I'm a genius star

Chapter 424 Outdoor Live Streaming!

Chapter 424 Outdoor Live Streaming!


At first, it was just a soft cry, but before I knew it, it turned into a howling cry.

Su Yun was at a loss for a moment, looked at Su Jiankang, only to see Su Jiankang smiled at him and nodded.

Su Yun looked at his hands, they were human hands, not a skinny skeleton.

After staring blankly for a few seconds, his eyes seemed to become firmer before he knew it.

He stretched out his hands, gently hugged Chen Ya into his arms, and stroked her back.

It took an hour to comfort Chen Ya and wait for her to stabilize.

Chen Ya cried and fell asleep in Su Yun's arms.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth. The child who always flung herself into her arms like a baby and loved to sleep in her arms had grown up now.His arms were wide enough and warm enough to hold her.

Su Yun carefully picked her up from the sofa, put her on the bed in the bedroom, and gently covered her with the quilt.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a necklace protruding from Chen Ya's neck.Su Yun was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't help reaching for the necklace.

"This is."

"She has been wearing this necklace for more than ten years." Su Jiankang suddenly stood behind him, and said with emotion: "No matter how expensive the necklace she bought later, or what necklace I gave her, this necklace But it has always been the one she wears the longest, and it is also her most precious thing."

"Although it was many years ago, you should not have forgotten it."

A series of memories emerged, Su Yun smiled lightly, put the necklace back, and helped her cover the quilt.

"Of course I haven't forgotten, after all, this is the first gift I gave my mother."

Afterwards, Su Yun called Zhu Yongxin to discuss about postponing the concert, but no need to think about it, Zhu Yongxin directly rejected him on the phone, there was no room for discussion.

Su Yun couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Thinking about it, holding a concert is not a trivial matter. It requires manpower, material and financial resources, and the cooperation between various departments is indispensable.

And the venue rented for this concert is the Bird's Nest venue that can accommodate ten thousand people!How many people came?How can you delay the time and let 1 people wait for him because of his own affairs?

The most important thing is that the one who urged Zhu Yongxin and the others to hold the concert was himself! !
He could even imagine Zhu Yongxin's bloody expression when he told Zhu Yongxin that he was going to quit.

In the end, Su Yun had to give up on postponing the concert.

After all, all the tickets for the concert have been sold out, and the concert is coming soon. His fans must be from all over the world. In order to come to his concert, they must have booked a hotel in the local area.

And if he postpones the concert now, the trouble will be those groups of fans.

Such a situation, Su Yun must avoid no matter what.

Although it is not possible to travel far away to shoot videos, Su Yun's father, Su Kangkang, came up with a good idea, that is to travel to nearby places, and change the video shooting to a live broadcast.

Outdoor Live!

This live broadcast is also a very popular category in today's live broadcast industry, and there are definitely a lot of viewers.

And after Su Jiankang and Chen Ya's continuous efforts to make videos in the past few years, their popularity cannot be underestimated now!
The number of fans on their official homepage has reached more than 300 million, and the average number of views of each video has reached a terrifying number of nearly ten million!
You must know that the number of fans on the official homepage of this travel blogger is not the same as the official Weibo platform. The user review of this official website is more than several times stricter than that of Weibo. The censorship of each account is extremely strict. big.

Generally, if the account is a little abnormal, or behaves like a small account, it will be banned by the official after it is discovered.

It is precisely because of this kind of censorship that almost all studios that generate fans on the Internet have given up on this job, and the true rate of the number of fans on the official homepage of this travel blogger has reached an unprecedented 99%!

In terms of travel bloggers alone, Su Jiankang and Chen Ya have definitely reached a very top level.

And the reason why they became popular so quickly is because there is no viewing threshold for travel videos, and the audience is extremely wide, whether you are two-dimensional or three-dimensional; you are a fat house. Well, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a current charge; whether it’s a minor or an office worker, travel videos are all infiltrated.

And another reason is because their performance in the video is not mixed with false things at all. The relationship between the two is always the most real situation in every shot, without any artificiality.

It's been a long time since the video was updated, and the screen was full of bullet screens: I'm so sour (lemon) I envy the good men in Huaguo... and so on.

It can be counted that Su Jiankang's attitude towards Chen Ya's obedience and pampering, played a very good role in the video, making female fans howl in the barrage, wanting to marry a man like Uncle Su .

The last reason is that Su Jiankang and Chen Ya will never accept any advertisements!
There is no other reason, but the long string of words they hang on the official homepage: not short of money, so I will not accept any form of advertisement, thank you.

They have a large number of fans, and almost all of them were immediately fanned when they saw this signature.

In the current era of the Internet, where traffic is money, almost every anchor and blogger will add some advertisements to their live broadcasts and videos. This is another important source of income for these anchors and bloggers.

However, when most people are a little popular, they will accept the advertisement, regardless of the authenticity and reliability of the advertisement, and the mentality that they can make money, and other things have nothing to do with me, which makes countless netizens hate it.

So originally it was just that Chen Ya thought it was troublesome, and they were indeed not short of money, so the fact that they didn't accept advertisements brought them a large number of fans.

Of course, the main reason is of course their increasingly mature video shooting techniques and editing, which makes their video content higher and higher quality, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to attract so many fans.

When Chen Ya used their official account to announce that the outdoor live broadcast would start in the next week, and the live broadcast platform was waiting to be notified, the comments on their account almost exploded!

"Damn it! Sister Chen and Uncle Su are going to start a live broadcast!!!"

"Damn!! It's finally here, woohoo, I've finally waited for this day!"

"You can see the implementation status of Sister Su and Uncle Chen, my God, I am so happy to be alive!"

"I heard that you, Uncle Chen, have returned to China! Where are you? I'm going to snipe!!!"

"Hahaha, I want it too, please ask for the address!!!"

In just two hours, the announcement that Su Jiankang and Chen Ya were going to start an outdoor live broadcast was forwarded tens of thousands of times.

At this time, these fans still don't know the relationship between Su Yun, Su Jiankang, and Chen Ya.

(End of this chapter)

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