I'm a genius star

Chapter 459 Climbing to the top, Heavenly King!

Chapter 459 Climbing to the top, Heavenly King! (Dazhang [-] plus + super cost-effective!)
1 month 16 day.

Su Yun's concert has ended for one day.

At this time, Su Yun was lying on the hospital bed, infused with glucose, surrounded by various instruments, and he was slightly open eyes, unable to move.

Yesterday's 'nonsense' not only exhausted all his energy, but also directly caused great damage to his voice.

When they came to the hospital, the doctors were all stunned. They had never seen a person who just sang, but could be 'injured' to this extent.

The vocal cord ligament has been completely destroyed, resulting in congestion of the throat, and the brain is under a considerable load because it is in a state of high concentration for a long time, coupled with severe dehydration, shock, etc.
It can be said that Su Yun was able to persist in coming to the hospital without fainting, and the doctor already thought it was a miracle.

Fortunately, Su Yun came just in time. Although it would be troublesome to repair the vocal cords, as long as they are well maintained during this period of time, there is still a possibility of a complete recovery.

Physical fatigue is nothing more than a minor problem in comparison.

After the concert yesterday, Su Yun was sent to the hospital immediately, so he didn't know anything about it.

Since he was carried out of the venue, until now, the outside world has actually caused an uproar.

The topic of "a singer who sang for three hours at a concert until she passed out" was hotly debated.

Of course, most people still affirm and appreciate Su Yun, especially those fans who went to the concert. After the live video of Su Yun was sent out, it was quickly spread and attracted a lot of attention for Su Yun. wave powder.

But there are also some people who think that this is just a new type of hype, playing on the spot, just to win the favor of the audience.

All in all, Su Yun was completely unaware of what happened after this.

And what he didn't know was his growing popularity.

Headquarters of the Official Entertainment Star Rating Agency.

The headquarters of the rating agency, which is usually solemn, imposing, and full of people coming and going, is now extremely empty. At first glance, there is no one inhabited, and it is quite lonely.

It has been almost a year since the official entertainment star rating agency officially announced its withdrawal from the entertainment industry.

But in fact, although entertainment rating agencies are no longer publishing official statistics of entertainment star data, it is not actually a real exit from the entertainment industry.

Now it's almost dead in name only.

Because when the upper-level document came down, it did not directly announce the removal of the entertainment rating agency, but incorporated it into other departments, and then canceled its function of publishing data.

However, although the above said that the publication function has been cancelled, it does not say that statistics cannot be counted.

Moreover, the official entertainment star rating agency has existed since the beginning of the entertainment industry. Although it is not long, it has a history of decades. If it is removed, it will be removed. Even Tu Xiongba has to weigh it The impact of doing so.

At this time, there were only a dozen or so scattered people in the entire building. Except for some necessary staff and leaders who were necessary to maintain the normal operation of the machine, almost all other staff were transferred away.

Cai Zheng, the head of the rating agencies.

He was lazily sitting on the sofa in the office with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. His usual vigor had long since disappeared, leaving only a vicissitudes of life and an abnormal blush.


After hiccupping, his eyes glowed, and he began to swallow again.

The whole office is filled with a smell of substance and a choking smell of tobacco, among which there is also a faint stench of instant noodles.

The three smells mixed together, causing a black air to emanate from the entire office, just getting close can make people suffocate!

Since a document from the superior was released last year, their department seemed to be in limbo, and no one cared about it.

All the staff have been transferred, and all advanced equipment has been 'borrowed' by other departments for various reasons, leaving only the most basic things.

It can be said that today's rating agencies really exist in name only.

I believe it won't be long before the entire entertainment industry gets used to it, that is when their rating agency disappears.

Cai Zheng has also maintained this state for a year. Although he is still the boss and top leader of this department, when this department disappears, he is destined to be transferred to other departments, which is the so-called transfer.

As for such a removed department, after he, the top leader, is transferred, he will definitely be demoted. normal.

