I'm a genius star

Chapter 462 Am I Male 1?

Chapter 462 Am I the number one male? (third change)

Funds are of course Su Yun's most indispensable thing at present.

The last time he stayed in his hometown for more than a month, he made a huge sum of money, not to mention a movie, and now he has no problem buying a movie company.

Zhu Yongxin was taken aback by his words, and immediately asked: "Did you go to learn how to shoot TV dramas?"

As soon as he asked the question, he suddenly thought of something, "Could it be that you have been in the past six months?"

Su Yun nodded, and said truthfully: "That's right, I asked Director Ji to introduce a director to me. He is not bad. Although he is tall and thick, he still has the ability to be a director. He ran away with their crew. Half a year has been quite rewarding."

Zhu Yongxin asked again: "Then where did your funds come from? When you bought this villa, didn't you borrow [-] million yuan from your uncle?"

Su Yun scratched his head. He really didn't know how to tell Zhu Yongxin about making more than 100 billion yuan in stocks.

After all, this matter is a completely different concept from the last time he made more than one billion in stocks.

Hundreds of millions, this number is not just a number, but a huge amount of money.

Domestically, the balance of the economy is actually very strictly controlled. Some people in the country will pay attention to the direction of every fund and the flow of large amounts of funds all the time.

Especially for this kind of funds that have raised tens of billions, it is impossible for the country not to know the movement of the money. That is to say, at this time, the people above must have been staring at Su Yun.

After all, someone like him, starting from nothing, can make trouble in the stock market in a month, and take away more than 100 billion in funds.If he started with the 100 billion funds and invested in the stock market, what would be the result?
Stock market turbulence is not bad, but if it is serious, it may even lead to an economic crisis!
It sounds far-fetched and absurd for one person to cause an economic crisis. However, Su Yun knows that he has such ability, and those people also think so.

There is no doubt that Su Yun is a huge hidden threat.

So, even though he has Tu Xiongba's protection, he definitely doesn't need to worry about safety issues, but when it comes to the above matters, the interests of the country are involved, and there are some things that even Tu Xiongba has to give in.

For example, prohibiting Su Yun from entering the domestic stock market in any form.

The reason why Su Yun was aware of this kind of thing was because after he made so much money in stocks this time, and obviously attracted the attention of many big bosses, but his deeds this time were not made public, even There is no small-scale discussion.

Whether on the Internet or in the media, nothing was mentioned about what Su Yun did that day.

To be able to do such a thing, the only possibility is that the people above made a move.

Therefore, in this regard, Su Yun decided not to discuss with Zhu Yongxin and the others, otherwise it would only cause unnecessary trouble.

Su Yun smiled and said: "Well, I have nothing to do recently, and I have speculated in stocks again. I have paid off the money from my uncle two days ago, and there is still a little left. The funds for filming TV dramas are enough. gone."

Zhu Yongxin said, with an expression as expected: "I guess you are going to speculate in stocks. After all, the only way to get money so fast is to speculate in stocks."

After thinking for a while, Zhu Yongxin had no choice but to say helplessly: "Okay, although I don't know where your kid is smoking again, and suddenly want to make a TV series, but since you want to do it, you must do your best. Tell me, I need to do it What?"

Su Yun snapped his fingers, and immediately went back to his room, and walked out after a while, with another document in his hand.

"Look at this first."

"Huh? What is this?"

Zhu Yongxin took the file curiously, and flipped through it.

"Oh? This is...the script?"

After speaking, Zhu Yongxin began to look at it seriously.

One page, two pages. As a result, he was completely attracted by the plot inside. It took him two hours to realize that it had been so long.

After closing the script, Su Yun didn't know where he went.

Zhu Yongxin stared blankly at the script in his hand, extremely puzzled.

This script was really written by Su Yun?It is obviously the first time to write, but can you write a script of this level?

Originally, he had Su Yun's script of "A Chinese Journey to the West" last time, but he had always been skeptical about Su Yun's ability to write the script.

After all, when they first read such a script, the impact it caused them was too great, and such a nonsensical and weird script, probably only Su Yun could write it.

So when he saw the script this time, his heart suddenly became tense, afraid that it would be the same as last time, the whole spider fell in love with Monkey King, Zhu Bajie gave birth to Tang Sanzang and so on.

However, after he really read the script, he found that the script was unexpectedly good! ?

"Legend of Sword and Fairy III? Why three?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhu Yongxin put down the script and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Hey, what's wrong with me, why did I suddenly try to understand that kid's thoughts? , Two, one, I'd better inform the others first."

Just when Zhu Yongxin was about to go upstairs and inform others about the meeting, he glanced at the last page of the script out of the corner of his eyes, as if he had written something.

He picked up the script again and turned directly to the last page. Then his eyes suddenly opened and he froze in place.

The above is an extremely simple cast list. Most of the characters Su Yun haven't found suitable candidates, so they didn't include them, but there are two characters in it that are clearly written.

Sedum: Yongan as a buddy
Played by: Zhu Yongxin
Xu Changqing: The Great Disciple of the Shushan School

Played by: Su Yun

Zhu Yongxin was stunned for a long time before closing the script slowly.

I play male one?

While Zhu Yongxin was reading the script, Su Yun sneaked out alone.

At this time, Su Yun was wearing a black coat, a big jazz hat, a black mask and black sunglasses on his face, completely covering himself.

Su Yun is [-]% sure that with his current appearance, even if his own mother is here, he will definitely not be able to recognize him!

The reason why he didn't drive the studio car was because his license plate number had already been memorized by those reporters!And those reporters, I don't know how they did it, a group of people with noses as smart as dogs, whenever Su Yun just drives out, he will be met by chance, and then they will be surrounded by three circles inside and three circles outside.

So this time, Su Yun gave up driving and took a taxi to go out after walking.

His main goal now is to find the right actors!

Su Yun had already decided on the role of the male number one Jing Tian for the squad leader, while he played the role of the male number two Xu Changqing, and he needed to find the rest of the roles by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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