I'm a genius star

Chapter 422 Su Yun's guilt

Chapter 422 Su Yun's guilt

"Hey, Xiaoyun is awake?" Grandma Su Yun immediately got up from the sofa, "Hehe, my kitchen is warming up your meal. Are you hungry? I'll bring it to you now."

With that said, Lin Puhui trotted towards the kitchen.

Su Jiankang looked at Lin Puhui's back, glanced at Su Yun, and said with a reproach, "What's the matter with you? We heard from your grandparents that you have been sleeping all this time, and you can't even tell you to eat." I can't wake up, and I have to wait for you until this time. Do you know that these days, grandpa and grandma haven't even slept well because of you. "

Chen Ya, who always doted on Su Yun, did not speak out to defend Su Yun this time.

Su Yun was also taken aback when he heard this.

Because his grandparents are old, they usually go to bed at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, but since Su Yun came, because he often eats after ten o'clock in the evening, it disrupted the two of them. work and rest.

But the good grandson whom I haven't seen for a long time came, Lin Puhui was too happy, how could she bear to watch him starve?

However, they didn't tell Su Yun about all this, and Su Yun didn't even know about it.

"Grandpa, grandma, I'm sorry for causing you trouble during this time." Su Yun said guiltily.

However, Su Caishan stared at Su Jiankang's head like a brainbreaker, then turned his face and put on a doting smile, and said softly to Su Yun: "Hehe, Xiaoyun, Don't listen to your dad's nonsense, your grandma and I are fine, we finally saw our grandson once, but we wish we could see him twice more, hahaha!"

As he said that, Su Caishan sat up a little bit straighter, rubbed his shoulders and said, "It's just that if you don't want to be bored in the room all day, it would be better to come out and chat with us. Your grandma always lies outside your door every day I secretly watch you, but I dare not disturb you."

Hearing this, Su Yun couldn't help but feel his nose sore, he didn't know what to do.

"Hey, what do you mean I lie outside the door and watch secretly every day? Do you think I don't know that you get up in the middle of the night every night and go to Xiaoyun's room to see him?" Chen Ya brought some dishes from the kitchen Said while walking.

However, Su Caishan refused to admit it, "Ah? What are you talking about? The old man and I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Who went to Xiaoyun's room?"

Lin Puhui rolled his eyes at him, curled his lips and said, "Hey, I don't know who is lying on Xiaoyun's bedside at night Xiaoyun, grandpa misses you so much, Xiaoyun, do you think grandpa is getting old? ah. tsk tsk"

"Stop, stop, stop!!!" Su Caishan blushed, and immediately got up and said, "You old woman, why are you still eavesdropping at night!"

Lin Puhui laughed, "Hey, didn't you just say that you didn't enter Xiaoyun's room?"

Su Caishan saw that he couldn't explain it, so he just put on an old face, turned his head and sat back on his buttocks, and fell silent.

Listening to their conversation, Su Yun felt mixed feelings for a moment.

His grandparents miss him every day, and obey his daily routine every day after he comes.Afraid of waking him up, he didn't even watch TV during the day.I was afraid that he would be hungry at night, so I went to bed late and helped him cook.Every morning, I would get up on time to make breakfast for him and put it in the microwave, and it was not the same every day.

As for him, in the past three months, he hasn't even spent a single day with them, and the chat is basically just a few quick words during meals every day, and then he turns around and goes back to busy with his own affairs.

All along, they have been concerned about him all the time, but he has never thought about them at all.

Su Yun walked slowly behind Su Caishan who was sitting on the sofa. Under everyone's surprised eyes, he put his hands on his shoulders and gently rubbed Su Caishan's shoulders.

Su Caishan's whole body shook violently, and he turned to look at Su Yun in shock.

Su Yun smiled and said softly: "I see that you are very tired these days, let me rub your shoulders."

Su Caishan's eyes widened, and he opened his bearded mouth, but in the end he just said the word 'um'.

Su Yun rubbed and rubbed, and suddenly said: "Grandpa, you are not old at all. Look at your strong shoulders, which are about the same as mine."

Su Caishan grinned and wanted to laugh, but his eyes felt sore for some reason.

He waved his hand and turned his face away in an arc, so that no one else could see his expression. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, Xiaoyun, go and eat. The food will be cold later. Grandpa, I'm sleepy. Go to sleep first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for others to say anything, he got up and walked towards the bedroom.

Lin Puhui, who was at the dining table, snorted and said with a smile: "Someone, even when he is old, he still likes to cry, tsk tsk tsk."

Su Caishan paused when he heard the words, but only for a moment, then walked quickly to the bedroom.

"Grandma, you've worked hard too. I'm sorry, I've been bothering you recently." Su Yun said sincerely.

Although he also has many reasons, the reason for ignoring the feelings of others is not a reason at all, but just a tool to exploit crimes for himself.

Lin Puhui smiled very kindly, pulled Su Yun to the dining table, and said softly: "Xiaoyun, don't say that. As long as I can see you, grandma doesn't work hard at all! I know you are doing business, we I don’t understand what you’re doing, and I don’t dare to disturb you, so come on, our family is behind you! No matter how late it is, grandma will help you cook delicious food!”

When Su Yun heard this, a warm current rushed into his heart.

Family affection was originally the last thing he expected.

For ten thousand years of solitude, whether it is family affection, friendship, or love, he has long since given up.

Originally, his only wish was to wish that he could die, but for ten thousand years, he was unable to do so.

After traveling to this world, he experienced friendship for the first time, felt family affection for the first time, encountered love for the first time, and once again, he was warmed and healed by family affection.
He is very satisfied.

Seeing the incomparably kind smiling face of grandma in front of him, Su Yun had secretly vowed that he would protect them well in this life and make them live happily no matter what happened!

Su Yun's parents just came back from abroad today, and the whole family is exhausted.

It was already around eleven o'clock after Su Yun had dinner, so after chatting for a while, he went to his room to rest.

Su Yun lay on the big bed, and after dealing with the last few remaining things, he turned off the computer that had not been turned off for a long time.

He closed his eyes, but the images of his grandparents still lingered in his mind.

Shaking his head, he decided to get out of bed and go for a walk.

After going out, through the parents' room, to the grandparents' room, Su Yun just stood at the door blankly, did nothing, and was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, Su Yun smiled lightly and whispered, "Good night."

(End of this chapter)

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