After several years of hard work, he finally reached this position. He thought that he would be able to soar into the sky immediately and make a further step, but the world was unpredictable, and it took him a long time before he was thrown into hell again.

"Life is like this, how about complaining?" He said to himself with a wry smile and sarcasm.

Grumpy Grumpy! !
As he spoke, he picked up an unfinished bottle of beer on the table and drank it in big gulps. .

"Tsk~!! Cool! Hahaha, I've never tried to drink alcohol while at work. These days, I'm really comfortable!"

After taking a sip of the wine, his eyes widened suddenly, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Boom boom boom. .

Just as he was about to continue drinking, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

He sat up straight from the chair, put out the cigarette butt in his hand, hid the ashtray under the table, and hid the wine bottle before he said, "Come in."

The one who opened the door and came in was one of the few remaining employees wearing glasses. Cai Zheng remembered him as a young man in charge of statistics.

"What's the matter?" Cai Zheng asked, rubbing his temples.

The guy in charge of statistics smelled the air around him, and suddenly a disgusting smell passed to his sense of smell, which made his stomach twitch uncontrollably.

He resisted the urge to vomit, and said, "Uh, that, boss, this is today's data update form, please take a look at it."

Cai Zheng took the data sheet and said with a straight face: "Okay, I see, is there anything else?"

The clerk immediately shook his head and said, "Well, there's nothing else to do, so I'll go down first."

Cai Zheng nodded and began to pretend to look at the data.

The little clerk turned around and ran outside, almost at the fastest speed in his life.

Seeing him go out, Cai Zheng slumped back on the sofa lazily again, throwing the data sheet away without even bothering to look at it.

"Hehe...hahahaha, what is the use of this kind of crap now? Who is the statistics for? Even the most basic functions of this department have been deprived. Why do you let this department exist instead of shutting it down? Do you want others to see my jokes?!"

Boom! ! !

Cai Zheng slammed the glass on the table, and the sound of broken glass echoed throughout the room instantly.

Lying on the sofa, he just fell asleep like that.

After two hours, Cai Zheng's alcohol smell finally passed away.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he slowly got up from the sofa.

"What time is it? It's four o'clock, and there's still an hour before get off work."

Looking at the phone, Cai Zheng scratched his hair helplessly.

It has been more than a year, and he has continued to live like this for more than a year.

No matter what he was doing, even if he was smoking, drinking, or playing cards in the company, he happened to be caught by the inspectors above, and others pretended not to see it.

No one blames him, no one cares about him, and no one pays attention to him. Now he is just a leader in name only.

So he became more and more decadent, doing nothing every day, playing games, smoking, drinking, and getting paid every month, living a life like a fairy-although it made him very painful.


The stamina of alcohol came, and his brain suddenly throbbed.

He kept rubbing his temples, and suddenly saw a document lying on the ground.

"When was this delivered?"

Curiously, he picked it up from the ground and flipped through it page by page.

Before this daily entertainment data sheet, he would receive it every day, but never read it.Later, he thought it was too annoying to send a copy every day, but he didn't read it all the time and felt a little sorry for the statistics, so he simply asked the people below to send it once a month.

And today happens to be the 16th.

He flipped through the pages one by one, with a careless expression on his face, but at this moment, something suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth wide enough to swallow a stone the size of a palm. , Incredible written all over his face!

"What is this? He...he actually."

Looking at the document in his hand, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Before, the entertainment industry had a clear ranking.

Needless to say, the ones that people are most familiar with are the three people standing at the top of the pyramid in the entertainment industry. The male is called the king of heaven, while the female is called the queen of heaven.

The entertainment industry is divided into five levels: third-tier, second-tier, first-tier, super-first-tier, and queen of heaven.

There are only a handful of 517 people who can make it to this rating list, 350 people are in the third tier, 131 are in the second tier, 26 are in the first tier, and there are only seven places in the first tier. There are only three!

The third line is undoubtedly the area with the highest concentration of all stars, and also the most populated area.For all those who want to be on the top or want to be famous, getting to the third line is their first goal.

