Chapter 464
Xu Yu, Su Yun, Zhu Yongxin, Li Qiqi, and Xu Tingting are a small group that gathered together at the very beginning of the university.

And the person who brought them together was none other than the squad leader—Zhu Yongxin.

At the beginning, Su Yun didn't think about it so much, thinking that Zhu Yongxin was just doing his duty as monitor, so he deliberately arranged them together to improve the relationship between them.

But looking back now, that kid obviously did this because of Xu Yu!

Although at that time, Zhu Yongxin was the squad leader, there were many ways to create opportunities to spend time alone with Xu Yu, but at that time, Zhu Yongxin was timid.

He was, he was a young man who had just begun to fall in love. After falling in love with Xu Yu, he didn't dare to chase after him, and he didn't even dare to confess. Being alone would make him feel like a deer bumping around in his heart.

That's why he figured out a way to bring in Li Qiqi and Xu Tingting, who had a good relationship with Xu Yu at the time, and it seemed too embarrassing for him to be the only man among the three women, so he spotted Su who was alone at the time. cloud!

Looking back suddenly, Su Yun couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

If he hadn't looked back now and thought about that time, Su Yun would never have known that Zhu Yongxin had planned to win him over at that time!

Looking at Xu Yu in front of him, Su Yun smiled slightly and said, "You have changed."

While pouring tea for Su Yun, Xu Yu said, "People will definitely change. If I have changed, why not you?"

Su Yun nodded in agreement, "That's right, people change, you become more beautiful, and I become more handsome."

"Pfft!!" Xu Yu burst into laughter when he heard the words.

"You, when did you become so poor? You were not like this before." Xu Yu served Su Yun and himself a cup of tea each, and sat down on one side of the sofa.

Upon hearing this, Su Yun asked with great interest, "Oh? What was I like before?"

Xu Yu thought for a while, and replied: "Well, in the impression of everyone in our class, you used to be the image of a male god who is relatively cold, not very talkative, and can do everything. But he just likes to pretend , so everyone is secretly saying, you belong to that kind of boring boy."

"Puff!" Hearing this, Su Yun spit out the tea before he swallowed it, and said with a resentful face, "Who is it! He's chattering away!"

"Pfft hahaha~"

The two started chatting from their student days, and while chatting, they recalled how beautiful it was at that time, without the pressure of work, without the troubles of being an adult now, just as a student, living an ordinary, happy, carefree life worry about life.

Before they knew it, their teacups were already empty. Su Yun finally let out a long sigh, put down the teacup, and asked, "How have you been these past few years? What's going on with you and him?"

Xu Yu was taken aback by Su Yun's words. He slowly put down the teacup in his hand, looked up and looked forward, but he didn't speak for a long time.

Su Yun just waited quietly without urging.

I don't know how long it took before Xu Yu finally spoke and said softly: "After graduation that year, Zhu Yongxin and I went to the same economic company for an interview. I was very nervous at first, but he comforted me and said, It's okay, don't be too nervous, no matter what No matter what happens, I will always be with you."

Xu Yu smiled lightly, as if thinking of these words made her feel extremely happy.

Su Yun listened silently, without interrupting her.

She stared blankly at the front and continued: "Because we both came from Peking University, although it is a little-known art department, it is also Peking University, so we both received a text message that we passed the interview very quickly. Excited, thought it was fate. But that's where it started."

It seemed to be brewing or thinking about it. After a long time, Xu Yu continued: "The second day after we received the text message of passing the interview, we went to the company excitedly. However, on the first day of work, I and The first twists and turns he faced, or the choice appeared."

"He and I used to think too simple and pure. On the first day we entered the company, our manager discovered the relationship between the two of us. At that time, we didn't know that the original, the same company Artists are not allowed to fall in love, not even to communicate too intimately with ordinary men!"

Su Yun nodded, he knew this.

This point is almost an unwritten rule of most brokerage companies in the industry now.If you want to be a star or an entertainer, you are destined not to fall in love with ordinary people, because that will greatly affect their popularity.

After all, no one would want their dream idol to fall in love with other men and women, right?

Of course, this is only for those artists who are not very famous.

Xu Yu glanced at Su Yun, and continued: "The manager found us immediately and asked about our relationship. Although he and I were shy at the time, he still stood in front of me and told our manager, Said we were a couple."

Xu Yu shook his head and said with a smile: "Sometimes he is mature and stable, and sometimes he is just a fool who doesn't know how to adapt. After the manager learned about it, he told us that artists are not allowed to fall in love within the company. , so if we want to stay there, there are only two options."

"First, we broke up. Second, he and I can only stay one."

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, and gradually fell silent.

Indeed, this choice is undoubtedly a very difficult choice for two young couples who have just been born in society. On the one hand, it is work, and on the other hand, it is each other.

But based on Su Yun's understanding of Zhu Yongxin, he would definitely pull Xu Yu over without hesitation, turn around and leave.

Seeing Su Yun's expression, Xu Yu kept smiling and said, "You must have guessed it, that's right, in the end, both of us chose to leave. Of course, it was almost because he unilaterally dragged me away. , without even looking back."

She breathed a long sigh of relief, and said casually: "It's almost like this after that. The two of us worked hard to find a job and apply for it, but there is no doubt that all brokerage companies are the same, and internal personnel are not allowed to have excessive contact with the opposite sex. An intimate relationship, let alone a romantic relationship."

"The days of looking for a job like this lasted for about two months. I didn't think it was an option to continue like this, so I began to persuade him, saying that it doesn't matter if the two of you are not together. I will not change my mind and will always I like him. It was also on that day that the first confession between the two of us was made by me."

 Don't ask me why yesterday's third update was followed by the fifth update, I don't know either! !The fourth one disappeared!I do not know anything!
(End of this chapter)

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