I'm a genius star

Chapter 458 Sing "Glorious Days" Again!

Chapter 458 Sing "Glorious Days" Again!
The audience surrounded the stage, and all eyes were on the person lying on the stage——Su Yun.

Seeing Su Yun's appearance, Chen Ya felt a heart-wrenching pain in her heart, but when she saw Su Yun's satisfied expression, she smiled softly.

Su Jiankang also smiled with relief.

Tu Su, who was hiding in the dark, stared fixedly at the stage, no matter what the sound was, she didn't move her eyes for a moment!
A black man who was in the crowd, wearing a peaked cap and a thick down jacket looked at the stage and couldn't help but smile wryly.

"This guy Su hasn't changed at all, but fortunately, it's finally coming to an end."

However, under everyone's gaze, when everyone thought it was about to end, a person walked back with a pair of headset microphones.

With everyone watching, he walked up to Su Yun and helped Su Yun put the microphone on.

Everyone was stunned.

"What is he going to do?"

"Why are you still wearing a microphone?"

"No. Do you still want to sing?"

"Ah? Still want to sing? No way? Dr. Su is so tired!"

They all started to panic, and there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

They all saw Su Yun's state, he couldn't even pick up the microphone, and his voice was already hoarse.

He should have rested a long time ago, but he persisted and sang for half an hour!
If he still sings now, it is likely to cause irreversible damage to his voice in the future!

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to a star and a singer!
"Doctor Su, stop singing!"

"Go down and rest, we are not in a hurry!"

"Yes, we still have a future. If you have a concert in the future, I will definitely fucking go."

"We will all go, so Dr. Su, go and rest!"

There were dissuading voices one after another, but Su Yun had put on the microphone again and just lay quietly on the ground.

As the person standing on the stage snapped his fingers, a bell rang all around, making everyone startled!
Dang~dang~dang~dang~ sounds surround the surroundings.

Guitars, drums, and instruments began to sound from all around.

Su Yun raised his head, closed his eyes, and listened to the familiar melody.

The light was a bit dazzling, the sweat-wet clothes stuck to his body, something was churning in his stomach, and when it rose to his throat, a soreness hit him, making him swallow it back abruptly!
All the surrounding lights were turned off, and all the light gathered in the center of the stage, illuminating him who was lying in the center of the stage.

He opened his mouth softly and sang.

"The bell rings the signal to go home."

"In his life."

"It seems a little sad."

The audience was stunned!

The bell, the signal to go home?

This means, is this really the last song?
This time, is it really over?
They, who had been looking forward to the end just now, suddenly felt a sinking heart.

Su Yun continued to sing.

"The meaning of black skin to him."

"It's a lifelong dedication."

"Color fights."

The black man in the audience was stunned!

His eyes gradually lost their focus, and the picture of memories could not help but emerge in front of his eyes.

"Hey, hello, what's your name? My name is Su Yun."

That was the first time he was approached when he first came to school.

"Hey, Simon, do you want to go out for a picnic?"

"Simon, don't fall behind!"

"Simon, do you want to make a movie with us? I have a good role here!"

"Simon, pay attention to safety, this scene will fly from here to there, you pay attention to use steel wires to assist, don't get hurt!"

Scenes of memories flashed before Simon's eyes.

Yes, he is back.

When he heard that Su Yun was going to hold a concert, he immediately bought a ticket online and hurried back.

When he came to this country, as a black man, he thought that he would be excluded a lot, that many people would hate his skin.

But he didn't.

He treated him like a normal person and introduced him to his friends.

During that time, I was as happy as in a dream, carefree all day long.

When parting, he also used this song to send him farewell, and finally it even spread to the place where he lived, and spread to every corner of Africa, which made him unforgettable all his life!
Su Yun is still singing.

"Years turn possession into loss."

"Tired eyes with hope."

"Today there are only remains of the shell."

"Welcome to the glorious years."

"Hold your freedom in the wind and rain."

Looking at Su Yun's body lying in the middle of the stage.

It's like a residual body, embracing freedom.

Su Yun sang loudly.

"A lifetime of hesitant struggles."

"Confidence can change the future."

"Ask who can do it."

People in the audience followed Su Yun one after another, singing in an extremely low voice.

"Today there are only remains of the shell."

"Welcome to the glorious years."

"Hold your freedom in the wind and rain."

This song "Glorious Years" was sung by Su Yun for the first time at their Peking University graduation party.

At that time, in order to bid farewell to his classmate 'Simon' who was about to return to China, he sang this song that shocked his world at the party.

Once this song was released, it quickly spread in various regions. What everyone didn't expect was that this Cantonese song spread abroad, and spread to every corner of Africa!
It only took more than half a year, and this song "Glorious Years" is almost known to everyone in Africa.

Walking on the street, as long as you ask if you know the song "Glory Days", the other party will definitely give you a thumbs up and spend half an hour with you excitedly.

At that time, Su Yun used this song to say goodbye to Simon who was about to return to China.

But now, he used this song to say goodbye to all the audience present.

In the beginning, Zhu Yongxin did not intend to arrange this song as the finale, but because this song is Su Yun's most famous song, and he has also won the biggest award in the Silver Melody Awards - Song of the Year Award!

So using this song as the finale is Zhu Yongxin's most secure arrangement.

However, for some reason, it was used as a farewell by Su Yun.

As the last melody fell, the scene suddenly became quiet, just like a car suddenly braking, and the whole space was extremely quiet.

Su Yun smiled contentedly and happily, but his laughter made everyone who heard it unable to laugh.

"Hehe. Haha"

"It's over." Su Yun said lightly.

The audience in the audience were hesitant to speak.

Su Yun said again: "It's over. What should I do?"

The audience in the audience still didn't speak.

Su Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and asked loudly again: "What should I do?!"

However, this time, without waiting for them to say anything, Su Yun said by himself: "What else can I do, come back next time?"

puff! ! !
Zhu Yongxin couldn't hold back and squirted out!

Three black lines also fell on Simon's forehead!
The audience was also amused!
Damn, it's all like this, and you can still make jokes!

However, it seemed that it was because of him that they liked him so much.

After a long time, all the audience seemed to have discussed it, and shouted together:
"See you next time, Dr. Su!!"

(End of this chapter)

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