I'm a genius star

Chapter 416 Amazing Double 1!

Chapter 416 Amazing Double Eleven!

After Su Yun explained the whole plan of 'Koi', everyone in Tianxiang Group got busy.

Especially those people in the think tank, everyone was so excited that they drank fake wine, scrambling to analyze how to implement this plan.

At the same time, each of them began to marvel that Su Yun was obviously not an outsider in this field, yet he could write such a plan!
Liu Yiyi's view of Su Yun changed again. At first, she thought that Su Yun would sell [-] million yuan for a plan, but he was asking for a lot of money and wanted to blackmail her uncle, but when the whole plan stopped, she couldn't help it. I began to feel that spending [-] million yuan to buy the planning project would not lose money?
But in the end, it was just a planning case, and Liu Yiyi still couldn't accept the sky-high price of [-] million.

Moreover, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and it changes rapidly. Who can predict the effect of this good-sounding plan after it is actually implemented?
But no matter how she persuaded her uncle to ask him to discuss with Su Yun first, and then send him the money after the plan was implemented, his uncle flatly refused.

The plan started to be planned by the entire Intertek Group on the second day, and the [-] million yuan was transferred to the account of Su Yun's studio at noon the next day.

The studio has already received the account, and everyone is a little excited.

After all, with an activity fund of [-] million, no matter what you do, you will have the confidence to have the money, and the arrangement of the concert is also being arranged at a speed that everyone is dumbfounded.

During this period, Su Yun went to his grandparents' house.

Because today's Guchuan Town is developing extremely rapidly, some surrounding small towns were quickly merged together because of the rapid economic development of Guchuan Town. Judging from the current speed, Guchuan Town continues to expand in all directions, and it is also possible to promote it to a district or county. It's just a matter of time.

After the area became rich, the most intuitive change was that it was much easier to go out and travel. Because Su Yun's grandparents were getting old, their legs and feet had already started to be a little inflexible, and their physical strength gradually couldn't keep up.

But because they are really reluctant to part with the small town they used to live in before, and they are unwilling to leave here to go to the big city, which has caused their legs to get worse and worse in the past few years.

But because the development of Guchuan Town has improved a lot in the past two years, there are buses and taxis that did not exist before. Su Yun's grandparents are also very happy because of this, and they say a lot of good things about the country.

Seeing the two old people so happy, Su Yun was also very satisfied, and felt grateful for the series of things he did before.

It's strange to say that these two people are obviously not his relatives in the true sense, but when seeing them, Su Yun always feels at ease.

Seeing them happy, he felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Su Yun, who stayed at his grandparents' house, has no plans to do anything for the past few months. Zhu Yongxin has left all the concert arrangements to Zhu Yongxin, and the contract with Su Libaba has also expired, and almost all the things that should be explained have been explained. , so he was going to disappear for a while.

The purpose, of course, is to prepare for re-entering the stock market!

He still remembers the last time Lu Ming borrowed him [-] million yuan. Although Lu Ming never urged him to pay it back, he didn't like the feeling of being in debt to others.

[-] million is not much, and it is not too much, but if you want to earn [-] million by yourself in a short period of time, it is estimated that no one in this world dares to boast about this amount.

For ordinary people, don't say 600 million, [-] million is something they can't earn in their lifetime, let alone [-] million.

Time flies, two months have passed in a blink of an eye, and the scorching sun is still taken away.


The temperature has gradually dropped, but the only thing that doesn't stop is the red in the stock market!
Looking at the patches of red, the eyes of all stockholders were bloodshot, and the eyeballs directly turned into symbols of money. Everyone was excited and looking forward to it, because the bull market is coming! !
The stock market was booming, and all the stockholders sold one after another. The old stockholders with a little bit of experience all made a lot of money during this period of time, their faces were full of oil, and they were happy.

The only thing that is a little surprising is that a recent stock that has grown by leaps and bounds - Suli Baba, has risen so much that it is jaw-dropping.

As soon as the market opened every day, it didn't take long before it went straight to the limit. For more than two months in a row, I didn't see Suli Baba's stock fall more than three times!

Nowadays, Suli Baba's stock has almost become the focus of discussion in the stock market. Every day, whether it is on TV or in the media, you can almost see some senior stock market tycoons analyzing the situation of the industry's stocks-especially Suli Baba this one.

And almost all analysts have come to the same conclusion about the rapid rise of Suribaba's stock, that is, the large-scale event that made everyone look confused a while ago-Double Eleven!

On the day of Double Eleven, when it entered November, Suli Baba suddenly released an announcement to promote it.

On the day of Double Eleven, there was an astonishing reversal! !

On the day when Double Eleven ended, without any warning, the transaction volume of Suribaba’s Double Eleven event reached 316 billion yuan throughout the day!Payment up to 3.8 million!

This is a number that makes everyone unbelievable. A group that has been called a miracle in the industry has created a miracle that everyone thinks is impossible!
People in the Suribaba Group who were worried about the Double Eleven event at the time are still half worried now?Everyone was reveling with excitement, and those shareholders couldn't sleep all night, eager to watch the changes in the stock market every minute and every second.

Just when the Double Eleven event achieved such a great success, everyone in Suribaba couldn't help but think of the same person——Su Yun!
The young man who didn't understand everyone put forward a proposal that everyone seemed to be very ordinary, but it made Su Libaba enter the top [-] Huaguo enterprises in a short period of time!

All the shareholders came to Suli Baba Building almost at the same time, found Lu Ming, and hoped to keep Su Yun in Suli Baba, no matter what the price was!
When the man in the suit said before that he would hire Su Yunlai with a monthly salary of one million, some shareholders didn't say anything, but in fact they were still very opposed and conflicted in their hearts.

After all, the monthly dividends these shareholders receive is only a small amount of money. If you are an employee who proposes a plan and earns a monthly salary of one million, no shareholder will be convinced!

But now, none of the shareholders are unconvinced. On the contrary, even they start to feel that if they pay Su Yun a salary of one million a month, they seem to be making money!
However, when they found Lu Ming, they only got a helpless reply from Lu Ming: Su Yun had already left, and his contract with Su Libaba had expired, which made everyone feel disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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