I'm a genius star

Chapter 463 Long Time No See

Chapter 463 Long time no see (Fifth update!)
Su Yun, those young meats in the entertainment circle, are not good at all now, let's not talk about acting skills, during the half a year that Su Yun went to study with Director Chen, those young meats are almost more delicate than each other, walking two steps I just cry tired, and I cry hungry after not eating for two hours.

And for some reason, Su Yun found out that the remuneration of those old actors who are very good at acting is often not very high, while the remuneration of those little fresh meat is many times theirs!
Su Yun didn't want to recruit this kind of fresh meat into the crew, so after much deliberation, it would be more at ease for the lead actor to find someone by himself.

The first person to look for must be the number one female candidate, and this candidate has already been decided in Su Yun's heart.

The taxi stopped under a building, Su Yun looked up, and saw four big lanterns hanging above the words: Dynasty Entertainment!

Walking in the building, Su Yun couldn't help but recall the time in college.

Good times are always short. At that time, Su Yun never thought that time would pass so quickly, and he never thought that after they graduated, everyone would go their separate ways.

The playmates who used to be together in the past seem to have become a habit after not seeing each other for several years.

He thought of the first New Year's Day they spent together, they went to many places in the capital, the Old Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, sang ktv, played mahjong.

After that, the people he knew increased one by one, and Cai Yu and Simon gradually integrated into their group.

For him, it was a well-deserved period of youthful years. At that time, Zhu Yongxin and Xu Yu had a crush on each other, which was almost a well-known fact.

Su Yun had also expected that after graduation, Zhu Yongxin and Xu Yu would work together and invite him to be the best man when they got married.

However, the world is impermanent, and no one can predict the future.

After Zhu Yongxin and Xu Yu graduated, something seemed to happen and they were not really together.What happened afterwards, Su Yun didn't ask, and Zhu Yongxin didn't say anything, the two have always maintained such a tacit understanding.

But although Su Yun didn't ask, he was still very concerned about this matter in his heart.

He secretly asked other people, and finally learned that Xu Yu went to an economic company called Dynasty Entertainment after graduation, and it seems that Xu Yu is doing well in the entertainment industry now.

It seems to be a second-tier artist before the artist rating chart is closed.

On the other hand, Zhu Yongxin, after so many years, is still just an unknown artist. Perhaps he is not even considered an artist now.

Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He didn't know what happened between Zhu Yongxin and Xu Yu, and he never cared about it.And Su Yun came here today, apparently to find out what happened to these two people back then?
What is the reason that made these two people become strangers in the end and go their separate ways.

Walking to the front desk of Dynasty Entertainment Building, Su Yun asked: "Hi there, I want to find Xu Yu from your company, can you help me get in touch?"

"Uh, sir, do you have an appointment?" The receptionist at the front desk looked at Su Yun and asked vigilantly. The other receptionist looked like he was going to call the security guard.

Su Yun was stunned, and instantly understood what he had done. He took off his mask and hat, looked around, made sure that no one was looking at him, took off his sunglasses, and said in a low voice with embarrassment: "Um, I'm sorry, Forgot about this thing."

When the two receptionists at the front desk saw that Su Yun took off his hat and mask for no reason, they stared and almost screamed!
Fortunately, Su Yun reacted quickly enough, instantly gagged the mouths of the two of them, looked left and right in a panic, and found that no one was looking at them, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"That... can you keep your voice down? If someone finds out, I might not be able to leave."

The eyes of the two reception girls shone brightly, and they nodded vigorously.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and put on his sunglasses and mask again.The two girls were scrambling to grab his hand and said excitedly:

"Dr. Su, it's really you, it's really you! Me! I'm your die-hard fan, can you sign me?!"

"Dr. Su, I am your big fan too, me! Me! I want to take a photo with you!"

Su Yun was helpless, it was the first time he understood why those big-name artists had to wear masks and sunglasses on every occasion.

There's no other way to fuck this!The receptionist of any company is a fan, the probability is simply too great, isn't it? !

Su Yun signed for the two of them, and also attached a group photo. The two reception girls jumped up excitedly, and obediently contacted Xu Yu upstairs for Su Yun.

Originally, according to the rules, if there is no appointment, outsiders of the company need to make an appointment with the artist's agent or the artist themselves if they want to meet their artist, and then they can get a visit permit.

But who is Su Yun?

He's a big hit now!A concert made the two little girls so excited, they turned from fans to die-hard fans in an instant!

Generally, appointments are required because they are afraid that some irrelevant people or some bad guys will target the artistes of the company, so they will adopt this way of appointment to meet.

But Su Yun is obviously not a bad person, so it doesn't matter if he makes an exception.

Moreover, if their boss knew that Su Yun came to visit their company in person, and the gate was blocked without even going in, then both of them would probably be fired.

After all, whether it is in the industry or on the Internet, there are rumors that Su Yun has reached a super-first-line level.

Super first-line entertainers are one of only seven in the country, and they are truly the top of the entertainment industry.

As long as they are people in the industry, when they meet super-first-line artists, they will definitely show their favor, and no matter how bad they are, they will not have any conflicts with them, because they have reached the level of super-first-line artists, and they already have certain social influence.

There are almost only benefits to having a good relationship with the other party, and there is no harm at all.

With the girl at the front desk pointing the way, Su Yun quickly found Xu Yu's office.

dong dong dong~
"Come in."

Su Yun pushed open the door, the whole room was extremely simple, what caught the eye was a pair of tables and chairs, and a very familiar girl sitting in front of it.

"What's the matter?"

The other party didn't look up, but lowered his head, dealing with a pile of documents on the table.

Su Yun closed the door, took off the hat, sunglasses and mask on his head, walked slowly to a chair and sat down.

After seeing Su Yun for a long time, he didn't speak. The other party frowned, raised his head, and really wanted to say something, but the moment he saw Su Yun, he was stunned for a moment, and the words on his lips were forced Hold back.

"Su Yun?"

Su Yun smiled faintly, and said casually: "Long time no see, Miss Xu, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have become beautiful again."

Xu Yu didn't care about Su Yun's teasing, just smiled, stood up from the chair, walked towards Su Yun, and said casually: "Isn't this our top-tier artist Su Yun? Your presence , what are you doing?"

The two looked at each other for a long time, smiled slightly at the same time, stretched out their hands, and gave a big hug.

The two separated, Su Yun said with a smile: "Long time no see."

Xu Yu looked at Su Yun's face and replied, "Really, long time no see."

 I don’t know if you have the experience of re-meeting old classmates who have a particularly good relationship with you after many years. If you have, you should be deeply touched after reading this chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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