I'm a genius star

Chapter 481 The Return

Chapter 481 The Return
The last important role, also a character that runs through the main plot - Huaying, was played by Xu Tingting.

Originally, Su Yun planned to choose this role through auditions, but the day before Su Yun was about to start auditions, Xu Yu called Xu Tingting with the idea of ​​trying.

The two cared about each other very well, and they chatted happily at the beginning. When Xu Yu tentatively asked if she would like to come and film a TV series with them, who knew that Xu Tingting agreed immediately.

And the next day, Xu Tingting actually booked a ticket and rushed back by plane.

For Xu Tingting, she is now the CEO of a foreign listed company. She sits in the office every day without doing anything, and earns several million a year in salary.

Filming and TV dramas are basically optional things for her, but as soon as she received a call from Xu Yu, she rushed over immediately.

What can Su Yun do?

The old classmate is here, so it's impossible for him to really give up this role to someone else, right?

In this way, all the crew members of "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" gathered together. In a season when the temperature is gradually warming up, "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" officially started filming!
half year later.

2025, October.

The summer is scorching, and the temperature in Beijing finally reached an unprecedented high temperature of 40 degrees on this day in September!
On the street, all kinds of passers-by frowned and kept tugging on their collars, trying to let the outside wind blow in and make them feel a little cooler.

In the air, the hot and dry temperature makes it seem like it is burning, and even the air that is breathed in becomes extremely hot, making people want to escape from this world immediately.

"Oh, my God, how can it be so hot this year, my whole body is almost melting!"

"Khan, it seems to be 40 degrees in the capital today, which is too abnormal."

"Hey, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and buy water and go back to the dormitory."

"It's five o'clock. Go back and play two games. At nine o'clock in the evening, "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" will premiere. I'm looking forward to it."

"Oh, Chinese Paladin III is premiering today. It looks pretty good after watching the promotional video. Why don't you guys watch it together tonight?"

"Okay, I'm fine tonight anyway."

"Success, add me too."

Su Yun Studio.

The villa is empty, no, there is only one person left. The villa looks extraordinarily quiet and desolate. The mother of the cow is wearing an apron and started cleaning today with a mop.

It has been half a year since Su Yun and the others left the villa, and of course his son followed him.In the past six months, although no one lived in this villa except her, she still insisted on cleaning and cleaning every day.

At this moment, the door that had been closed for a long time was suddenly opened, and then a group of people poured in.

"Cow mom, we're back!"

"Ouch, I'm exhausted."

"I'm dying, You Cong quickly bring me a bottle of Coke."

"Why don't you go by yourself, I'm tired too, okay?!"

The cow mother who was mopping the floor turned around in surprise, and walked towards the familiar faces, but at this time their clothes, pants, and shoes were all ragged, like beggars.

"Hey, you guys are back? Hey, Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you, why do you look so skinny!"


"Tsk tsk, I can tell, I'm quite tired, I'm already skinny. Hey, what's wrong with Xiao Wang, why are the shoes all torn?"

"Khan, Niu Ma, don't you know that we run in the deep mountains and old forests every day, can this shoe not be broken?!"

"Deep mountains and old forests? Why did you go to those places?"

"Oh, don't mention it, it's necessary for work."

As soon as a group of people came back, Mother Niu put down her work and asked one by one, bringing them tea and water.

"Okay, okay, don't sit still, the water upstairs has been heated for you, and the change of clothes is also prepared for you, you all go up to take a shower, I will cook for you, and go up to eat after taking a shower Bar."

"Hahaha! I can finally have a normal meal, I'm going to take a shower first!"

"My lord, I'll slip away first."

"Damn, what about people? You guys don't run so fast, wait for me!"

After traveling for half a year, the task this time was more difficult than they had imagined.

First of all, there is a lot of content in Xianjian III. Just after the final filming, editing and post-production, there are nearly 40 episodes, and there is also the production of promotional videos, opening songs, ending songs and publicity, etc. They are so busy with all kinds of work that they don't have any time to rest.

More importantly, the filming location of Paladin III, because there are many plots of Shushan in the script, so for this reason, they also went to the top ten famous mountains in Huaguo-Shushan to shoot the scene.

Although Shushan is one of the top ten famous mountains in China, it is very suitable for traveling and sightseeing, and no matter where it is, if you take a photo, it will be a proper wallpaper.

But the key point is the geographical location of Mount Shu, where there are mountain roads and forests everywhere, and dangerous creatures such as snakes and insects are encountered from time to time. For the entire crew, it was really a dangerous and difficult trip.

So Su Yun decided to save the plot of Shushan for the last filming. Fortunately, there were no accidents during the filming. Regarding the plot of Shushan, they probably only took less than a month to complete the filming, but it was this month that caused It made them look like they are in a mess now.

Compared to them, Su Yun was not much better. His clothes had been torn several times, and his shoes looked like they had been worn for decades and hadn't been washed.

After the filming was completed, Su Yun not only had to personally participate in the editing of the video, but even the special effects, he followed up the whole process.

Then there are the opening song, ending song, etc., which Su Yun personally participated in making, so after that, Su Yun didn't have time to buy new clothes, pants, or shoes at all.

The entire crew also had to complete the promotion and other work. In the end, Su Yun also contacted Sujiang Satellite TV. It has been decided to premiere on Sujiang Satellite TV nationwide on September 9, which has brought a greater burden to the people in the studio. and stress.

Therefore, until today, they have just returned to the studio from the outside, and there is no one-minute break at all.

Seeing that they all went upstairs to take a shower, Mama Niu quickly went to sit next to Su Yun and said with a smile, "Hehe, Mr. Su has worked hard."

Su Yun shook his head and said, "Mother Niu is the one. It must be very hard for one person to clean up such a big villa. Do you need to find another person to be your companion?"

Niu Ma refused with a smile when she heard the words: "I don't work hard. I live in such a big villa every day, just sweep the floor and so on. It's easy to live!"

Mama Niu kept looking at Su Yun from the corner of her eye, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally asked: "Well, Mr. Su, Mr. Niu... Did he cause you any trouble? If there is anything he doesn't do well enough, you But you must be tolerant and tolerant to him, if you can't, you tell me, I promise to educate him until he is obedient!"

(End of this chapter)

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