I'm a genius star

Chapter 423 Chen Ya's painstaking efforts

Chapter 423 Chen Ya's painstaking efforts

Three days after Su Yun's parents came back
"Phew~ I'm finally back."

Shaking the snow off his body, Su Jiankang closed the car door, looked at the community that had been covered with a layer of snow, and sighed.

Since he and Chen Ya decided to go on a trip a few years ago, no, it should be said that they spent very little time in China.

Every time they come back, the community in their impression always seems to undergo a little subtle change. This feeling is very fresh, but also very comfortable.

"I feel like it hasn't changed much. Oh, no, why was the tree downstairs cut down? It's a good place to enjoy the shade in summer! Hey, the morning exercise facilities over there have finally been repaired, it must be Zhang Mom went to the neighborhood committee to make trouble again."

Chen Ya muttered as she walked.

Su Yun also looked around while walking, and he did the same, he hadn't come back for a long time.

Five minutes later, Su Yun's family finally returned home.

Opening the door, the home that I haven't come back for a long time is not as dusty as I imagined. Just after I opened it, a burst of fresh smell came out, which was also faintly mixed with the fragrance of flowers.

Su Jiankang and Chen Ya were both taken aback, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Hey, what's going on? Xiaoyun, have you come back and cleaned up the house?"

"Hey, look at our son, how sensible, he knows how to help clean up the house when we're not here, hey, he's grown up."

"Huh?" Su Yun was obviously taken aback, but he immediately remembered, "Oh, this should be the cleaning lady I hired."

Because he didn't come back often before, and since his parents also went out to travel and shoot videos, they came back even less often than him, so no one did the usual task of cleaning the house.

So every time he came back, it was basically a house that hadn't been cleaned for several months, and he couldn't live in it without spending a few hours cleaning it.

So Su Yun went to the cleaning company to hire a cleaning lady at that time.

Looking at the brand new look of the house now, it seems that it has just been cleaned.

"Hey," Chen Ya was a little surprised after walking around the room, "Why is the cleaning service so good now? It's so clean."

Su Jiankang was obviously also very satisfied, and kept nodding his head.

After turning on the heater, Su Jiankang took off his thick down jacket, and Chen Ya also took off the scarf that had been wrapped several times, and suddenly asked Su Yun: "By the way, Xiaoyun, do you have anything to do next? ah?"

"Huh?" Su Yun thought for a while, and replied: "Yesterday, the squad leader told me that the venue and tickets for the concert have been arranged. In the next week at most, I should have a concert. It must be busy by now."

Su Jiankang: "What!! o(Д)っ"

Chen Ya: "Concert?!!!!!!∑(Дノ)ノ"

Both Su Jiankang and Chen Ya were taken aback by Su Yun's words.

"Uh," Su Yun scratched his hair, a little embarrassed, "Well, the concert...next week."

If this kind of thing was known by friends or other people, Su Yun would not feel anything wrong, but if his parents knew about it, he didn't know why he felt ashamed.

Su Jiankang and Chen Ya looked at each other with some hesitation in their eyes.

"That... Xiaoyun..." Chen Ya suddenly called out.


"Can your concert be delayed..."

".Ah? Delay? It shouldn't be possible. I heard that the time has been booked and the tickets have already been sold. At this time, the delay should be... difficult. What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Su Kangkang looked at Chen Ya's appearance, shook his head with a helpless smile, and then said, "It's your mother. He wants to take you on a trip. Didn't we talk about it last time? Let's go together when we come back." Traveling. The reason why your mother came back in such a hurry this time is for this matter. "

Su Yun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered, it seems that this is really happening!

Su Jiankang sighed, and added: "Your mother has spent a lot of energy and suffered a lot for this day..."

Su Yun: "???"

Seeing that he didn't realize it at all, Su Jiankang could only smile faintly.

Don't blame Su Yun, because he knows Chen Ya's thoughts, not to mention Su Yun, even Chen Ya's parents may not be able to see through them, let alone their son who is only in his early 20s?

He couldn't help sighing, except for him, probably no one in this world could understand his wayward, calf-protective wife.

He explained: "You know why your mother and I suddenly quit our jobs and traveled the world?"

Su Yun shook his head.

Su Kangkang patted Chen Ya's shoulder and said with a smile, "She is all for you."

Su Yun: "...?"

"In the blink of an eye, has it been a few years?" Su Jiankang sighed slightly, as if recalling the past years, "We were celebrating the New Year at your grandparents' house that year, didn't you propose to let us rest? , go on a trip? Hehe, but with your mother's restless personality, how could she agree to quit that job and go on a trip? What's more, the boss of that company has kindly met us."

Chen Ya: "."

Su Jiankang continued: "Back then, your mother knew that you wanted to enter the entertainment circle, but we were not in that line of business, let alone know celebrity rankings, and we didn't know how to help you, so we could only watch."

"You also know that your mother has high self-esteem, and she refuses to admit defeat. She told me that she must help you. So, after you made a lot of money, she decided to travel and shoot videos Gain popularity!"

"She thought, if you earn popularity, a family will come faster than one person, right? When we earn popularity, can we just give up popularity to you?"

Su Yun looked at Chen Ya with her head down, and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Su Kangkang patted Chen Ya's head, and said with a smile: "Hehehe, although I don't know anything about the entertainment industry or popularity, I know things like popularity must not be transferred."

"But seeing your mother's serious face, I can't say anything, so I can only follow her. Don't look at your mother who is thin and weak. In the past few years, she has been crying hard for making videos. Didn't even call."

Chen Ya, who always had a tough attitude, did not resist Su Jiankang's behavior at this time, and let him touch her head.

And how hard was Su Yun's heart hit at this time?
Basically, I can't even say a complete sentence.

After a long time, he finally opened his mouth and forced out a few words.
"thanks Mom.."

Chen Ya's whole body was shocked when she heard the words, and the tears could no longer stop pouring out of her eyes, as if the lacrimal gland had collapsed, and she couldn't stop it no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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