I'm a genius star

Chapter 415 One in 3 Koi! !

Chapter 415 One in three million koi! !

Liu Yiyi sat next to Liu Tianhao, the first person in the meeting room, and looked at the meeting room with a dazed expression. Those people who she usually respected as uncles chatted with Su Yun one by one, Mr. Su and Mr. Su.

"Uncle, who is this Su Yun?" Liu Yiyi asked blankly.

Liu Tianxiang looked at Su Yun calmly, and said lightly, "Hehe, you just treat him as a genius."

Liu Yiyi: "..."

The meeting started soon. Obviously, everyone didn't know what the impromptu meeting was about, but they all looked at Su Yun.

The sudden appearance of this person here can only mean that this incident has something to do with Su Yun!
After the last activity of dividing [-] million yuan, they learned a lot from it. For example, their thinking should not be fixed on making money. Sometimes giving money appropriately may get unexpected results.

Su Yun stood at the top where everyone could see his position, without any nonsense, he directly entered the topic.

"Hi everyone, I'm very glad to see you again. My name is Su Yun. I came to Intertek Group this time because I just sold a plan to you, Mr. Liu, so I need to explain it in detail here with everyone in the think tank. one time."

"Because I am only responsible for conveying the plan to you, and how to implement the plan and how to implement the plan is up to you, so please be sure to listen carefully to every word I say next."

Su Yun's words immediately aroused the interest of everyone present.

"Boss Su's plan"

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

"I would like to hear more about it."

However, Liu Yiyi despised it in her heart: It was obviously just a planning project, not to mention selling for [-] million yuan, and not helping, it seemed that she didn't want to bear the consequences of failure.I thought he was a pretty good guy, but now it seems... hum.Never talk to him again.

Before she knew it, Su Yun had been dragged into Liu Yiyi's blacklist.

Su Yun continued: "First of all, I named this planning case, one in 300 million 'koi'!"

"One in three million?"

"Koi carp?"

"Um, this is...?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what it meant.

Liu Yiyi secretly despised in her heart: playing tricks!
Su Yun explained: "This is a publicity plan. The core selling point is to select a lucky user among the people of the whole country to become the lucky koi of Tianxiang Group."

"One in 300 million koi is just like the literal meaning, everyone has the possibility to become a koi, and the probability is 300 in [-] million!"

Everyone in the meeting room couldn't help but nodded.

"That's a good idea"

"Hmm, not a bad idea."

"However, what should we prepare as prizes for the drawn koi?"

"Cash red envelopes? It's a bit too vulgar, and it doesn't feel like it will become a hot topic."

"The car? The house? Well, it seems even more tacky than a cash red envelope."

Everyone fell into deep thought, and then looked at Su Yun again.

Su Yun smiled, and took out a long scroll from his arms.

"Of course, I've already thought about what gift I should give to that lucky 'koi' for you."

After speaking, Su Yun untied the rope tied to the long roll.I saw Su Yun loosen his hand slightly, and immediately, the long roll rolled directly in front of Su Yun with a grunt, until it rolled to the other end of the table.

Everyone looked at the long roll on the ground, and their eyeballs almost popped out in shock.

I saw that the writing on the long scroll several meters away turned out to be all prizes! !

What 'someone wants to send bags, shoes, and clothes to the koi. '

The following are all famous brand stores, and they are all stores that have a cooperative relationship with Intertek Group!

What? Someone wants to send cosmetics to the koi, hoping that the koi will be beautiful. '

There are many brand-name cosmetics shops below!

What's the most important thing for the people? There are many people who want to invite koi to eat. '

Below are a lot of shops where you can eat for free!

What is 'after dinner, do you want Koi to watch a movie and have a SPA'

Below is a place to watch movies for free and a lot of places to do SPA.

And so on, there is also "I want to invite koi to travel", koi can travel all over the world, and the journey is all free! !
'Free koi mobile phone', 'Please stay in a hotel for koi', and even more domineering 'free training for private pilots! '

There is a long list of prizes, and it will take a few minutes just to read them from top to bottom!Its level of luxury and style is unheard of by everyone, and has never been seen before! !

"My goodness."

"This is too koi."

"The person who won the lottery has nothing to worry about in his life?"

Everyone can't help but start to doubt life. With such a long list of prizes, how can this person be crazy about winning?Even Liu Tianhao, who was on the side, couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw it. He wished that his subordinates could arrange an identical travel list for him right away.

Liu Tianhao immediately erased his previous mentality and became interested in Su Yun's new plan.

Seeing everyone's stunned expressions, Su Yun smiled with satisfaction, and continued: "First, I divide this event into four stages. The first stage is the cold start stage."

"This event does not require any other online or offline channels to release news, and it will be announced directly on the decided date. The premise is that we must communicate well with a large number of other cooperative brands and merchants, and forward them at the same time to create momentum for this event! "

"And then there's a follow-up on the prize poster, we're going to."

Everyone listened carefully to each word, some even took out a pen and paper and began to take notes, and Liu Tianhao was obviously one of them.

"The second stage is the momentum stage. We just say that the probability of 300 in [-] million is really tacky, but if we put it another way, the feeling will be different immediately."

"For example: the probability of giving birth to twins is 1/100, you need to give birth to 3 twins to become a Tianxiang Huaguo koi once."

"Another example: the probability of being struck by lightning in a year is 1/400000. You need to be struck by lightning 7.5 times in order to become a Tianxiang Huaguo koi."

"It can also be said that the probability of tossing a one-yuan coin with the chrysanthemum up is 1/2. You need to toss it 21 times in a row, and the chrysanthemum up every time, in order to become a Tianxiang Huaguo koi."

Everyone who Su Yun said was dumbfounded, as if they had heard a heavenly book.

You have a probability of one in 300 million, so you can still say that?
Su Yun continued: "In the third stage, Weibo ends. At this time, we have to."

Everyone listened to Su Yun's explanation very seriously. They no longer had the idle mentality at the beginning, but listened seriously with a learning mentality.

Su Yun thoroughly analyzed the details and points that need attention, including the secondary transmission. It can be said that he analyzed the koi activities in their world to the extreme.

When the koi event in his world came out, the awesomeness really became popular on the Internet for half a year, and the word koi was still spread among various groups of people.

So he also looked forward to what the koi activities in his world would look like if they came to this world.

(End of this chapter)

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