of red paper into a window grille. There are people, animals, flowers, fish and insects on it. , will not dissipate.

Grandma taught her sister-in-law and daughter how to cut window grilles when she was alive, but the second old lady and the third old lady didn't learn it. Behind the village, every Chinese New Year, someone always asks her to help cut window grilles.

My mother is from the south, and she never cut window grilles when she was a child, and she only learned the simplest ones when she got married here.That is to fold the red paper a few times, and then cut some patterns randomly on it, and after opening, there will be hexagonal patterns like snowflakes.

Previously, Ning Wan could only cut simple window grilles with five, six, and eight anises, but she also cut them during the Chinese New Year after she arrived at the Zhao family. A few tricks.Now she is holding the scissors in one hand and the red paper in the other and cutting.

After a while, Ning Wan cut out the twelve zodiac signs, the size of a bowl: the first one is an old ox, with two horns facing each other, and its tail is raised slightly; the second is a little mouse, looking around slyly, as if to steal things; the third one is a majestic big tiger, just like the tiger on the chair of Lu's house...starting to stick up from the window outside the east room one by one, and going down the row, the sheep sticking to the door are much bigger than the others. The zodiac signs are all bigger.

"But how did you cut it out? It's just like the real thing, with a nose and eyes." Yu was stunned, and couldn't help asking: "Who taught you?"

"No one taught me, I just cut it at will."

"Wan'er's hands are really clever."

"Actually, it's not difficult. Mother can try it too. She can cut whatever she wants. It doesn't matter if it's broken, just cut it again."

At this time, Ning Liang smiled and said, "I bought a lot of red paper this year, and I have a stack of it. You just need to use it."

Yu was moved, so she also took a piece of paper and tried to cut a little donkey. Of course, at first, no one could tell that what she cut was the little donkey at home, but after several times, it became more and more like it. In the end, she cut out both the big gray and the small gray and pasted them in front of the donkey shed.

Paper-cutting is not a serious thing in Sanjia Village, it’s just for fun in the winter, people who watch it will just say it and smile when it’s good, and those who cut it will be happy when they cut it well. A praise was put behind my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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