Although there are 131 people in the second line, in fact, the frequency of alternating rankings is very small. It is impossible for those who can reach the second line to say that they have no ability and shining points. Live for quite a while.

The top 26 players really seldom change. Only in some special cases, the ranking changes occasionally, and even if there is a change, it will definitely not be big, at most it is only a difference between one or two rankings. gap.

As for the top 7 people, even if they remain unchanged for many years, it is extremely normal.

Among these levels, there are frequent changes in rankings. Perhaps people at the super-first-tier level have very few changes in rankings, but there will be more or less changes every year.

But the three positions above the Chaoxian line are completely different from other rankings.

The reason why Tianwang and Tianhou are called Tianwang and Tianhou is because their status is unshakable, they are the three people at the top of the entertainment pyramid!
For those who ascend to the position of Heavenly King and Queen, there has never been a situation in which any Heavenly King or Queen has been surpassed since the emergence of entertainment rating agencies!
For decades, never!
Except for Tian Wang and Tian Hou who voluntarily announced their withdrawal from the entertainment circle and closed the rankings, the person who ascended to this position has never been replaced by anyone.

But today, it happened.

The person who replaced the three insurmountable persons appeared.

Cai Zheng stared blankly at the document, lost in thought for a long time.

Although this data can no longer be released, but during his lifetime, when this department existed, he really never thought that he would see this day.

"Hehehehahahaha, I didn't expect, I really didn't expect, in the end, I could still see such a result, I really didn't expect, hahahaha!"

His laughter echoed in the room, he threw away the documents in his hand, turned and left the room.

The paper kept flying in the air and gradually fell to the ground.

On one of the forms, the data of the top three people in the entertainment industry were impressively recorded!

The first person is Dong Qing!
Although the popularity of the Heavenly King and Queen has never been announced externally, the internal tables have always recorded it.

Dong Qing's popularity has always been at the top of the list from beginning to end.

The second person is the setting sun.

The third person should have belonged to Chen Tianhao, but because he wanted to hide Dong Qing last time, he was plotted against by the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked Li Yu, and finally chased him to Li Yu's home, killed him, and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

So his position was replaced by Gu Yizhou, who was originally the number one super-first-line player.

It has only been less than half a year since Gu Yizhou became the Heavenly King. As far as his popularity is concerned, there is still a long way to go before the next super line can surpass him.

However, today, the name on the third position is not him.

Queen of Heaven Data Sheet:
The third king of heaven: Su Yun
Listing date: January 2026, 1.

Su Yun's popularity is on the top of the detective, but it is not known to everyone, but among these people, there is not one person, and that is Tu Xiongba!
Knowing a little bit about the ranking of stars in the entertainment industry is just a matter of saying hello to the people below.

Although he, a bad old man who has lived for decades, is really not interested in these actors at all.

However, the only reason why he is still paying attention all the time is because of Su Yun.

With him, Su Yun has two identities that he has to care about.

One is: Su Yun is an important person in their secret laboratory, and there is nothing developed that can scare people to death. Except for the Flying Eagle project at that time, there are several other secret projects that can be included in the list. Futuristic technology equipment.

Although he has not yet joined the army, there is no doubt that his current status is no longer an ordinary person, and his life safety has even reached the same status as Tu Xiongba!

Tu Xiongba even thought that Su Yun's personal safety was more important than him.It's nothing because he died, but something happened to Su Yun, it would definitely be a huge loss for the country!
So they need to protect Su Yun's safety all the time.

In the past, Su Yun's popularity was not too high, and he could still be controlled. However, as his popularity increased, people would surround him when he went out in the future. If he wanted to isolate outsiders and ensure his safety, it would become even more difficult. Difficult.

The second is: Su Yun is his granddaughter's sweetheart, or the kind who loves desperately.

In terms of emotion and reason, it is very normal for Tu Xiongba to care so much about Su Yun.

Looking at the report in front of him, Tu Xiongba couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Unexpectedly, this kid really did it, hehehe. After that, I'm afraid it will become more and more troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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